Overall Rating
★ 6.1
Season | Average Rating | Episodes | Best Episode | Worst Episode | Rating Range |
8 | ★ 6.8 | 8 |
★ 8.5
Rescue Knights: Pups Save a Dozing Dragon
★ 5.8
Pups Save the Hummy Gummies
3 | ★ 6.7 | 26 |
★ 7.8
Pups Save the Gliding Turbots
★ 6.0
Pups Save Daring Danny X
2 | ★ 6.6 | 23 |
★ 7.8
Pups Save a Mer-Pup
★ 5.9
Pups and the Big Freeze
9 | ★ 6.5 | 6 |
★ 9.2
Pups Save a Flamingo Dancer
★ 5.3
Pups Save a T-Rex Tyke
4 | ★ 6.5 | 16 |
★ 7.7
Mission PAW: Quest for the Crown
★ 5.4
Pups Save a Good Mayor
1 | ★ 6.5 | 25 |
★ 7.6
Pups Save the Bay
★ 6.0
Pups Save a Super Pup
7 | ★ 6.4 | 4 |
★ 7.4
Pups Save a Bah Humdinger
★ 4.2
Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Pupmobiles
6 | ★ 6.1 | 4 |
★ 7.6
Mighty Pups, Super Paws: Pups Meet the Mighty Twins
★ 5.2
Mighty Pups, Super Paws: When Super Kitties Attack
5 | ★ 5.7 | 10 |
★ 6.9
Ultimate Rescue: Pups Save the Movie Monster!
★ 3.8
Pups Save Thanksgiving
10 | ★ 5.3 | 4 |
★ 6.3
Pups Save a Drive-In
★ 4.4
Pups Save the Wacky Water Skiers