Santa Claus Is My Sweetheart
When Yuudai tries to look at whatever Hitoha's reading, assuming it's a porn book, Hitoha, who was actually reading a Gachi Ranger guidebook, mistakes him for a Gachi Ranger fan, which somehow leads to him de-pantsing Yabe in front of her. Yabe tries to hold a talkshow corner with Mitsuba, but she's only interested in eating. On Christmas Eve, Soujirou, who usually plays the role of Santa for Futaba's sake, gets sick, so he has Hitoha take the role. When Futaba spots her that night, Hitoha has trouble escaping after pulling her hat over her eyes. On New Year's Day, Futaba fights with Mitsuba over a new pair of panties she got, and they end up blowing off into the wind. She ends up chasing them all the way to the shrine where they fall into the donation box. Later, Futaba wants a hot tub, so Mitsuba helps her take a tin drum home to use, only to find it lacking a base. Later, the school pool gets frozen over, and Mitsuba challenges Shinya and Yuudai to a game of ice bowling using Futaba as a ball. When Shinya has to kick Futaba, his striker skills send her flying.