Overall Rating
★ 7.4
Season | Average Rating | Episodes | Best Episode | Worst Episode | Rating Range |
4 | ★ 8.3 | 10 |
★ 8.7
Forgive Me This My Virtue
★ 7.3
With Mirth in Funeral and With Dirge in Marriage
2 | ★ 8.1 | 7 |
★ 8.8
Doubt Truth to Be a Liar
★ 7.8
Welcome Is Fashion and Ceremony
3 | ★ 8.1 | 10 |
★ 8.5
To Show My Duty in Your Coronation
★ 7.7
The Counterfeit Presentment of Two Brothers
1 | ★ 8.0 | 10 |
★ 8.7
Our Wills and Fates Do So Contrary Run
★ 7.3
Stand and Unfold Yourself