Discover the best and most memorable episodes of Marvel's Spider-Man, from fan favorites to critically acclaimed moments. Explore detailed ratings, episode summaries, and visualize how the show's quality evolved over time.
An insecure but courageous and intelligent teen named Peter Parker, a new student of Midtown High, is bitten by a radioactive spider and given powers. He becomes a hero named Spider-Man after the death of his uncle and he must adapt to this new way of life.
An insecure but courageous and intelligent teen named Peter Parker, a new student of Midtown High, is bitten by a radioactive spider and given powers. He becomes a hero named Spider-Man after the death of his uncle and he must adapt to this new way of life.
Spider-Man discovers Norman Osborn is responsible for the Venom Symbiote's escape; Norman, aka the Dark Goblin, brings the Generations team to battle against Spider-Man.
Symbiotes from space send an advanced hunting party to Earth to take out all of the superheroes; Spider-Man must team up with Marc Spector and Max Modell to save the planet.
When Spider-Man and his allies attempt to track down the missing and dangerous Lizard, they discover that Venom has returned to seek revenge on the earth.
When Cloak and Dagger emerge to take revenge against Tiberius Stone and his company, Alchemax, Superior Spider-Man must take them down to protect the school.
Spider-Man must fight his way through the Super-Villain Holding Facility to challenge the Living Brain, the robot body that houses the mind of Doctor Octopus.
On Halloween night, Spider-Man must team up with the incredible Hulk to stop Man-Wolf, a super-strong gamma-powered werewolf, from infecting the rest of Manhattan.
Peter is accepted into Horizon High: a school for geniuses, where his best friend Harry Osborn was just suspended. Peter makes his debut as Spider-Man and must battle the Vulture.
Peter is accepted into Horizon High: a school for geniuses, where his best friend Harry Osborn was just suspended. Peter makes his debut as Spider-Man and must battle the Vulture.
When Spider-Man uses his new black costume, he discovers that there is great danger in his new power; and he must find a way to defeat a costume that wants to destroy him.
After the terror of the symbiote, Spidey is off to the Stark Expo in his old costume. When Ghost hijacks the event, Spidey's only chance to save lives is to unleash the symbiote.
On Halloween night, Spider-Man must team up with the incredible Hulk to stop Man-Wolf, a super-strong gamma-powered werewolf, from infecting the rest of Manhattan.
The symbiote has escaped the Avengers Compound and attached itself to a new host. Now Spidey must find out how to beat it and who the new person is underneath.
When Otto Octavius is caught in an explosion that fuses his robot arms to his body, Spider-Man sees the opportunity to recruit "The Octopus" into becoming a hero.
Everyone in Manhattan manifests spider powers; Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen must help Black Widow track down Crossbones before he delivers the vibranium to Arnim Zola and Hydra.
Peter must find a way to cure Gwen Stacy and Norman Osborn after they turn into spider monsters; things get harder when Kraven the Hunter turns New York into his hunting grounds.
Peter and Harry must battle through an island of spider monsters to get to Norman Osborn, who appears to control them all; the boys discover the real mastermind.
To cure the spider-monster population of Manhattan, Spider-Man must lead Kid Arachnid, Anya and Harry on a desperate, last-ditch effort to stop the Jackal.
Spider-Man is excited to start his second year as a superhero and as a student at Horizon High, but discovers that Doc Ock also claims to want a second chance.
Spider-Man discovers there is a new Doctor Octopus taking up the mantle from Otto Octavius and finds himself drawn into this new mystery, missing the danger right under his nose.
Spider-Man has to infiltrate the viral superstars known as the Wake Riders in order to figure out what the end game is with their stolen Vulture tech. But things take a dangerous turn as Adrian Toomes is tempted back to the dark side.
Spider-Man teams up with Ms. Marvel to investigate an elite boarding school after its students start displaying out-of-control, super-powered behaviors.
Spider-Man is two steps behind as Venom kidnaps key figures in Peter Parker's life; demanding a face-off against Peter, Venom holds them hostage at Horizon High.
Spider-Man faces off against his most bizarre bad guy yet, Jack O'Lantern; he turns Prowler, a reluctant villain, to the side of heroes when he helps him save his brother.
Spider-Man and Miles Morales discover Doc Ock, whose mind has been hiding inside the metal body of the Living Brain, has been behind the mysterious bounty for Spider-Man’s head.
Spider-Man must fight his way through the Super-Villain Holding Facility to challenge the Living Brain, the robot body that houses the mind of Doctor Octopus.
When Cloak and Dagger emerge to take revenge against Tiberius Stone and his company, Alchemax, Superior Spider-Man must take them down to protect the school.
Spider-Man takes his mission to The Cellar, where he believes The Regent is using his powers of Cloak & Dagger as well as other supervillains to hold the Avengers captive.
Spider-Man has to take down the slick new villain, Slyde, who is stealing various chemicals from around the city in an effort to create a deadly virus that could wipe out New York.
As Spider-Man and Harry Osborn seek the Goblin King to determine who is behind the Goblin Mask, Spider-Man becomes concerned Harry is leading him into trap.
Peter Parker struggles with the duality of his social life at school and hiding his secret identity from everyone, including his best friend Harry Osborn
When Toddler Groot lands on Earth to deliver an urgent warning, Spider-Man must decode the message and keep him out of the evil clutches of both A.I.M. and Baron Mordo.
Symbiotes from space send an advanced hunting party to Earth to take out all of the superheroes; Spider-Man must team up with Marc Spector and Max Modell to save the planet.
Spider-Man discovers Norman Osborn is responsible for the Venom Symbiote's escape; Norman, aka the Dark Goblin, brings the Generations team to battle against Spider-Man.
When Spider-Man and his allies attempt to track down the missing and dangerous Lizard, they discover that Venom has returned to seek revenge on the earth.