Super Dragon Ball Heroes poster
★ 6.7
Super Dragon Ball Heroes poster

Overall Rating

★ 6.7
S3 E8
★ 8.4

Fierce Battle in the Space of Time! Vegito vs. Super Fu

Towa restrained Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, and Xeno Pan in her artificial space using Cumber's dark ki, and proceeds to reveal Fu's nature as her creation using data from previous Dragon Ball fighters and villains. She explains that her plan is to make Fu as the new Demon King using Mechikabura's ki she stored in a dark energy orb upon his death. Xeno Goku manages to break free and attacks Towa, only to be blocked by Mira. Towa teleports Xeno Gohan and Xeno Goten into the space, both unconscious as their ki has been drained before, then teleports Mira and herself out as the space breaks, pulling all inside into something like a black hole. Meanwhile, Vegito in Super Saiyan Blue is fighting Fu in the front of Universe Tree and seemingly getting the upper hand.

S3 E7
★ 8.3

Rampaging Terror! The Return of Evil Aura!

Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, Xeno Pan, Majin Salsa and Putine arrive on the Universe Tree, which is still absorbing energy from the multiverse. Vegeta attempts to destroy the Tree with a large ki blast, but it absorbs the energy instead. Fu then appears and confronts the group, informing them that he plans to create a new universe using the Tree. Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan are suddenly teleported away by Fu's female companion, who is revealed to be Towa; she tells Fu that she is doing something for him, and then teleports away along with Majin Salsa and Putine. Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and attacks Fu, but Fu reveals that he now has access to Cumber's energy and channels Cumber's aura through his own body, using its effects to corrupt Vegeta's ki and drive him berserk. Goku tries to intervene, but Fu corrupts his ki as well.

S3 E6
★ 8.0

Dragon Fist Explosion! Super Full Power Saiyan 4: Limit Break!

Xeno Trunks identifies the new arrivals, Majin Salsa and Putine, as demons and old enemies of the Time Patrol. However, the demons offer to help the heroes in their efforts to destroy Fu's Universe Tree, warning that the Tree is continuing its work of consuming countless planets across the multiverse. Janemba attacks them all again before the two groups can come to an agreement, and the battle resumes, with Xeno Trunks powering up to Super Saiyan God. Majin Salsa suggests that Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta use a mysterious technique that they have employed in the past, so the other Saiyans all power up and channel their energy into the pair while the two demons hold off Janemba. By absorbing the others' energy, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta break through their limits and achieve a higher level of strength, known as Full-Power Super Saiyan 4. They attack Janemba together, succeed in overpowering him, and are finally able to destroy him using their ultimate technique, the Double Dragon Fist.

S2 E7
★ 7.7

Super Hearts Joins the Fight! An All-Out Earth-Shaking Battle!

After powering up, Hearts attacks Goku and their battle intensifies, with Hearts holding the advantage until Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue, after which they appear to be evenly matched. However, they both acknowledge that neither of them is fighting all-out yet. Goku is able to gain the upper hand and overpowers Hearts with a Kamehameha. Meanwhile, Trunks and Vegeta continue their battle with Zamasu, while 17 and Piccolo are able to catch Kamioren off guard, with 17 holding off their attacks while Piccolo charges up a Special Beam Cannon that wounds them. However, Kamioren regenerates and powers up wildly, enraged by the possibility that they could lose. Hearts gets back up and powers up again, using his control of gravity against Goku; Goku is able to withstand his attacks, so Hearts powers up even further.

S2 E12
★ 7.6

Super Decisive Battle! Gogeta vs. Hearts!

Gogeta powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and launches an attack on Hearts. As the fight gets more intense Hearts powers up to his maximum as well, but Gogeta takes no damage and quickly gains the upper hand. Hearts then uses his powers to pull a gigantic meteor into the Earth's atmosphere, infusing it with his own energy before launching it at Gogeta. Gogeta powers up and prepares to stop the meteor.

S2 E13
★ 7.6

Ultimate Conclusion! The Universal Conflict Ends!

Gogeta launches an energy blast at the meteor, slowing it down and temporarily holding it in place. Hearts uses his full strength and overpowers Gogeta's blast, propelling the meteor forwards again, so Gogeta powers up even more, charges up a Kamehameha and fires it at the meteor instead. Trunks is worried that the Earth will be destroyed, but Piccolo refuses to give up. Hit and Jiren join Gogeta and add their own blasts to the Kamehameha, increasing its power and ultimately shattering the meteor. Trunks, Piccolo and 17 shield the Earth from the meteor's fragments, while Gogeta and Hearts engage in a final clash. Gogeta overpowers Hearts and delivers a finishing blow that shatters the Universe Seed embedded in Hearts's chest, causing his body to disintegrate. As he dies, Hearts explains that he was merely trying to free all mortals by defeating the Omni-Kings, as their power to destroy entire universes on a whim prevents mortals from ever being truly free.

S1 E6
★ 7.5

I'll Settle This!! Into Operation! Ultra Instinct!

After an endless fierce battle, Ultra Instinct finally goes into operation. Amidst the crumbling Prison Planet, a final battle begins with everything on the line!

S2 E3
★ 7.5

Goku Revived!! Strongest vs. Strongest Collide!

Vegeta and Trunks arrive in Universe 11, and discover that Hearts and his gang are already there attacking. Oren catches the Saiyans off-guard and possesses Vegeta's body, gaining his immense power for himself. Trunks attacks Oren, but he is easily defeated. Meanwhile, Jiren is fighting Cumber: they appear to be evenly matched, so Cumber transforms into a Super Saiyan, but Jiren is still holding his own until Hearts appears and calls off the fight. Oren takes over fighting Jiren, while Hearts sends Cumber to attack Universe 3 instead. Kamin and Zamasu join the battle against Jiren; Trunks tries to help by attacking Zamasu, but Oren swiftly defeats him again. Just as Oren is about to finish off Trunks, Goku arrives with the Grand Minister. The Grand Minister departs, and Goku demonstrates that he now has some control over Ultra Instinct.

S3 E1
★ 7.5

The Gods of Destruction Invade! The Beginning of a New Battle!

In the Time Nest, headquarters of the Time Patrol, the Supreme Kai of Time informs Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan that her mystical bird Toki-Toki has disappeared. She sends the two of them to find him, while also being worried about a supposed "Bird of Catastrophe" that has been released. Meanwhile, Toki-Toki has appeared on Earth in the main timeline, where Goku finds him while training with Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, and Android 17. Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan arrive and are happy to see that Toki-Toki is safe, with Xeno Pan explaining that his existence is very important for the inner workings of the multiverse. Suddenly, the group is interrupted by the arrival of all twelve Gods of Destruction.

S1 E1
★ 7.4

Goku vs. Goku! A Super Battle Begins on Prison Planet!

Goku and Vegeta's training with Whis and Beerus is interrupted by the arrival of Future Mai, who tells them that Future Trunks has been captured. A mysterious figure emerges, introducing himself as Fu; he tells Goku, Vegeta and Mai that Future Trunks is trapped on a world called the "Prison Planet", a planet where warriors from alternate timelines and dimensions fight as part of an experiment conducted by Fu. The trio arrive on the planet and meet an alternate version of Goku called "Xeno Goku", who transforms into Super Saiyan 4 and attacks Goku, who reacts by transforming into Super Saiyan Blue. During the fight, Goku discovers that there is an invisible barrier around the Prison Planet that prevents them from escaping. Then Fu disappears, and the two Goku agree to work with each other to escape the planet. In the end, Fu observes the Prison Planet and tells a seemingly evil Saiyan that his time will come.

S2 E6
★ 6.7

Super Warriors Gather! Universe 7's Decisive Battle!

Hearts, Zamasu, Oren and Kamin arrive in Universe 7 to destroy it, but are confronted by Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Android 17 and Piccolo. Oren and Kamin head for Vegeta, but are intercepted by 17 and Piccolo, while Vegeta and Trunks take on Zamasu. Goku repeatedly attempts to attack Hearts, but keeps getting pulled down by Hearts' gravity manipulation before he can get near him. Meanwhile, in Universe 3, Cooler, who is now a "Meta Cooler" cyborg, has defeated Rags and is fighting Cumber. After having some difficulty with Cumber's Super Saiyan form, Cooler transforms into his Golden form and overpowers Cumber; he begins charging up three Supernova attacks to end the battle, but his systems begin to overheat. Cooler launches the blasts, knocking Cumber out, but his overheating circuits are damaged and he is forced to retreat before he can finish Cumber off. Back in Universe 7, Oren and Kamin fuse into Kamioren and Hearts powers up as Goku stands up, ready to keep fighting.

S2 E4
★ 6.9

Counterattack! Fierce Attack! Goku and Vegeta!

After freeing Vegeta's body from Oren's control, Goku confronts Hearts. Oren and Kamin attack Goku again, but he easily overpowers them both. Realizing that they can't beat Goku separately, the two fuse into "Kamioren" to take him on. Meanwhile, Jiren throws a massive energy blast at Zamasu, but Zamasu survives unscathed thanks to his immortality. As Goku is winning against Kamioren, Hearts uses his powers to launch a crystal from the Universe Seed at Goku. Unable to hold its shape under the pressure of Goku's and the Universe Seed's power, the crystal shatters and reveals a being called "Rags", the final member of Hearts's gang. Goku loses Ultra Instinct and reverts to his base form, exhausted by the effort of blocking the crystal. Rags then uses the broken pieces of the crytal to injure him, slicing him repeatedly and knocking him out. With Goku unconscious and unable to continue the fight, Vegeta powers up to his evolved form of Super Saiyan Blue and gets ready to fight Kamioren.

S1 E4
★ 7.0

Rage! Super Fu Appears!

Cumber unleashes his fearsome form and runs wild. His power is too much for the Prison Planet to handle, and the chains start to snap one by one. Seeing this throws Fu into a rage, and he unleashes his hidden power.

S1 E5
★ 7.2

The Mightiest Warrior! Super Saiyan 4 Vegetto!!

As Goku and company are in a jam, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta come to their aid, having noticed the change in the Prison Planet. To counter Cumber's bottomless power, the two use the Potara to fuse! It's the explosive birth of the mightiest warrior!

S2 E8
★ 7.2

The Menacing Universe Seed! Kamioren's Rampage!!

After powering up, Hearts uses his crystals to further enhance his strength and defeats Goku with a single blow. Meanwhile, Piccolo and 17 are able to injure Kamioren again; Kamioren appears to be off-balance, so Hearts decides to assist them as the Universe Seed is finally ready. He shrinks the Universe Seed to a small size using his crystals and implants it into Kamioren, causing them to undergo a monstrous transformation that increases their power even further. In this state, Kamioren easily defeats Piccolo and 17, so Vegeta and Trunks go to assist them. All four fighters attack Kamioren together, but are unsuccessful. Kamioren is about to finish off Vegeta, but Goku goes to help him and is able to reach Ultra Instinct again, allowing him to withstand Kamioren's attacks.

S2 E9
★ 7.2

Send Kamioren Flying! Overwhelming! Ultra Instinct!

Goku begins fighting Kamioren, and the two seem to be fairly evenly matched in terms of power, until Goku reaches the mastered level of Ultra Instinct and easily deflects Kamioren's attacks. He overwhelms Kamioren with help from the others, damaging them with a Kamehameha and a barrage of energy blasts before shattering their core with a final punch, causing their body to disintegrate. Goku loses his Ultra Instinct again, while Hearts expresses sorrow over the deaths of Kamin and Oren, before retrieving the now fully-charged Universe Seed from Kamioren's remains. Hearts begins absorbing the power of the Universe Seed, surrounding himself in a huge cloud of crystal cubes. Meanwhile, Zamasu looks on in satisfaction, but also seems to have his own agenda.

S2 E11
★ 7.2

The Ultimate Godslayer! Hearts is Born!

Hearts launches a simultaneous attack on all of the Z-Fighters, who struggle to fight back. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and attacks him, but Hearts easily knocks him away and then uses a massive gravity attack to take down all of the fighters at once. As the others recover, Jiren and Hit go after Hearts again, while Goku suggests that he and Vegeta use the Fusion Dance to make themselves strong enough to take on Hearts' new power. Trunks, Piccolo and 17 rejoin the battle to buy time, while Goku and Vegeta perform the dance successfully and fuse into Gogeta. The other fighters stand down for the time being, as Gogeta prepares to battle Hearts.

S1 E2
★ 7.3

Goku Goes Berserk! The Evil Saiyan's Rampage!

Goku and company are helpless against the evil Saiyan who is shrouded in an overwhelming large, sinister ki! Goku is enveloped by the evil Saiyan’s ki and runs wild, but an unexpected savior comes to the rescue!

S1 E3
★ 7.3

The Mightiest Radiance! Vegito Blue Kaio-ken Explodes!

The evil Saiyan Cumber has now revealed his true form, and in order to face off against him, Goku and Vegeta fuse via the Potara! They become the mightiest warrior, Vegito Blue, and even let loose with the Kaio-Ken!! Cumber counters by unleashing an amazing form.

S2 E1
★ 7.3

Zamasu Revived?! The Curtain Rises On The Universal Conflict Arc!

The rest of the group from the Prison Planet have made it safely back to Beerus's planet, where they regroup with Whis. Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta return to their own universe, wishing the others good luck. Suddenly, the Supreme Kai of Universe 6 appears

S1 E1
★ 7.4

Goku vs. Goku! A Super Battle Begins on Prison Planet!

Goku and Vegeta's training with Whis and Beerus is interrupted by the arrival of Future Mai, who tells them that Future Trunks has been captured. A mysterious figure emerges, introducing himself as Fu; he tells Goku, Vegeta and Mai that Future Trunks is trapped on a world called the "Prison Planet", a planet where warriors from alternate timelines and dimensions fight as part of an experiment conducted by Fu. The trio arrive on the planet and meet an alternate version of Goku called "Xeno Goku", who transforms into Super Saiyan 4 and attacks Goku, who reacts by transforming into Super Saiyan Blue. During the fight, Goku discovers that there is an invisible barrier around the Prison Planet that prevents them from escaping. Then Fu disappears, and the two Goku agree to work with each other to escape the planet. In the end, Fu observes the Prison Planet and tells a seemingly evil Saiyan that his time will come.

S1 E2
★ 7.3

Goku Goes Berserk! The Evil Saiyan's Rampage!

Goku and company are helpless against the evil Saiyan who is shrouded in an overwhelming large, sinister ki! Goku is enveloped by the evil Saiyan’s ki and runs wild, but an unexpected savior comes to the rescue!

S1 E3
★ 7.3

The Mightiest Radiance! Vegito Blue Kaio-ken Explodes!

The evil Saiyan Cumber has now revealed his true form, and in order to face off against him, Goku and Vegeta fuse via the Potara! They become the mightiest warrior, Vegito Blue, and even let loose with the Kaio-Ken!! Cumber counters by unleashing an amazing form.

S1 E4
★ 7.0

Rage! Super Fu Appears!

Cumber unleashes his fearsome form and runs wild. His power is too much for the Prison Planet to handle, and the chains start to snap one by one. Seeing this throws Fu into a rage, and he unleashes his hidden power.

S1 E5
★ 7.2

The Mightiest Warrior! Super Saiyan 4 Vegetto!!

As Goku and company are in a jam, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta come to their aid, having noticed the change in the Prison Planet. To counter Cumber's bottomless power, the two use the Potara to fuse! It's the explosive birth of the mightiest warrior!

S1 E6
★ 7.5

I'll Settle This!! Into Operation! Ultra Instinct!

After an endless fierce battle, Ultra Instinct finally goes into operation. Amidst the crumbling Prison Planet, a final battle begins with everything on the line!

S2 E1
★ 7.3

Zamasu Revived?! The Curtain Rises On The Universal Conflict Arc!

The rest of the group from the Prison Planet have made it safely back to Beerus's planet, where they regroup with Whis. Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta return to their own universe, wishing the others good luck. Suddenly, the Supreme Kai of Universe 6 appears

S2 E2
★ 7.4

The Ultimate Worst Warriors Invade! Universe 6 Demolished!

Oren and Kamin suddenly convert their bodies into energy and possess Kale and Caulifla, using their bodies to attack the others. Vegeta, Trunks and Hit develop a plan; Trunks and Hit fight and immobilize Oren and Kamin, with the siblings forced to abandon their host bodies when Vegeta fires a Final Flash at them. Before the battle can continue, Hearts appears with a strange crystal and immobilizes all of them with his psychic powers.

S2 E3
★ 7.5

Goku Revived!! Strongest vs. Strongest Collide!

Vegeta and Trunks arrive in Universe 11, and discover that Hearts and his gang are already there attacking. Oren catches the Saiyans off-guard and possesses Vegeta's body, gaining his immense power for himself. Trunks attacks Oren, but he is easily defeated. Meanwhile, Jiren is fighting Cumber: they appear to be evenly matched, so Cumber transforms into a Super Saiyan, but Jiren is still holding his own until Hearts appears and calls off the fight. Oren takes over fighting Jiren, while Hearts sends Cumber to attack Universe 3 instead. Kamin and Zamasu join the battle against Jiren; Trunks tries to help by attacking Zamasu, but Oren swiftly defeats him again. Just as Oren is about to finish off Trunks, Goku arrives with the Grand Minister. The Grand Minister departs, and Goku demonstrates that he now has some control over Ultra Instinct.

S2 E4
★ 6.9

Counterattack! Fierce Attack! Goku and Vegeta!

After freeing Vegeta's body from Oren's control, Goku confronts Hearts. Oren and Kamin attack Goku again, but he easily overpowers them both. Realizing that they can't beat Goku separately, the two fuse into "Kamioren" to take him on. Meanwhile, Jiren throws a massive energy blast at Zamasu, but Zamasu survives unscathed thanks to his immortality. As Goku is winning against Kamioren, Hearts uses his powers to launch a crystal from the Universe Seed at Goku. Unable to hold its shape under the pressure of Goku's and the Universe Seed's power, the crystal shatters and reveals a being called "Rags", the final member of Hearts's gang. Goku loses Ultra Instinct and reverts to his base form, exhausted by the effort of blocking the crystal. Rags then uses the broken pieces of the crytal to injure him, slicing him repeatedly and knocking him out. With Goku unconscious and unable to continue the fight, Vegeta powers up to his evolved form of Super Saiyan Blue and gets ready to fight Kamioren.

S2 E5
★ 7.4

Fierce Fight! Universe 11's Climactic Battle!

Vegeta begins fighting Kamioren, and seems to have the advantage. Rags attempts to finish off Goku, but Trunks intervenes and takes her on instead. Vegeta begins winning against Kamioren, and defeats them with a Final Flash that forces Kamin and Oren to separate. Meanwhile, Jiren continues to overpower Zamasu and injures him, but Zamasu's injuries quickly heal. Rags attacks Trunks with her crystals, but Goku knocks him out of the way and takes the attack himself. Hearts steps in and sends Rags to join Cumber in Universe 3, before confronting Goku himself. He reads Goku's mind and discerns that he hasn't perfected Ultra Instinct yet, but decides to try and draw out Goku's full power so that he can defeat him at his strongest. Goku, Trunks and Vegeta all attack Hearts, but he uses his psychic powers to immobilize them. Goku begins fighting to resist Hearts's powers, but Universe 7's Kaioshin suddenly appears and rescues the three Saiyans.

S2 E6
★ 6.7

Super Warriors Gather! Universe 7's Decisive Battle!

Hearts, Zamasu, Oren and Kamin arrive in Universe 7 to destroy it, but are confronted by Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Android 17 and Piccolo. Oren and Kamin head for Vegeta, but are intercepted by 17 and Piccolo, while Vegeta and Trunks take on Zamasu. Goku repeatedly attempts to attack Hearts, but keeps getting pulled down by Hearts' gravity manipulation before he can get near him. Meanwhile, in Universe 3, Cooler, who is now a "Meta Cooler" cyborg, has defeated Rags and is fighting Cumber. After having some difficulty with Cumber's Super Saiyan form, Cooler transforms into his Golden form and overpowers Cumber; he begins charging up three Supernova attacks to end the battle, but his systems begin to overheat. Cooler launches the blasts, knocking Cumber out, but his overheating circuits are damaged and he is forced to retreat before he can finish Cumber off. Back in Universe 7, Oren and Kamin fuse into Kamioren and Hearts powers up as Goku stands up, ready to keep fighting.

S2 E7
★ 7.7

Super Hearts Joins the Fight! An All-Out Earth-Shaking Battle!

After powering up, Hearts attacks Goku and their battle intensifies, with Hearts holding the advantage until Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue, after which they appear to be evenly matched. However, they both acknowledge that neither of them is fighting all-out yet. Goku is able to gain the upper hand and overpowers Hearts with a Kamehameha. Meanwhile, Trunks and Vegeta continue their battle with Zamasu, while 17 and Piccolo are able to catch Kamioren off guard, with 17 holding off their attacks while Piccolo charges up a Special Beam Cannon that wounds them. However, Kamioren regenerates and powers up wildly, enraged by the possibility that they could lose. Hearts gets back up and powers up again, using his control of gravity against Goku; Goku is able to withstand his attacks, so Hearts powers up even further.

S2 E8
★ 7.2

The Menacing Universe Seed! Kamioren's Rampage!!

After powering up, Hearts uses his crystals to further enhance his strength and defeats Goku with a single blow. Meanwhile, Piccolo and 17 are able to injure Kamioren again; Kamioren appears to be off-balance, so Hearts decides to assist them as the Universe Seed is finally ready. He shrinks the Universe Seed to a small size using his crystals and implants it into Kamioren, causing them to undergo a monstrous transformation that increases their power even further. In this state, Kamioren easily defeats Piccolo and 17, so Vegeta and Trunks go to assist them. All four fighters attack Kamioren together, but are unsuccessful. Kamioren is about to finish off Vegeta, but Goku goes to help him and is able to reach Ultra Instinct again, allowing him to withstand Kamioren's attacks.

S2 E9
★ 7.2

Send Kamioren Flying! Overwhelming! Ultra Instinct!

Goku begins fighting Kamioren, and the two seem to be fairly evenly matched in terms of power, until Goku reaches the mastered level of Ultra Instinct and easily deflects Kamioren's attacks. He overwhelms Kamioren with help from the others, damaging them with a Kamehameha and a barrage of energy blasts before shattering their core with a final punch, causing their body to disintegrate. Goku loses his Ultra Instinct again, while Hearts expresses sorrow over the deaths of Kamin and Oren, before retrieving the now fully-charged Universe Seed from Kamioren's remains. Hearts begins absorbing the power of the Universe Seed, surrounding himself in a huge cloud of crystal cubes. Meanwhile, Zamasu looks on in satisfaction, but also seems to have his own agenda.

S2 E10
★ 7.4

Zamasu vs. Universe 7! Ambition's End!

Vegeta and the others try to attack Hearts while he is absorbing the Universe Seed, but Zamasu stands in their way as he reveals that he is only aiding Hearts so he can resume his scheme without the Zenos' interference. Zamasu overpowers Goku after quickly incapacitating the others before Jiren and Hit arrive to join the fight, having been sent by their universes' Supreme Kais to deal with Hearts and his allies. Goku, Jiren and Hit are about to attack Zamasu again when Hearts suddenly emerges from his crystal construct, having assimilated the Universe Seed and its power into his body. Hearts uses his new power to easily immobilize Zamasu, then obliterates him after revealing that his goal is to destroy all the gods. The Grand Minister is disturbed from sensing Zamasu's death, as Hearts proclaims himself to be "the Godslayer."

S2 E11
★ 7.2

The Ultimate Godslayer! Hearts is Born!

Hearts launches a simultaneous attack on all of the Z-Fighters, who struggle to fight back. Goku powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and attacks him, but Hearts easily knocks him away and then uses a massive gravity attack to take down all of the fighters at once. As the others recover, Jiren and Hit go after Hearts again, while Goku suggests that he and Vegeta use the Fusion Dance to make themselves strong enough to take on Hearts' new power. Trunks, Piccolo and 17 rejoin the battle to buy time, while Goku and Vegeta perform the dance successfully and fuse into Gogeta. The other fighters stand down for the time being, as Gogeta prepares to battle Hearts.

S2 E12
★ 7.6

Super Decisive Battle! Gogeta vs. Hearts!

Gogeta powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and launches an attack on Hearts. As the fight gets more intense Hearts powers up to his maximum as well, but Gogeta takes no damage and quickly gains the upper hand. Hearts then uses his powers to pull a gigantic meteor into the Earth's atmosphere, infusing it with his own energy before launching it at Gogeta. Gogeta powers up and prepares to stop the meteor.

S2 E13
★ 7.6

Ultimate Conclusion! The Universal Conflict Ends!

Gogeta launches an energy blast at the meteor, slowing it down and temporarily holding it in place. Hearts uses his full strength and overpowers Gogeta's blast, propelling the meteor forwards again, so Gogeta powers up even more, charges up a Kamehameha and fires it at the meteor instead. Trunks is worried that the Earth will be destroyed, but Piccolo refuses to give up. Hit and Jiren join Gogeta and add their own blasts to the Kamehameha, increasing its power and ultimately shattering the meteor. Trunks, Piccolo and 17 shield the Earth from the meteor's fragments, while Gogeta and Hearts engage in a final clash. Gogeta overpowers Hearts and delivers a finishing blow that shatters the Universe Seed embedded in Hearts's chest, causing his body to disintegrate. As he dies, Hearts explains that he was merely trying to free all mortals by defeating the Omni-Kings, as their power to destroy entire universes on a whim prevents mortals from ever being truly free.

S3 E1
★ 7.5

The Gods of Destruction Invade! The Beginning of a New Battle!

In the Time Nest, headquarters of the Time Patrol, the Supreme Kai of Time informs Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan that her mystical bird Toki-Toki has disappeared. She sends the two of them to find him, while also being worried about a supposed "Bird of Catastrophe" that has been released. Meanwhile, Toki-Toki has appeared on Earth in the main timeline, where Goku finds him while training with Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo, Krillin, and Android 17. Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan arrive and are happy to see that Toki-Toki is safe, with Xeno Pan explaining that his existence is very important for the inner workings of the multiverse. Suddenly, the group is interrupted by the arrival of all twelve Gods of Destruction.

S3 E2
★ 7.3

Fu's Plan! The Threat of the Dreadful Universal Tree!

Goku, Vegeta and Xeno Trunks are fighting against Beerus, while the others and the other Gods of Destruction watch. Beerus has the upper hand, until their battle is interrupted by the arrival of Xeno Goku and Vegeta, who warn them that they need to stop the fight. Suddenly, a mass of giant tree roots appears in the sky around the Earth and begins draining the planet's energy. The other gods all rush back to their own universes to protect them, leaving Beerus, the Earth's heroes, and the Time Patrollers behind. They are then confronted by Fu, who is accompanied by Doki-Doki. Fu confirms that this is the "Bird of Catastrophe" that Beerus was worried about and that the tree roots are part of the Universe Tree, which grew from the Universe Seed that Hearts was developing. Fu escapes through a portal. Beerus rises into the sky and powers up, shielding the Earth by allowing the Tree to feed on his energy instead; however, he warns the others that he will not be able to keep this up for long.

S3 E3
★ 7.4

Rematch with Formidable Foes! Turles and Bojack!

Fu, accompanied by an unknown female companion, meets with a group of villains - Meta Cooler, Turles, Bojack, Super Android 17, and a mysterious humanoid scientist known as Dr. W - on the Universe Tree, where he reveals that he rescued all the villains from the moments before their deaths at the hands of the Z-Fighters and convinces them to help him in exchange for places in the new universe that he is creating. Meanwhile, Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan are searching for Fu, when they are attacked by Turles and Bojack. The two villains reveal that Fu has been able to increase their power immensely, as they are now strong enough to fight on par with Goku and Vegeta's Super Saiyan Blue forms and have auras similar to Cumber's. As the battle rages, Xeno Trunks spots Fu observing the fight: Goku and Vegeta try to engage him instead, but Turles and Bojack block their way. Elsewhere, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta arrive in Hell, and are confronted by the mysterious Dr. W.

S3 E4
★ 7.4

Creeping Shadow! The Mysterious Man Dr. W!

Dr. W begins what he calls an "analysis" of Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta by attacking them with strange, teleporting energy blasts. They both power up to Super Saiyan 3 and engage him in combat, but he is able to hold them both off with his strange attacks and high-speed reflexes. After having difficulty overpowering him, they power up to Super Saiyan 4 and land a powerful combined blast on him; however, Dr. W deliberately takes their attacks head-on, and emerges from the smoke with a glowing golden aura identical to theirs. Having completed his analysis, he then opens a portal and escapes. Meanwhile, Fu is observing the battle between Goku, Vegeta, Turles and Bojack. He releases Doki-Doki, who generates waves of dark energy that immobilize Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan. Toki-Toki tries to defuse the dark energy, but Fu traps him and throws him through a portal, before recalling Doki-Doki and escaping through one himself.

S3 E5
★ 7.4

Big Decisive Battle in Hell! New Janemba!

In Hell, Xeno Goku & Xeno Vegeta, even both as super saiyan 4, struggle against the reborn Janemba, who is aware of all of their abilities and tactics, which enable him to easily overwhelm both saiyans. Just when Janemba is about to finish them off, Xeno Trunks, Xeno Pan, Goku & Vegeta arrive in Hell through a wormhole, joining in on the fight. Xeno Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan 3, while Goku & Vegeta both power up to Super Saiyan Blue. Super Saiyan Blue Goku And Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku then team up and begin to overpower Janemba with their simultaneous attacks. But not long after, Putine & Majin Salsa arrive in Hell and knock back Janemba, enraging Dr. W by interfering in the fight.

S3 E6
★ 8.0

Dragon Fist Explosion! Super Full Power Saiyan 4: Limit Break!

Xeno Trunks identifies the new arrivals, Majin Salsa and Putine, as demons and old enemies of the Time Patrol. However, the demons offer to help the heroes in their efforts to destroy Fu's Universe Tree, warning that the Tree is continuing its work of consuming countless planets across the multiverse. Janemba attacks them all again before the two groups can come to an agreement, and the battle resumes, with Xeno Trunks powering up to Super Saiyan God. Majin Salsa suggests that Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta use a mysterious technique that they have employed in the past, so the other Saiyans all power up and channel their energy into the pair while the two demons hold off Janemba. By absorbing the others' energy, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta break through their limits and achieve a higher level of strength, known as Full-Power Super Saiyan 4. They attack Janemba together, succeed in overpowering him, and are finally able to destroy him using their ultimate technique, the Double Dragon Fist.

S3 E7
★ 8.3

Rampaging Terror! The Return of Evil Aura!

Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, Xeno Pan, Majin Salsa and Putine arrive on the Universe Tree, which is still absorbing energy from the multiverse. Vegeta attempts to destroy the Tree with a large ki blast, but it absorbs the energy instead. Fu then appears and confronts the group, informing them that he plans to create a new universe using the Tree. Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan are suddenly teleported away by Fu's female companion, who is revealed to be Towa; she tells Fu that she is doing something for him, and then teleports away along with Majin Salsa and Putine. Vegeta powers up to Super Saiyan Blue and attacks Fu, but Fu reveals that he now has access to Cumber's energy and channels Cumber's aura through his own body, using its effects to corrupt Vegeta's ki and drive him berserk. Goku tries to intervene, but Fu corrupts his ki as well.

S3 E8
★ 8.4

Fierce Battle in the Space of Time! Vegito vs. Super Fu

Towa restrained Xeno Goku, Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, and Xeno Pan in her artificial space using Cumber's dark ki, and proceeds to reveal Fu's nature as her creation using data from previous Dragon Ball fighters and villains. She explains that her plan is to make Fu as the new Demon King using Mechikabura's ki she stored in a dark energy orb upon his death. Xeno Goku manages to break free and attacks Towa, only to be blocked by Mira. Towa teleports Xeno Gohan and Xeno Goten into the space, both unconscious as their ki has been drained before, then teleports Mira and herself out as the space breaks, pulling all inside into something like a black hole. Meanwhile, Vegito in Super Saiyan Blue is fighting Fu in the front of Universe Tree and seemingly getting the upper hand.

Season Average Rating Episodes Best Episode Worst Episode Rating Range
3 ★ 7.7 8
★ 8.4 Fierce Battle in the Space of Time! Vegito vs. Super Fu
★ 7.3 Fu's Plan! The Threat of the Dreadful Universal Tree!
2 ★ 7.3 13
★ 7.7 Super Hearts Joins the Fight! An All-Out Earth-Shaking Battle!
★ 6.7 Super Warriors Gather! Universe 7's Decisive Battle!
1 ★ 7.3 6
★ 7.5 I'll Settle This!! Into Operation! Ultra Instinct!
★ 7.0 Rage! Super Fu Appears!