Real Time with Bill Maher poster
★ 7.3
Real Time with Bill Maher poster

Overall Rating

★ 7.3
S3 E16
★ 7.7

September 09, 2005

Guests: Walter Maestri, Joe Scarborough, comedian George Carlin, Cynthia Tucker, conservative editorialist James K. Glassman, writer Kurt Vonnegut Topics: Michael D. Brown, US political system, on race, on the Administration

S8 E1
★ 7.6

February 19, 2010

Guests: Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel Elizabeth Warren, comedienne Wanda Sykes, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane , former Governor Eliot Spitzer, and Norah O'Donnell Topics: Lack of action by government, bipartisanship, the filibuster, Obama's handling of terrorism, torture, controversy over Family Guy's Down's Syndrome episode, race and criticism of Obama, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Kevin Smith's airplane incident, obesity, Bill's tweet criticizing media coverage of Haiti

S8 E20
★ 7.6

October 08, 2010

Guests: Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin, conservative commentator S. E. Cupp, comedian P. J. O'Rourke, journalist Joshua Green Topics: Gene Cranick, zero-sum economic theory, Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Christine O'Donnell, Rich Iott, climate change, religion

S9 E2
★ 7.6

January 21, 2011

Guests: Journalist Michael Hastings, politician/businessman David Stockman, political commentator Rachel Maddow, economist Stephen Moore, entrepreneur Russell Simmons Topics: Keith Olbermann, Tunisian protests, health care, Ronald Reagan's legacy, gun control, Tucson shooting

S10 E7
★ 7.6

March 02, 2012

Guests: Former Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), former Vice Chairman of General Motors Bob Lutz, Democratic strategist James Carville, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, journalist John Heilemann. Topics: Rush Limbaugh's 'slut' comments, campaign finance and Super PACs, Rick Santorum self destructing, 'Blunt' healthcare amendment, the highjacking of the Republican establishment, the auto bailout, climate change, the space program, the importance of scientific advancement, the liberal bubble and the 'joke candidate'.

S10 E8
★ 7.6

March 09, 2012

Guests: Israeli ambassador Michael Oren, Ex SEIU head Andrew Stern, author Catherine Crier, Ex, RNC chair Michael Steele, "Mad Men" star Jon Hamm. Topics: Iran's nuclear program, Israel's conservative government, Super Tuesday results, a third political party in America, the price of freedom of speech, contraception and abortion, prejudice and voting against economic interest, home schooling.

S17 E20
★ 7.6

Episode 500

Guests: Allan Lichtman, Dr. Debra Soh, Thom Hartmann, Liz Mair, Dan Savage.

S2 E18
★ 7.5

October 01, 2004

Guests: Comedian George Carlin, correspondent Katty Kay, economist Stephen Moore, The Dixie Chicks, talk show host Tucker Carlson Topics: Presidential election debates, religion

S4 E20
★ 7.5

October 20, 2006

Guests: Gov. Bill Richardson, Rep. Barney Frank, actor Jason Alexander, Stephen Moore of The Wall Street Journal; via satellite, author David Kuo Topics: North Korea policy, Congressional scandals, gay marriage, Military Commissions Act

S7 E1
★ 7.5

February 20, 2009

Guests: Financial Times editor Chrystia Freeland, journalist Tina Brown, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA); via satellite, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), journalist Brigitte Gabriel Topics: The economy, President Obama's first month in office

S2 E2
★ 3.0

January 23, 2004

Guests: Actor Richard Belzer, novelist Farai Chideya, senator John Edwards, David Frum, Ralph Nader Topics: Iowa caucus, The Apprentice, Olivia Goldsmith, sexuality in islamic countries

S2 E4
★ 3.1

February 06, 2004

Guests: Author Andrew Sullivan, journalist Ron Suskind, actor Rob Schneider, politician Carol Moseley Braun, politician Jennifer Granholm Topics: Janet Jackson's Super Bowl stunt, Martha Stewart, special interests' power over politicians

S5 E14
★ 3.1

May 25, 2007

Guests: Humorist P. J. O'Rourke, actor Ben Affleck, Rep Ron Paul (Texas); via satellite, filmmaker Michael Moore Topics: Health-care crisis, world opinion of the United States, Iraq troop surge and funding, Republican presidential race

S3 E14
★ 3.3

August 26, 2005

Guests: Activist Cindy Sheehan, Gov. Mike Huckabee, journalist Dan Savage, feminist activist Eve Ensler, novelist Kinky Friedman Topics: Camp Casey, gay marriage, health, Bush's vacation

S2 E8
★ 3.6

March 05, 2004

Guests: Comedian Martin Short, talk show host Tavis Smiley, economist Stephen Moore, Sen. Barbara Boxer, sportscaster Bob Costas Topics: Bush's new ads, Kerry, Haiti, steroid scandal in baseball, Super Size Me and fast food, Martha Stewart found guilty

S2 E12
★ 3.6

August 06, 2004

Guests: Comedian Steve Harvey, Rep. Kay Granger, former Rep. Bob Barr, and reporter Cokie Roberts Topics: Terrorism, Kerry's war record, corn farming, Ricky Williams, gay marriage

S2 E14
★ 3.6

August 27, 2004

Guests: Author Michael Eric Dyson, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, reporter Ashleigh Banfield, author and Vietnam veteran John E. O'Neill, Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, talk show host Chris Matthews Topics: McCain–Feingold Act, Iraq, environment

S2 E20
★ 3.6

October 15, 2004

Guests: Singer Alanis Morissette, former Rep. Jim Rogan, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Dr. Howard Dean, radio show host Garrison Keillor Topics: Election debates, media in politics, Iraq

S2 E21
★ 3.6

October 22, 2004

Guests: Former CIA director James Woolsey, former Asst. Sec. of State James Rubin, actor Bradley Whitford, environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. and White House advisor Dr. Bernadine Healy Topics: Iraq, flu vaccinations, Bill O'Reilly lawsuit

S3 E6
★ 3.6

April 01, 2005

Guests: TV host Bill O'Reilly, academic Cornel West, actor Alec Baldwin, actor/comedienne Whoopi Goldberg, and Rev. Jesse Jackson. Topics: Pope, Terri Schiavo, Republican majority

S1 E1
★ 6.6

February 21, 2003

Guests: Author Ann Coulter, actor Larry Miller, author Michael Eric Dyson, comedian Sarah Silverman, comedian Chris Rock Topics: The United Nations, Affirmative Action

S1 E2
★ 6.5

February 28, 2003

Guests: Actor Larry Miller, conservative commentator Monica Crowley, comedian Eric Idle, musician Dave Matthews, author David Horowitz, columnist Ted Rall Topics: Possibility of war with Iraq, selection of the new World Trade Center designs

S1 E3
★ 6.0

March 07, 2003

Guests: Michael Graham, Danielle Pletka, cartoonist Ted Rall, actor D. L. Hughley, comedian Arj Barker, Doug Benson, actor Woody Harrelson Topics: President Bush's press conference, reality TV and terrorism

S1 E4
★ 5.8

March 14, 2003

Guests: Monica Crowley, Arianna Huffington, comedian Dennis Miller, comedian Nick Swardson, Rev. Jesse Jackson Topics: The coming Iraq war, the stock market

S1 E5
★ 5.2

March 21, 2003

Guests: Actor Larry Miller, Constance L. Rice, Tim Robbins, musician Grant-Lee Phillips, Jon Brion, US war veterans Ward Tayne, Delphine Metcalf-Foster, Shad Meshad Topics: Iraq war, veterans rights and whether or not support for the troops means supporting the war, the Oscars

S1 E6
★ 5.1

March 28, 2003

Guests: Actor Larry Miller, Michael Graham (II), Janeane Garofalo, Bob Odenkirk, Michael Moore Topics: Iraq war, southern states, Dixie Chicks controversy

S1 E7
★ 5.4

April 04, 2003

Guests: Arianna Huffington, radio host Michael Graham, Aaron McGruder, Jeffrey Ross, Joe Scarborough Topics: Iraq war, SARS, Peter Arnett, Geraldo Rivera, Affirmative Action

S1 E8
★ 4.7

April 11, 2003

Guests: Author and columnist Arianna Huffington, writer, radio host and professor Michael Eric Dyson, radio host Doug McIntyre, musician Jerry Minor (L. Witherspoon), professor of political science As'ad AbuKhalil Topics: Developments in the Iraq war, the Supreme Court, Augusta National Golf Club membership controversy

S1 E9
★ 4.7

April 18, 2003

Guests: Author Ann Coulter, author Michael Eric Dyson, comedian Dennis Miller, journalist Fareed Zakaria, Earthquake Topics: Iraq, New York smoking ban

S1 E10
★ 5.7

April 25, 2003

Guests: Author Ann Coulter, author Clive Barker, actor D. L. Hughley, economist Stephen Moore, musical guests The Naked Trucker and T-Bones Show Topics: Santorum controversy, Iraq, rights of the unborn child

S1 E11
★ 5.8

July 25, 2003

Guests: Actor D. L. Hughley, cartoonist Aaron McGruder, former US treasurer Bay Buchanan, Rev. Al Sharpton, senator (presidential candidate) Bob Graham Topics: Congressional report on 9/11, Liberia, Kobe Bryant, banning ephedra

S1 E12
★ 5.1

August 01, 2003

Guests: Columnist Christopher Hitchens, conservative commentator Tara Setmayer, actor Alec Baldwin, former Boston mayor Raymond Flynn, Rep. Barney Frank, Texas State Senator Leticia Van de Putte Topics: Gay marriage, terrorism, California recall vote, runaway Texas State Senate members

S1 E13
★ 5.4

August 08, 2003

Guests: Actress Janeane Garofalo, Rep. David Dreier, political strategist Donna Brazile, Gov. Gray Davis Topics: California recall vote, Arnold Schwarzenegger, airport security, Homeland Security budget, Kobe Bryant

S1 E14
★ 5.5

August 15, 2003

Guests: Author Ann Coulter, Arianna Huffington, Dana Rohrabacher, Orlando Jones, Jesse Ventura Topics: California recall election, airline security, George Bush action figure

S1 E15
★ 5.5

August 22, 2003

Guests: Comedian Margaret Cho, Rep. Harold E. Ford, Jr., Willie Brown, Bob Barr, James Woolsey Topics: Ten Commandments issue, religion, gay rights, California recall

S1 E16
★ 5.9

August 29, 2003

Guests: Actor Larry Miller, Tom McClintock, Bay Buchanan, comedian Dennis Miller, Senator Joe Biden Topics: Iraq and North Korea, Republican Party's convention, influence of MTV and rap music

S1 E17
★ 5.3

September 05, 2003

Guests: Comedian D. L. Hughley, Al Franken, William Kristol, Wolf Blitzer, Wesley Clark Topics: John Kerry, Osama Bin Laden, news media behaviour

S1 E18
★ 5.6

September 12, 2003

Guests: Betsy Hart, Paul Krugman, Jesse Ventura, musician Liz Phair, Terry McAuliffe Topics: Saddam Hussein and the 9/11 attack, anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Governor of Alabama, music piracy

S1 E19
★ 4.5

September 19, 2003

Guests: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Heather Wilson, Christine Todd Whitman, Tim Robbins, Dana Carvey Topics: The environment, women and politics, the Iraq War

S1 E20
★ 4.9

September 26, 2003

Guests: Darrell Issa, filmmaker Michael Moore, basketball player Charles Barkley, Sen. John Edwards, Aaron McGruder, John Mellencamp, John Hansen (II) Topics: Terrorism, agricultural subsidies, R. Kelly

S2 E1
★ 4.2

January 16, 2004

Guests: Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark, musician Moby, Rev. Al Sharpton, actor Ron Silver, congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) Topics: American values, Iraq,, environment

S2 E2
★ 3.0

January 23, 2004

Guests: Actor Richard Belzer, novelist Farai Chideya, senator John Edwards, David Frum, Ralph Nader Topics: Iowa caucus, The Apprentice, Olivia Goldsmith, sexuality in islamic countries

S2 E3
★ 3.7

January 30, 2004

Guests: Actor Larry Miller, actor Sean Astin, former Bush-Cheney 2000 press secretary Mindy Tucker-Fletcher; on satellite Max Cleland and Michael Moore Topics: Democratic presidential candidates, gay marriage, Israel

S2 E4
★ 3.1

February 06, 2004

Guests: Author Andrew Sullivan, journalist Ron Suskind, actor Rob Schneider, politician Carol Moseley Braun, politician Jennifer Granholm Topics: Janet Jackson's Super Bowl stunt, Martha Stewart, special interests' power over politicians

S2 E5
★ 4.8

February 13, 2004

Guests: Actor Jason Alexander, writer Deborah Simmons, actor William Baldwin, Bill Burkett (II), James Moore[ (II), Heather Wilson Topics: Bush military service, The Passion of the Christ, pornography

S2 E6
★ 3.7

February 20, 2004

Guests: Comedian D. L. Hughley, writer Debra Dickerson, actor Jon Favreau, George Allen, Rep. Dennis Kucinich Topics: John Kerry, John Edwards, outsourcing, black culture

S2 E7
★ 6.4

February 27, 2004

Guests: Actor Ian McKellen, politician Christine Todd Whitman, Sandy Rios, Kwame Kilpatrick, Ralph Nader Topics: The Passion of the Christ, gay marriage, environment

S2 E8
★ 3.6

March 05, 2004

Guests: Comedian Martin Short, talk show host Tavis Smiley, economist Stephen Moore, Sen. Barbara Boxer, sportscaster Bob Costas Topics: Bush's new ads, Kerry, Haiti, steroid scandal in baseball, Super Size Me and fast food, Martha Stewart found guilty

S2 E9
★ 7.3

March 12, 2004

Guests: Author John McWhorter, comedian George Carlin, former Canadian PM Kim Campbell, HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson, NPR radio host Sandra Tsing Loh Topics: Religion, indecency in media, Madrid bombings

S2 E10
★ 3.7

March 19, 2004

Guests: Journalist David Frum, comedian Eddie Izzard, author Gore Vidal, former governor of Vermont Howard Dean, businessman Russell Simmons Topics: Madrid bombings, renewal of the Patriot Act, young voters, voting machines

S2 E11
★ 4.1

July 30, 2004

Guests: Rep. David Dreier, former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell, filmmaker Michael Moore, musician Andre 3000, Gov. Bill Owens, Ralph Nader Topics: Iraq, 7 minutes of silence, Nader's candidacy

S2 E12
★ 3.6

August 06, 2004

Guests: Comedian Steve Harvey, Rep. Kay Granger, former Rep. Bob Barr, and reporter Cokie Roberts Topics: Terrorism, Kerry's war record, corn farming, Ricky Williams, gay marriage

S2 E13
★ 3.7

August 13, 2004

Guests: Comedian D. L. Hughley, former Sen. Gary Hart, writer Michelle Malkin, Rep. Rahm Emanuel, and columnist Maureen Dowd Topics: Muhammad Khan, president Bush, racial profiling, Jim McGreevey

S2 E14
★ 3.6

August 27, 2004

Guests: Author Michael Eric Dyson, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, reporter Ashleigh Banfield, author and Vietnam veteran John E. O'Neill, Brigadier General Janis Karpinski, talk show host Chris Matthews Topics: McCain–Feingold Act, Iraq, environment

S2 E15
★ 4.8

September 03, 2004

Guests: Actor Jason Alexander, Andrew Sullivan, Arianna Huffington, Howard Dean and Pat Buchanan Topics: Republican National Convention, Iraq

S2 E16
★ 3.9

September 17, 2004

Guests: Author P.J. O'Rourke, philosopher Cornel West, actress Julie Delpy, journalist Kitty Kelley, correspondent Christiane Amanpour Topics: Bush family, assault weapons ban lifted, antidepressant drugs

S2 E17
★ 4.4

September 24, 2004

Guests: Screenwriter Larry Gelbart, columnist Maureen Dowd, comic strip artist Aaron McGruder, Rep. Charles Rangel, actress Drew Barrymore Topics: Dan Rather, Kerry campaign, tobacco lawsuit settlements

S2 E18
★ 7.5

October 01, 2004

Guests: Comedian George Carlin, correspondent Katty Kay, economist Stephen Moore, The Dixie Chicks, talk show host Tucker Carlson Topics: Presidential election debates, religion

S2 E19
★ 4.2

October 08, 2004

Guests: Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, comedian David Cross, commentator Tony Snow, filmmaker Michael Moore, columnist Frank Rich Topics: Presidential election debates, terrorism, religion in politics

S2 E20
★ 3.6

October 15, 2004

Guests: Singer Alanis Morissette, former Rep. Jim Rogan, Reverend Jesse Jackson, Dr. Howard Dean, radio show host Garrison Keillor Topics: Election debates, media in politics, Iraq

S2 E21
★ 3.6

October 22, 2004

Guests: Former CIA director James Woolsey, former Asst. Sec. of State James Rubin, actor Bradley Whitford, environmentalist Robert Kennedy, Jr. and White House advisor Dr. Bernadine Healy Topics: Iraq, flu vaccinations, Bill O'Reilly lawsuit

S2 E22
★ 4.6

October 29, 2004

Guests: Actor Richard Belzer, General Wesley Clark, actor Kevin Costner, columnist Thomas Friedman, commentator Ann Coulter Topics: Osama bin Laden, missing ammunition in Iraq, elections

S2 E23
★ 5.4

November 05, 2004

Guests: Former U.S. Senator Alan Simpson, actress Susan Sarandon, linguist and political analyst Noam Chomsky, comedian D. L. Hughley, columnist Andrew Sullivan, and former U.S. Representative Pat Schroeder Topics: Presidential elections

S3 E1
★ 5.3

February 18, 2005

Guests: Correspondent Lesley Stahl, actor Robin Williams, former HHS Sec. Tommy Thompson, Sen. Joe Biden, actor Don Cheadle Topics: On protecting sources, Jeff Gannon, on interrogating prisoners, Iraq elections, Darfur

S3 E2
★ 4.3

February 25, 2005

Guests: Former baseball slugger José Canseco, actor Tim Robbins, Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, talk show host Tucker Carlson, Gov. Mike Huckabee Topics: On steroids, on Iran and Iraq, on religious belief, Ward Churchill, President Bush, on Covenant Marriage, Million Dollar Baby

S3 E3
★ 4.8

March 04, 2005

Guests: Former U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, former NIH administrator Bernadine Healy, actor Dave Foley, Ward Churchill and Michael Faughnan, and comic Whoopi Goldberg via satellite. Topics: BTK killer, on the Ten Commandments, torture, on raising children

S3 E4
★ 4.6

March 11, 2005

Guests: Rep. Barney Frank, comedian Richard Belzer, writer Andrew Breitbart, writer Irshad Manji, and writer Camille Pagila. Topics: Gay marriage, women of Iraq, war, teachers sleeping with students, Michael Jackson

S3 E5
★ 5.2

March 18, 2005

Guests: Gov. Frank Murkowski, actor Jason Alexander, Gov. Christie Whitman, Rep. Ileana Ross-Lehtinen, and author Thomas Frank. Topics: ANWR, steroids, Republican Party, environment

S3 E6
★ 3.6

April 01, 2005

Guests: TV host Bill O'Reilly, academic Cornel West, actor Alec Baldwin, actor/comedienne Whoopi Goldberg, and Rev. Jesse Jackson. Topics: Pope, Terri Schiavo, Republican majority

S3 E7
★ 4.1

April 08, 2005

Guests: former Gov. Mario Cuomo, actor Ian McShane, writer Arianna Huffington, TV host Rev. Joe Watkins, and conservative Richard Perle. Topics: Tom DeLay, Iraq, immigration

S3 E8
★ 4.7

April 15, 2005

Guests: Columnist Thomas Friedman, writer David Frum, singer Natalie Mames, Gen. Wesley Clark and Sen. Barbara Boxer. Topics: Middle East, Darfur, gays in the military, guns, immigration

S3 E9
★ 4.2

April 22, 2005

Guests: Actress Jane Fonda, talk show host Joe Scarborough, columnist Maureen Dowd, former Sen. Alan Simpson, environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Topics: Religion, Pope, airport security, environment, John Bolton

S3 E10
★ 3.6

April 29, 2005

Guests: Senator Charles Schumer (D) New York, Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R) Maryland, Farai Chideya, Martin Short, and Jeff Gannon. Topics: Voter issues, US budget, on the Presidential press conference

S3 E11
★ 3.6

May 06, 2005

Guests: Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright, blogger Andrew Sullivan, former Canadian PM Kim Campbell, actor Michael McKean, and Rep. Bernie Sanders. Topics: Kim Jong Il, Pat Robertson, Pope, censorship, activist judges

S3 E12
★ 3.7

May 13, 2005

Guests: Sen. Norm Coleman, talk radio's Al Franken, reporter Liz Marlantes, author Gore Vidal, and basketball's Charles Barkley. Topics: Terror alerts, Voting irregularities, Iraq, Darfur, gay Republicans

S3 E13
★ 4.7

August 19, 2005

Guests: Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly; Iraq war veteran, Paul Hackett; former Homeland Security Under Secretary Asa Hutchinson; political consultant Kellyanne Conway; actor/comic Chris Rock. Topics: Cindy Sheehan, Iraq, John Kerry, racial profiling, activist judges

S3 E14
★ 3.3

August 26, 2005

Guests: Activist Cindy Sheehan, Gov. Mike Huckabee, journalist Dan Savage, feminist activist Eve Ensler, novelist Kinky Friedman Topics: Camp Casey, gay marriage, health, Bush's vacation

S3 E15
★ 3.6

September 02, 2005

Guests: Television journalist Anderson Cooper, Stephen Schneider, Michael Eric Dyson, actor Bradley Whitford, professor Mary Frances Berry, journalist Fareed Zakaria Topics: Hurricane Katrina, poverty, Iraq

S3 E16
★ 7.7

September 09, 2005

Guests: Walter Maestri, Joe Scarborough, comedian George Carlin, Cynthia Tucker, conservative editorialist James K. Glassman, writer Kurt Vonnegut Topics: Michael D. Brown, US political system, on race, on the Administration

S3 E17
★ 3.7

September 16, 2005

Guests: Sen. Charles Schumer, PJ O'Rourke, Joy Behar, Willie Brown, Dan Senor Topics: John Roberts, Bush taking responsibility, poverty, Iraq

S3 E18
★ 4.5

September 23, 2005

Guests: Singer Willie Nelson, Rep. David Dreier, author/journalist Christopher Hitchens, BBC News correspondent Katty Kay, British politician George Galloway, journalist Andrea Mitchell Topics: Hurricane Rita, Vice President Cheney, Jet Blue emergency landing, foreign oil dependency, Margaret Thatcher, critiquing the U.S.

S3 E19
★ 3.9

October 07, 2005

Guests: Conservative columnist Ann Coulter, journalist Andrew Sullivan, actor Ben Affleck, writer Salman Rushdie, soldier/author Kayla Williams Topics: Harriet Miers, religion, torture

S3 E20
★ 3.7

October 14, 2005

Guests: Former Sen. Max Cleland, columnist Tina Brown, actor/comedian Larry Miller, author Tom Wolfe, police chief Richard Pennington, former Sen. John Edwards Topics: President's approval rating, poverty, police beatings, Iraq, Harriet Miers

S3 E21
★ 4.1

October 21, 2005

Guests: Arianna Huffington, Tucker Carlson, Michel Martin, Spike Lee, Chris Webber Topics: Valerie Plame, New York Times, health care, NBA dress code, governments response to Katrina, conspiracy in New Orleans

S3 E22
★ 3.6

October 28, 2005

Guests: Richard A. Clarke, reporter Helen Thomas, actor Billy Connolly, TV host Tony Snow, writer Nadira Hira Topics: Press Corps, Scooter Libby

S3 E23
★ 4.4

November 04, 2005

Guests: fmr Pres. Mary Robinson of Ireland, Joe Scarborough, John Waters, fmr. Sen. Tom Daschle, Dr. Sanjay Gupta Topics: Rosa Parks' funeral, national security leak

S4 E1
★ 4.9

February 17, 2006

Guests: Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI), commentator Fred Barnes, actor Eddie Griffin, reporter Helen Thomas, Iraq advisor Dan Senor Topics: Cheney shooting, on the Patriot Act, Bush, Mohammad cartoons

S4 E2
★ 5.1

February 24, 2006

Guests: actor Danny Glover, fmr. Sen. Gary Hart, author Irshad Manji, Rep. Heather Wilson, and columnist Nicholas Kristof Topics: Dubai ports, the extreme Left, Iraq, religious use of hallucinogenic tea

S4 E3
★ 4.6

March 03, 2006

Guests: Comedian D. L. Hughley, editor/journalist Graydon Carter, correspondent Dana Priest, fmr. Dir. of FEMA Michael Brown, fmr. CIA case officer/author Bob Baer, actor Harry Anderson Topics: Oscars, rebuilding New Orleans, Iraq

S4 E4
★ 4.0

March 10, 2006

Guests: Feminist Gloria Steinem, actor Larry Miller, editor Ramesh Ponnuru, baseball's Pete Rose, reporter John Burns Topics: Port security, baseball, Bush, Iraq

S4 E5
★ 3.8

March 17, 2006

Guests: R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe, actor/comedian Richard Belzer, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), writer Michele Mitchell, television anchor Lou Dobbs Topics: Troops and Iraq, corporate America, Chile's new President

S4 E6
★ 6.0

March 24, 2006

Guests: Actor Jason Alexander, author/theologian Reza Aslan, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), reporter Michael Ware, talk show host Tavis Smiley Topics: Religion, torture, Katrina

S4 E7
★ 4.2

March 31, 2006

Guests: Actor Robert Wuhl, actor Seth Green, author Erica Jong, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, anchorman Jorge Ramos Topics: Immigration, Bush, telling history

S4 E8
★ 4.5

April 07, 2006

Guests: Actor Ben Affleck, Sen. Joe Biden, correspondent Bill Sammon, author/former Republican strategist Kevin Phillips, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) Topics: Tom DeLay, on Bush's war, faith, Intelligent Design, Iraq exit strategy

S4 E9
★ 4.7

April 21, 2006

Guests: Commentator Heather Higgins, Gen. Anthony Zinni, editor/publisher Mortimer Zuckerman, sports commentator Stephen A. Smith, Rep. Rahm Emanuel Topics: Iran, Iraq media bias, Barry Bonds, Duke University and Jesse Jackson, Bush & Hu

S4 E10
★ 5.7

April 28, 2006

Guests: Actor/director George Clooney, actor Ian McKellen, Rep. Barney Frank, correspondent Michel Martin, and historian Victor Davis Hanson Topics: Darfur, gas prices, immigration, The Da Vinci Code controversy

S4 E11
★ 4.0

May 05, 2006

Guests: Actor Bradley Whitford, Fmr. PM of Canada Kim Campbell, fmr. Gov. Jim Gilmore, Gen. Wesley Clark, and Sen. Mel Martinez Topics: Democrats, terrorism, Federal Emergency Management Agency, immigration

S4 E12
★ 4.8

May 12, 2006

Guests: Fmr. Sec. of State Madeleine Albright, singer/songwriter John Legend, national security expert Richard Clarke, academic Cornel West and Fox News show host John Gibson Topics: NSA, conspiracy theories, 2006 elections, homophobia, Iran

S4 E13
★ 5.5

August 25, 2006

Guests: Filmmaker Spike Lee, music legend Elvis Costello, blogger Markos Moulitsas, fmr. Sen. Max Cleland, author/scholar Vali Nasr, and columnist Christopher Hitchens Topics: Katrina, war on terror

S4 E14
★ 5.0

September 01, 2006

Guests: Magician Penn Jillette, Rep. Darrell Issa, scholar Mary Frances Berry; via satellite, intellectual Fouad Ajami and actor Harry Anderson Topics: Katrina, poverty, church and state, Lebanon

S4 E15
★ 5.3

September 08, 2006

Guests: Author P. J. O'Rourke, editor Joan Walsh, singer Rob Thomas; via satellite, former Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and NBC News correspondent David Gregory Topics: 9/11 anniversary

S4 E16
★ 5.2

September 15, 2006

Guests: Feminist icon Gloria Steinem, homeland security expert Clark Ervin, actor Michael McKean; via satellite, Pat Buchanan and CNN reporter Christiane Amanpour Topics: Immigration, torture by military, Muslim extremists, airport security, hunt for Osama bin Laden, free speech in media

S4 E17
★ 5.7

September 22, 2006

Guests: Actor Bradley Whitford, Fox News contributor Sandy Rios, author Reza Aslan; via satellite, New York Times columnist Frank Rich and filmmaker C.C. Goldwater Topics: Iraq War, anti-American dictators, torture legislation, religion

S4 E18
★ 5.6

October 06, 2006

Guests: From Washington, D.C.: Sens. John Kerry and Lincoln Chafee; Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke, comedian/actor Robin Williams, journalist Chris Matthews Topics: Mark Foley scandal, 2004 and 2006 elections, Iraq War, international relations

S4 E19
★ 4.7

October 13, 2006

Guests: Journalist Lou Dobbs, Danielle Pletka of the American Enterprise Institute, actor Ben Affleck; via satellite, fmr. Sen. John Danforth and Richard Branson of Virgin Group Topics: North Korean nuclear test, civilian casualties in Iraq, global warming, immigration and culture wars

S4 E20
★ 7.5

October 20, 2006

Guests: Gov. Bill Richardson, Rep. Barney Frank, actor Jason Alexander, Stephen Moore of The Wall Street Journal; via satellite, author David Kuo Topics: North Korea policy, Congressional scandals, gay marriage, Military Commissions Act

S4 E21
★ 5.0

October 27, 2006

Guests: Journalist Andrew Sullivan, politician Christine Todd Whitman, singer Harry Belafonte; via satellite, Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. and Arianna Huffington Topics: Campaign tactics, gay marriage, toxic chemicals, character of politicians

S4 E22
★ 4.5

November 03, 2006

Guests: Actor Alec Baldwin, Rep. Jack Kingston, The Hill associate editor A.B. Stoddard; via satellite, filmmaker Robert Greenwald and comedienne Roseanne Barr Topics: Cost of Iraq War, Republican fiscal policy, John Kerry remark controversy, energy alternatives, teaching of abstinence, political advertisements

S4 E23
★ 5.5

November 10, 2006

Guests: CNN's Candy Crowley, actor Rainn Wilson, author Salman Rushdie; via satellite, Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Jeff Flake Topics: 2006 elections, plan for Iraq, Congressional earmarks, resignation of Donald Rumsfeld

S4 E24
★ 4.5

November 17, 2006

Guests: Guitarist Tom Morello of Audioslave, journalist Dana Priest, actor Richard Dreyfuss; via satellite, journalist Dan Rather and television's Norman Lear Topics: Journalistic roles/ethics, strategy for Iraq, incoming Democratic Congress, O.J. Simpson book, future of democracy

S5 E1
★ 4.9

February 16, 2007

Guests: Fmr Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, fmr Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina, TV host Craig Ferguson; via satellite, fmr Sen. John Edwards (D-NC) and basketball player John Amaechi Topics: Developments in North Korea, Iran, and Iraq; global warming; Mitt Romney and Mormonism; Al Franken Senate campaign

S5 E2
★ 5.9

February 23, 2007

Guests: Rep. Darrell Issa, author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, actor Steven Weber; via satellite, Sen. Joe Biden and filmmaker David Mamet Topics: Guantanamo Bay detention camp, clash of civilizations, developments in Iraq, David Geffen political comments, cameras in courtrooms

S5 E3
★ 4.5

March 02, 2007

Guests: Author/commentator John Ridley, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough, Rep. Barney Frank; via satellite, journalist Seymour Hersh and actress Mia Farrow Topics: Middle East dynamics, war criticism from Congress and John McCain, attempt on Dick Cheney, latest on Darfur conflict, James Cameron's Jesus documentary

S5 E4
★ 4.9

March 09, 2007

Guests: Author David Kuo, Washington Post reporter Dana Milbank, comedienne Roseanne Barr, author Deepak Chopra; via satellite, Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton (ret.) Topics: Walter Reed controversy, Scooter Libby verdict, Rudy Giuliani campaign, Ann Coulter comments, afterlife and spirituality

S5 E5
★ 4.5

March 16, 2007

Guests: Actor Jason Alexander, Martha Raddatz of ABC News, journalist Dan Rather; via satellite, comedian Chris Rock and fmr Gov. Mike Huckabee Topics: Dismissal of U.S. attorneys controversy, war on drugs, gays in the military, evolution of news business

S5 E6
★ 4.6

March 23, 2007

Guests: Fmr Bush speechwriter David Frum, Atlanta mayor Shirley Franklin, musician John Legend; via satellite, fmr Natl Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sen. Bernie Sanders Topics: Iraq War anniversary, more on U.S. attorney firings, energy independence, campaign finance, "purity balls"

S5 E7
★ 5.0

March 30, 2007

Guests: Radio host Michael Smerconish, comedian D. L. Hughley, Court TV's Catherine Crier; via satellite, Fmr Sec'y of State Madeleine Albright and Rep. Ron Paul Topics: Funding of Iraq War, Clinton vs. Obama, privatization of government, still more on U.S. attorney firings, death of Pat Tillman

S5 E8
★ 4.4

April 13, 2007

Guests: Fmr Sen Bill Bradley, comedian Dana Carvey, Fmr White House Press Sec'y Scott McClellan; via satellite, Rev. Al Sharpton, activist Laurie David, musician Sheryl Crow Topics: Don Imus controversy and firing, extension of military deployments, global warming, performance of Democratic Congress

S5 E9
★ 5.3

April 20, 2007

Guests: Author John O'Sullivan, commentator Amy Holmes, Gov. Brian Schweitzer (Mont.); via satellite, journalist Bill Moyers Topics: Virginia Tech shooting, gun control, Alberto Gonzalez testimony to Congress, Supreme Court ruling on abortion, Earth Day

S5 E10
★ 4.7

April 27, 2007

Guests: Actor Richard Belzer, NPR correspondent Jamie Tarabay, commentator Lisa Schiffren, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, fmr US Attorney David Iglesias Topics: Pat Tillman controversy, U.S. attorney firings, privacy in America, Alec Baldwin, future of Iraq

S5 E11
★ 6.3

May 04, 2007

Guests: Fmr Rep Harold Ford, Jr., actor/activist Sean Penn, comedian Garry Shandling; via satellite, fmr Gov Tommy Thompson and CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Topics: Republican presidential debate, State Dept terror statistics, anniversary of "Mission Accomplished" speech, "D.C. Madam" scandal, food safety, Hurricane Katrina aid

S5 E12
★ 4.3

May 11, 2007

Guests: Columnist Arianna Huffington, comic Paula Poundstone, pollster Frank Luntz; via satellite, NBC News correspondent Richard Engel and columnist Christopher Hitchens Topics: Iraq troop surge, language of politics, how Democrats can win, Kansas tornadoes

S5 E13
★ 4.4

May 18, 2007

Guests: Actor Bradley Whitford, Rep Loretta Sanchez (Calif.), columnist John Fund, hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons; via satellite, Sen Christopher Dodd (Conn.) Topics: Congressional resolution on Iraq, economic effect of immigration, voter fraud, second Republican debate

S5 E14
★ 3.1

May 25, 2007

Guests: Humorist P. J. O'Rourke, actor Ben Affleck, Rep Ron Paul (Texas); via satellite, filmmaker Michael Moore Topics: Health-care crisis, world opinion of the United States, Iraq troop surge and funding, Republican presidential race

S5 E15
★ 4.4

August 24, 2007

Guests: Actor Tim Robbins, journalist Michel Martin, writer Stephen Hayes; via satellite, Fmr Gov Mike Huckabee (Ark.) and New York Times correspondent Damien Cave Topics: Status of Iraq troop surge, Michael Vick dogfighting investigation, Utah mine collapse and response

S5 E16
★ 5.4

August 31, 2007

Guests: Fmr Sen Mike Gravel (Alaska), diplomat Barbara Bodine, musician John Mellencamp; via satellite, entertainer Harry Shearer and PETA president Ingrid Newkirk Topics: Hurricane Katrina anniversary, Larry Craig arrest and resignation, Alberto Gonzales resignation, environmentalism and energy needs

S5 E17
★ 4.9

September 07, 2007

Guests: Prof Cornel West, rapper/actor Mos Def; via satellite, Army Col Larry Wilkerson (ret.) and consumer advocate Ralph Nader Topics: Iraq troop surge and upcoming Petraeus report, defining terrorism, roots of Islamic fundamentalism, black vote and political involvement, Jena Six

S5 E18
★ 4.7

September 14, 2007

Guests: Journalist Carl Bernstein, Rep Jan Schakowsky (Ill.), comedian Drew Carey; via satellite, Sen Chuck Hagel (Neb.) and author Robert Draper Topics: Petraeus report and Middle East policy, 9/11 anniversary and relationship to Iraq, Hillary Clinton campaign

S5 E19
★ 5.0

September 21, 2007

Guests: Musician Rob Thomas, comedian/actress Janeane Garofalo, author Salman Rushdie; via satellite, fmr CIA agent Michael Scheuer and author Bjørn Lomborg Topics: Israel and Middle East policy, ad controversy, Ahmadinejad visit to U.S., global warming, Blackwater USA and use of private contractors in Iraq

S5 E20
★ 5.1

September 28, 2007

Guests: Rep Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), Prof Michael Eric Dyson, writer Pete Hamill; via satellite, filmmaker Ken Burns and CNBC's Maria Bartiromo Topics: Ahmadinejad's visit and U.S./Iran relations, funding for Iraq War, global economy, Bill O'Reilly racial controversy, hate crimes legislation

S5 E21
★ 5.4

October 12, 2007

Guests: Columnist Paul Krugman, MSNBC host Tucker Carlson, The View co-host Joy Behar; via satellite, fmr Pres Vicente Fox (Mexico) and author/activist Naomi Klein Topics: U.S./Mexico relations and immigration, Republican presidential debates, State Children's Health Insurance Program and Bush's veto, Middle East policy, more on Blackwater USA incident

S5 E22
★ 3.7

October 19, 2007

Guests: Fmr Sen John Edwards (N.C.), journalist Joel Stein, Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee (Texas), MSNBC host Chris Matthews; via satellite, chess master Garry Kasparov Topics: Environment, biofuels, drug-resistant viruses, bringing U.S. troops home, Russian politics, Mukasey confirmation hearings, Ellen DeGeneres dog controversy.

S5 E23
★ 5.9

October 26, 2007

Guests: Commentator Andrew Sullivan, tennis pro Martina Navratilova, Gen Wesley Clark (ret.); via satellite, Sen Kay Bailey Hutchison (Texas) and author Sir David Frost Topics: California wildfires and global warming, immigration, reaching out to Iran, Bush's abuse of power

S5 E24
★ 5.0

November 02, 2007

Guests: Fmr CIA operative Valerie Plame and her husband, fmr Amb Joe Wilson; political blogger Markos Moulitsas; NPR host Alison Stewart (radio); actor/comedian Martin Short ; via satellite, author Jeremy Scahill Topics: CIA leak scandal, Hillary Clinton's debate performance and Democrats' campaign issues, Blackwater USA, Mukasey confirmation

S6 E1
★ 6.3

January 11, 2008

Guests: Entrepreneur Mark Cuban, former TV anchor Catherine Crier, former press secretary Tony Snow, Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi (election correspondent), humorist P.J. O'Rourke Topics: New Hampshire primary, electronic voting machines, Iraq troop surge, subprime lending and prospects for economic recession. Maher refrained from a large-scale discussion of the ongoing writers' strike, offering only a brief opinion in the closing moments of the show.

S6 E2
★ 6.4

January 18, 2008

Guests: Comedian D. L. Hughley, Wall Street Journal columnist John Fund, country singer Trace Adkins, author/sex columnist Dan Savage (election correspondent), journalist Fareed Zakaria Topics: South Carolina primary and influence of religion, militant violence in Pakistan, U.S. relations with Iran, impact of economy on the election, defining victory in Iraq, thoughts on Confederate flag

S6 E3
★ 5.7

January 25, 2008

Guests: Actor/comedian Richard Belzer, musician Herbie Hancock, reporter Martha Raddatz, political strategist Amy Holmes (election correspondent), country singer Merle Haggard Topics: Bill Clinton's role in campaign, Democratic campaign issues and oversight of Iraq War, Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, race and gender in the election, Rudy Giuliani's campaign strategy

S6 E4
★ 5.7

February 01, 2008

Guests: Columnist Clarence Page, feminist Kim Gandy, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), pollster/author Frank Luntz, Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi (election correspondent) Topics: State of the Union address, Clinton/Obama debate and Republican strategy, withdrawals of Giuliani and Edwards, Middle East policy

S6 E5
★ 5.9

February 08, 2008

Guests: Author/columnist Jonah Goldberg, political strategist Matthew Dowd, sportscaster Bob Costas, political humorist P.J. O'Rourke (election correspondent), CNN analyst Amy Holmes Topics: Super Tuesday results, suspension of Mitt Romney's campaign, McCain vs. conservatives, U.S. role as superpower, Roger Clemens steroid controversy and overdependence on prescription drugs, death of Maharishi

S6 E6
★ 5.6

February 15, 2008

Guests: Commentator Andrew Sullivan, veterans' activist Paul Rieckhoff, Nina Hachigian of the Center for American Progress, pollster Frank Luntz (election correspondent), Sen Claire McCaskill (D-MO) Topics: Clinton vs. Obama, candidates' policies toward Middle East, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act renewal and changes, John McCain vs. Democrats, Roger Clemens congressional hearing

S6 E7
★ 5.5

February 22, 2008

Guests: Former Bush speechwriter David Frum, The Hotline editor Amy Walter, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi (election correspondent), journalist Tom Brokaw Topics: Clinton/Obama debate, John McCain lobbyist controversy, Americans' love of country and Michelle Obama remarks, candidates' positions on war, resignation of Fidel Castro, beef recall

S6 E8
★ 5.7

February 29, 2008

Guests: Columnist Christopher Hitchens, author Shashi Tharoor, comedian Harry Shearer, author/sex columnist Dan Savage (election correspondent); via satellite, Gov Ed Rendell (PA) Topics: Pennsylvania primary, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, appeal of Barack Obama, religion in politics

S6 E9
★ 5.8

March 07, 2008

Guests: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, actor/director Adam Goldberg, NPR host Farai Chideya, journalist Jeremy Scahill (election correspondent); via satellite, fmr DNC chairman Terry McAuliffe Topics: Hillary wins primaries in Texas and Ohio, McCain clinches Republican nomination, media coverage of candidates, economic news and impact of Iraq War, strategies for Iraq withdrawal, elections in Russia

S6 E10
★ 5.8

March 21, 2008

Guests: Rep Barney Frank (D-MA), actor Jon Hamm, professor/author Melissa Harris Lacewell, humorist/author P.J. O'Rourke (election correspondent); via satellite, CNN correspondent Michael Ware Topics: Fifth anniversary of Iraq War, Obama and Rev. Jeremiah Wright controversy, economic class warfare, Eliot Spitzer resignation and scandal, legalization of marijuana

S6 E11
★ 5.8

March 28, 2008

Guests: Talk show host Tavis Smiley, journalist Robin Wright, comedian Robert Klein, author/sex columnist Dan Savage (election correspondent); via satellite, actor John Cusack Topics: Violence in Iraq, Clinton statements on Bosnia trip, use of contractors in Iraq, definition of patriotism, more on Jeremiah Wright and race relations, use of Patriot Act in Eliot Spitzer case

S6 E12
★ 5.8

April 04, 2008

Guests: Actor Esai Morales, fmr Labor Sec Robert Reich, Rep Barbara Lee (D-CA), CNN analyst Amy Holmes (election correspondent); via satellite, Sen Arlen Specter (PA) Topics: 40th anniversary of the King assassination, education in inner cities, Bush tax rebate and U.S. budget priorities, U.S. defense budget, abstinence education, investment in biofuels, bailout of Bear Stearns

S6 E13
★ 6.6

April 11, 2008

Guests: Counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke, journalist Dana Priest, actor Jason Alexander; via satellite, Rep Joe Sestak (D-PA), scientist/author Richard Dawkins Topics: Iraq War hearings and Bush speech, Bill Clinton's effect on Hillary's campaign, rationalizing religion, environment and global warming, airline cancellations and wiring inspections

S6 E14
★ 6.2

April 18, 2008

Guests: Prof Cornel West, blogger Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, writer/activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, journalist Jeremy Scahill (election correspondent); via satellite, MSNBC host Chris Matthews Topics: Pennsylvania primary and Democratic debate, Pope's visit to U.S., oil prices and worldwide food shortages, polygamy and raid on Texas compound

S6 E15
★ 6.3

April 25, 2008

Topics: TV host Phil Donahue, columnist Arianna Huffington, comedian Garry Shandling, Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi (election correspondent); via satellite, economist Jeffrey Sachs Guests: Earth Day and demand for resources, Pennsylvania primary results, tax rebate checks, extension of veterans' benefits, Democratic campaign tactics

S6 E16
★ 5.7

August 29, 2008

Guests: Gov. Jon Corzine (D-NJ), TV host Craig Ferguson, journalist Michel Martin, Matt Taibbi (election correspondent); via satellite, Gov. Tim Kaine (D-VA) Topics: The 2008 election, 2008 Democratic National Convention, McCain's VP pick Sarah Palin

S6 E17
★ 6.0

September 05, 2008

Guests: Actress Kerry Washington, fmr. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan, fmr. Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, journalist Jeffrey Toobin, and Real Time correspondent Dan Savage Topics: 2008 Republican National Convention

S6 E18
★ 6.7

September 12, 2008

Guests: Actress Janeane Garofalo, Author Salman Rushdie, Roseanne Barr, political consultant Paul Begala, and journalist John Fund Topics: 7th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks

S6 E19
★ 5.9

September 19, 2008

Guests: Musician, journalist Naomi Klein, political blogger Andrew Sullivan; via satellite, economist Paul Krugman Topics: Candidacy of Sarah Palin and responsibility for the subprime mortgage crisis.

S6 E20
★ 5.5

September 26, 2008

Guests: Politician Ralph Nader, actor Tim Daly, National Review Online contributor Lisa Schiffren; via satellite, journalist Ron Suskind, comedian Chris Rock Topics: The first presidential debate, subprime mortgage crisis, economic stimulus package, Sarah Palin

S6 E21
★ 5.7

October 03, 2008

Guests: Actor Alec Baldwin, reporter Christiane Amanpour, and comedian Garry Shandling; via satellite, journalist Bob Woodward Topics: Bush's legacy, VP debate, Palin's performance, bailout bill, future of the country

S6 E22
★ 6.4

October 10, 2008

Guests: Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), economist Stephen Moore, and comedian Dana Gould; via satellite, director Oliver Stone, former Comptroller General of the United States David Walker Topics: Economic situation, Palin's rhetoric, ongoing election, voting fraud, US military budget

S6 E23
★ 6.1

October 17, 2008

Guests: Actor Ben Affleck; actor, comedian Martin Short; pollster Frank Luntz; Sen.Bernie Sanders (I-VT); via satellite, journalist Thomas Friedman Topics: Joe the Plumber, ongoing election, third presidential debate

S6 E24
★ 5.4

October 24, 2008

Guests: Actor Tim Robbins, comedian Carol Leifer, political consultant Matt Dowd, economist Arthur Laffer; via satellite, ex-GOP operative Allen Raymond Topics: Electoral fraud, voting, the election, Joe the Plumber, economy, Barack Obama, future of the Republican Party

S6 E25
★ 5.2

October 31, 2008

Guests: Singer/Songwriter John Legend, columnist Connie Schultz, commentator Amy Holmes, Prof Cornel West; via satellite, activist Michael Moore Topics: Sarah Palin, Patriotism, Joe the Plumber, Taxes

S7 E1
★ 7.5

February 20, 2009

Guests: Financial Times editor Chrystia Freeland, journalist Tina Brown, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA); via satellite, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX), journalist Brigitte Gabriel Topics: The economy, President Obama's first month in office

S7 E2
★ 6.7

February 27, 2009

Guests: Actor Alan Cumming, political satirist and journalist P. J. O'Rourke, Mayor Gavin Newsom (D-San Francisco); via satellite, political correspondent George Stephanopoulos, author Robin Wright Topics: Obama's speech, Bobby Jindal, marijuana, home ownership, Iraq, Afghanistan and troops, future of the Rep. party, Vatican and indulgences

S7 E3
★ 6.9

March 06, 2009

Guests: Businessman T. Boone Pickens; Mayor Cory Booker (D-Newark); news anchor Erin Burnett; author Peter Singer Topics: The economy, green energy, charity and philanthropy, socialism

S7 E4
★ 7.3

March 13, 2009

Guests: Comedian Sarah Silverman, professor Michael Eric Dyson, author Andrew Breitbart, columnist Steven Pearlstein Topics: State of the Rep. party, racism in America, the Teachers' Union, stem cell research

S7 E5
★ 7.1

March 20, 2009

Guests: Fmr. Sec. of State Madeleine Albright, television host Keith Olbermann, actress Kerry Washington, senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin Topics: AIG bonuses, the crisis, Teenage pregnancy in America, Glenn Beck, right-wing power

S7 E6
★ 7.3

March 27, 2009

Guests: Senator Bill Bradley, author Christopher Hitchens, rapper Mos Def, author Salman Rushdie Topics: Banking crisis, Legalization of marijuana, Nuclear proliferation

S7 E7
★ 7.0

April 03, 2009

Guests: Joe the Plumber, Journalist David Frum, comedian Carol Leifer, writer Reihan Salam, reporter Sam Donaldson Topics: 2009 G-20 London summit, tax cut, health care, Carbon tax, nuclear energy

S7 E8
★ 7.5

April 10, 2009

Guests: Filmmaker Ron Howard and novelist Gore Vidal Topics: Bill conducts one-on-one interviews

S7 E9
★ 7.2

April 24, 2009

Guests: Ex-gov. Howard Dean (D-VT), comedian Dana Gould, writer Randy Cohen, author Bethany McLean, ex-CIA agent Robert Baer Topics: Obama's first 100 days, torture memos, economy, gun control, environment and global warming, children's health

S7 E10
★ 6.5

May 01, 2009

Guests: Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), journalist Fareed Zakaria, NBC News foreign correspondent Richard Engel, former FDA chief David Kessler Topics: 2009 swine flu outbreak, state of the Republican Party, terrorism, Souter's resignation, Arlen Specter's party switch, Israel

S7 E11
★ 7.4

May 08, 2009

Guests: Democratic consultant James Carville, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, author Naomi Klein, journalist Matt Taibbi, author Reza Aslan Topics: Tax evasion by big companies, torture, Pakistan & Taliban, US military handing out bibles, gay marriage

S7 E12
★ 5.9

May 15, 2009

Guests: Creator of The Wire David Simon, economist Elizabeth Warren, conservative commentator Amy Holmes, National Review's Richard Brookhiser, columnist Dan Savage Topics: Torture, climate change, gay marriage, War on Drugs

S7 E13
★ 6.5

May 22, 2009

Guests: Nobel Prize-winner Muhammad Yunus, Pulitzer Prize-winner and Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, M.I.T. economist Simon Johnson, and rapper M.I.A. Topics: Global economic crisis, the progress of the Obama administration, Dick Cheney, religion in the United States

S7 E14
★ 6.7

May 29, 2009

Guests: Actor Hill Harper, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, former House Representative Heather Wilson, documentarian Michael Pollan Topics: State of the Republican Party, torture and Guantanamo Bay, North Korea's nuclear weapons threat, nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, and California Supreme Court's decision regarding California's Proposition 8

S7 E15
★ 7.5

June 05, 2009

Guests: Actor and comedian D. L. Hughley, Council of Foreign Relations president Richard Haass, novelist Paula Froelich, journalist Jeremy Scahill, Fortune editor Matt Miller Topics: Obama's visit to the Middle East, terrorism, abortion debate and the murder of Dr. George Tiller, gay marriage, health care reform in the United States

S7 E16
★ 7.1

June 12, 2009

Guests: CNN host Larry King, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, former White House Homeland Security advisor Frances Townsend, NAACP President Ben Jealous, humorist P. J. O'Rourke Topics: 2009 digital television transition, Holocaust Memorial Museum shooting, racism, affirmative action, nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court, terrorism, car culture in the United States, socialism

S7 E17
★ 7.3

June 19, 2009

Guests: Commentator Paul Begala, BBC reporter Katty Kay, blogger Meghan McCain, columnist Joel Stein, writer Hooman Maj Topics: Iranian presidential election, 2009, health care reform, David Letterman joke controversy, sexuality and infidelity in politics, 2009 imprisonment of US journalists by North Korea

S7 E18
★ 7.2

June 26, 2009

Guests: Actress Cameron Diaz, director Oliver Stone, actor Billy Bob Thornton Topics: Bill conducts one-on-one interviews

S7 E19
★ 6.5

July 17, 2009

Guests: Joe Scarborough, actor Jason Alexander, actress/playwright Anna Deavere Smith, Gov. Brian Schweitzer (D-MT), Markos Moulitsas. Topics: Sonia Sotomayor confirmation hearings, racism and the Republican Party, clean coal electricity debate, health care reform in the United States, recent sex scandals involving politicians, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, death of Michael Jackson, drug use in the United States, death of Walter Cronkite (news broke shortly before tonight's show began), 40th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing

S7 E20
★ 6.6

July 24, 2009

Guests: Homeland Security secretary Janet Napolitano (via satellite), Iraq War veteran and California congressional candidate Anthony Woods, Susan Eisenhower, journalist John Heilemann, writer Matt Taibbi Topics: 2009 Henry Louis Gates, Jr. arrest by Cambridge police, racism and the Republican Party, Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories, health care reform, military-industrial complex

S7 E21
★ 6.3

July 31, 2009

Guests: Journalist Jeff Sharlet, CNN foreign correspondent Michael Ware, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, economist Niall Ferguson, humorist Joe Queenan Topics: 2009 Henry Louis Gates, Jr. arrest by Cambridge police, health care reform, current economic crisis, resignation of Sarah Palin as Governor of Alaska

S7 E22
★ 6.5

August 07, 2009

Guests: Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington, Georgia congressman Jack Kingston, California congressman Darrell Issa, Dr. David Scheiner, President Obama's doctor in Chicago Topics: Health care, town hall mobs, Sarah Palin's 'death panel' comments, confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor, prescription drugs, children's health, bailouts, criticism of Bill Clinton's role in freeing American journalists.

S7 E23
★ 6.9

August 14, 2009

Guests: Actor Ashton Kutcher, fmr. Commander in Chief of U.S. Central Command Gen. Anthony Zinni (ret.), journalist and blogger Ross Douthat, comedian Dana Gould (also reporter), actor Brad Pitt Topics: 'Death panel' claims, healthcare, income inequality, the current state of the Republican party, John Brennan 'ending' the war on terror, town hall discussions, mobs comparing Obama with Hitler, climate change.

S7 E24
★ 7.2

August 21, 2009

Guests: TV host Jay Leno, journalist Chuck Todd, Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), author Sam Harris, journalist Jeremy Scahill Topics: Health care reform, protesters bringing guns to town halls, lack of information and explanation of issues by the media, controversy over private military contractors like Blackwater, politicization of the terror alert level system in the 2004 presidential election, lack of employers offering vacation and sick leave pays in the United States

S7 E25
★ 5.8

August 28, 2009

Guests: Rapper Jay-Z, journalist Bill Moyers Topics: Bill conducts one-on-one interviews

S8 E1
★ 7.6

February 19, 2010

Guests: Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel Elizabeth Warren, comedienne Wanda Sykes, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane , former Governor Eliot Spitzer, and Norah O'Donnell Topics: Lack of action by government, bipartisanship, the filibuster, Obama's handling of terrorism, torture, controversy over Family Guy's Down's Syndrome episode, race and criticism of Obama, Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Kevin Smith's airplane incident, obesity, Bill's tweet criticizing media coverage of Haiti

S8 E2
★ 6.0

February 26, 2010

Guests: President of the Council on Foreign Relations Richard Haass, journalist Chrystia Freeland, political writer Reihan Salam, actress Olivia Wilde, comedian Adam Carolla, comedian Chris Rock Topics: Iran, health care, Obama Republicans summit, Congress majority, guns, defense budget, caged animals

S8 E3
★ 6.8

March 05, 2010

Guests: Actor Sean Penn, journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin, co-founder of the Huffington Post Arianna Huffington, director Michael Moore Topics: Earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, Hugo Chávez, Economic activism, Health Care, the economy regulation of the financial industry, labor relations, the Oscars, Republican fundraising tactics, the Media

S8 E4
★ 7.0

March 12, 2010

Guests: Senator Michael Bennet, actor Hill Harper, former Governor Gary Johnson, Amy Holmes, journalist John Heilemann Topics: Health care, deficit spending and the national debt, climate change, marijuana legalization, race relations, Mitt Romney, No Apology: The Case for American Greatness, Eric Massa, Game Change, Liz Cheney, education, Jihad Jane

S8 E5
★ 6.9

March 19, 2010

Guests: Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom (D), economist Stephen Moore, editor-in-chief Melinda Henneberger and actor Emile Hirsch Topics: Health care, the economy, regulation of banking and insurance industries, the Congo, blood diamonds, "blood minerals" from the Congo (tantalum, tungsten, and tin), Oxfam, access to clean water in developing countries, campaign finance reform

S8 E6
★ 7.0

March 26, 2010

Guests: Journalist and author Christopher Hitchens, journalist Jonathan Capehart, musician Rob Thomas, President of the American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten and comedian Jeff Garlin Topics: Health care, Catholic sex abuse cases, war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Tea Party movement, Birthers, John McCain, the National Debt, Education Reform, Jesse James sex scandal, Marijuana Control, Regulation, and Education Act, altering of curriculum and guidelines for textbooks by conservatives on the Texas State Board of Education, Intelligent design, Internet flames, Celebrity political activism, Political correctness

S8 E7
★ 6.9

April 09, 2010

Guests: Musician Billie Joe Armstrong, chef Alice Waters, and comedian Chris Rock Topics: Bill conducts one-on-one interviews

S8 E8
★ 6.8

April 16, 2010

Guests: Journalist David Remnick, economist Simon Johnson, journalist Laura Flanders, fmr. governor Jesse Ventura, film producer Lawrence Bender Topics: Tea Party movement, taxation, Goldman Sachs scandal, nuclear weapons, Supreme Court

S8 E9
★ 6.0

April 23, 2010

Guests: Rep. Alan Grayson, author Susan Eisenhower, journalist Matthew Continetti, author Richard A. Clarke and via satellite Dr. Jack Kevorkian Topics: Arizona immigration law, racism in America, Army recruitment standards, technology, cyber war, South Park controversy, moderate Republicans, Sarah Palin

S8 E10
★ 5.9

April 30, 2010

Guests: Rep. Anthony Weiner, political commentator Chris Matthews, economist Laura Tyson, author Ross Douthat, politician John Bolton Topics: Gulf of Mexico oil spill, oil dependency, High-speed rail technology, Goldman Sachs Senate hearings, Arizona immigration law, Charlie Crist, 2010 midterm elections

S8 E11
★ 6.9

May 07, 2010

Guests: Comedian and author Sarah Silverman, novelist Salman Rushdie, business news anchor Alexis Glick, journalist David Frum, historian Alan Brinkley Topics: 2010 Times Square car bomb attempt, Muslim Americans, immigration, Gulf of Mexico oil spill, climate change denial, Big Business

S8 E12
★ 6.0

May 14, 2010

Guests: Journalist Sebastian Junger, Mayor Cory Booker, columnist John Avlon, author S. E. Cupp, Rep. Darrell Issa Topics: Elena Kagan Supreme Court nomination, religion, MMS and oil drilling regulation, Miranda rights, tasering

S8 E13
★ 6.0

May 21, 2010

Guests: Economist Nouriel Roubini, author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, radio host Michael Eric Dyson, columnist John Fund, comedian Patton Oswalt Topics: Libertarianism, Rand Paul, Robert Bork, oil spill containment, Richard Blumenthal, Anwar al-Awlaki

S8 E14
★ 6.8

May 28, 2010

Guests: CEO of EarthEcho International Philippe Cousteau, Jr., senior editor for Newsweek Jonathan Alter, Republican political strategist Patrick Ruffini, philosopher and civil rights activist Dr. Cornel West, author Scott Turow Topics: Oil spill, Obama's reaction to the spill, black/white net worth gap, Supreme Court

S8 E15
★ 6.0

June 04, 2010

Guests: Political strategist Paul Begala, journalist Andrew Sullivan, The Nation editor Katrina vanden Heuvel, environmental advocate Van Jones, filmmaker Judd Apatow Topics: Oil spill, Gaza flotilla raid, Joe McGinniss, Al Gore, marriage and divorce, Climate change Denial

S8 E16
★ 6.1

June 11, 2010

Guests: Queen Noor of Jordan, MSNBC host Rachel Maddow, Newsweek editor Jon Meacham, ex-Senate Maj. Leader Bill Frist, director Oliver Stone Topics: Oil spill, Republican filibustering, Dan Duncan and inheritance tax, "running government like a business", Nikki Haley, Military budget of the United States, Helen Thomas' Israel comments

S8 E17
★ 7.3

September 17, 2010

Guests: Filmmaker Michael Moore, economist Robert Reich, actor Jon Hamm, journalist Martha Raddatz, Republican strategist Mark McKinnon Topics: The Tea Party movement, Newt Gingrich describing Obama as having a 'Kenyan world view', Islamophobia in America, Christine O'Donnell's appearance on Politically Incorrect, the Democratic Party's new logo, tax cuts, Afghanistan, Republicans threatening to repeal health care reform, Republicans as the 'party of no', moderate Republicans

S8 E18
★ 6.7

September 24, 2010

Guests: Pat Tillman's brother Richard Tillman, conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, CNN analyst Amy Holmes, Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane, author and scientist Ann Druyan Topics: Pat Tillman, Pledge to America, healthcare repeal, Don't Ask, Don't Tell repeal, Christine O'Donnell, evolution, science, climate change, Obama's Wars

S8 E19
★ 6.8

October 01, 2010

Guests: Author Bob Woodward, TIME magazine columnist Joe Klein, philosopher and civil rights activist Dr. Cornel West, co-founder of Huffington Post Ariana Huffington, actor and comedian David Cross Topics: Hamid Karzai, 2010 Elections, Carl Paladino, Meg Whitman, the economy, personal responsibility, Bishop Eddie Long, homophobia, social network services

S8 E20
★ 7.6

October 08, 2010

Guests: Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, journalist Andrew Ross Sorkin, conservative commentator S. E. Cupp, comedian P. J. O'Rourke, journalist Joshua Green Topics: Gene Cranick, zero-sum economic theory, Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), Christine O'Donnell, Rich Iott, climate change, religion

S8 E21
★ 5.8

October 15, 2010

Guests: Activist Al Sharpton, columnist Markos Moulitsas, musician John Legend, Dana Loesch, columnist Dan Neil Topics: Bill O'Reilly, Tea Party movement, 2010 Craziest Candidate Countdown, electric cars, education, Brett Favre

S8 E22
★ 7.1

October 22, 2010

Guests: Actor George Clooney, film director Rob Reiner, journalist Jake Tapper, political commentator Nicolle Wallace, Levi Johnston Topics: Crisis in Sudan, Clarence Thomas/Anita Hill, Campaign financing, 1st Amendment/ O'Donnell, Tea Party, 2010 elections, Sarah Palin, 'Don't ask, don't tell'

S8 E23
★ 5.9

October 29, 2010

Guests: Former US President Jimmy Carter, comedian Zach Galifianakis, political analyst Lawrence O'Donnell, political strategist Margaret Hoover, journalist Reihan Salam Topics: White House Diary, 2010 midterm elections, violence and the Tea Party, 2010 Craziest Candidate Countdown, Prop 19, separation of church and state

S8 E24
★ 5.6

November 05, 2010

Guests: Commentator Bill O'Reilly, Rep. Darrell Issa, journalist Fareed Zakaria, comedian Dana Gould, D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty Topics: 2010 midterm election results, Obama's response to election results, Republican plan, balancing the budget and cuts, social justice, education, military budget, prison population, Rep. and Dem. cooperation

S8 E25
★ 0.0

November 12, 2010

Guests: Commentator Mike Huckabee, filmmaker Michael Moore, author Nora Ephron, reporter Jessica Yellin, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA) Topics: Bush, Obama, midterm elections, Iraq, veterans, health care, deficit

S9 E1
★ 7.3

January 14, 2011

Guests: Assistant to the President Elizabeth Warren, actor Martin Short, political analyst James Carville, political consultant Mike Murphy, Editor-at-large of Reuters Chrystia Freeland Topics: Consumer protection, Tucson shooting, gun control, right wing rhetoric, health care

S9 E2
★ 7.6

January 21, 2011

Guests: Journalist Michael Hastings, politician/businessman David Stockman, political commentator Rachel Maddow, economist Stephen Moore, entrepreneur Russell Simmons Topics: Keith Olbermann, Tunisian protests, health care, Ronald Reagan's legacy, gun control, Tucson shooting

S9 E3
★ 7.3

January 28, 2011

Guests: Former RNC Chairman Michael Steele, NRO host Will Cain, former Canadian PM Kim Campbell, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), comedian D. L. Hughley Topics: 2011 State of the Union Address, deficit, education, 2011 Egyptian protests, 2011 Domodedovo International Airport bombing, climate change, evolution

S9 E4
★ 7.3

February 04, 2011

Guests: Journalist Mona Eltahawy, director Charles H. Ferguson, conservative columnist John Fund, Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Topics: Egyptian protests, financial meltdown, RNC in debt, Kepler (spacecraft), NASA going to Mars, Clarence & Ginny Thomas, Civil War celebrations in the south, GOProud at CPAC

S9 E5
★ 7.2

February 11, 2011

Guests: Syndicated columnist Arianna Huffington, philosopher Cornel West, journalist Hooman Majd, MSNBC host Norah O'Donnell, actor Matthew Perry Topics: AOL-HuffPo merger, Egypt after Mubarak and US reaction, Chris Lee, alcoholism, O'Reilly's interview of Obama, CPAC and homophobia, re-writing Mark Twain

S9 E6
★ 7.5

February 18, 2011

Guests: PBS host Tavis Smiley, director Kevin Smith, journalist John Heilemann, CNBC host Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, journalist Matt Taibbi Topics: Griftopia, budget cuts, Obama as a bad negotiator, trade unions for government employees, Tea Party Review magazine, Red State, treatment of women in Arab world, Natalie Munroe, Civil War reenactments

S9 E7
★ 7.0

March 04, 2011

Guests: Novelist T. Coraghessan Boyle, feminist icon Gloria Steinem, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein, actress and comedianne Tracey Ullman Topics: Overpopulation, road quality in the US, Planned Parenthood, Wisconsin Governor, Equal Pay

S9 E8
★ 6.7

March 11, 2011

Guests: Rep. Keith Maurice Ellison (D-MN), director Bill T. Jones, Democratic strategist Paul Begala, co-founder of the St. Louis Tea Party Dana Loesch, former congressman Thomas M. Davis (R-VA) Topics: Peter King's radicalization hearings, Islamophobia, labor dispute in Wisconsin, sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic archdiocese of Philadelphia, NPR, 2012 GOP presidential candidates, no-fly zone in Libya

S9 E9
★ 6.5

March 18, 2011

Guests: Actor Richard Belzer, Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, columnist Dan Neil, author Annabelle Gurwitch, activist Erica Williams Topics: democracy in Arab countries, nuclear power, the economy's social impact, the environment, disaster porn, Charlie Sheen, Bradley Manning

S9 E10
★ 6.3

March 25,2011

Guests: Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, Actress Ellen Page, columnist David Brooks, former Governor Ed Rendell (D-PA), Newsweek Editor-in-Chief Tina Brown Topics: Libya, youth bulge, Republican Birthers and racism, Labor Unions, bee colony collapse disorder, America's growing Hispanic population, General Electric's tax bill

S9 E11
★ 6.7

April 01, 2011

Guests: Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Special Olympics chairman Tim Shriver, director Julian Schnabel, radio host Randy Cohen, commentator Doug Heye Topics: government shutdown, budget cuts, public vs. private labor, corporate taxes, Birthers, Miral, Pastor Terry Jones, War Powers Resolution, American exceptionalism, Iowa Caucuses, gay marriage

S9 E12
★ 7.5

April 08, 2011

Guests: Pilot Chesley Sullenberger, CNN host Eliot Spitzer, BBC anchor Katty Kay, Daily Beast blogger Andrew Sullivan, comedian Colin Quinn Topics: Government shutdown, Planned Parenthood, US Budget, Objectivism, Libya, reaction to Pastor Terry Jones, Donald Trump, Class conflict

S9 E13
★ 7.4

April 15, 2011

Guests: Theoretical Physicist Michio Kaku, MSNBC Ed Show host Ed Schultz, ex-RNC Head Michael Steele, ABC News Political Director Amy Walter, author Irshad Manji Topics: US Budget, trickle-down economics, Iraq War, military-industrial complex, France's ban on Muslim clothing, gender inequality in Muslim culture, Jon Kyl, health care in Paul Ryan's budget plan, racism in the Tea Party, National Endowment for the Arts

S9 E14
★ 7.4

April 29, 2011

Guests: Governor Deval Patrick (D-MA), journalist Laura Flanders, blogger Andrew Breitbart, author Mark McKinnon, director John Waters Topics: Birther and schooler conspiracy theories, labor union bill in Massachusetts, Romneycare, racism in the GOP, Donald Trump, gas prices, windfall profits tax, censorship on TV, Victory Day in Afghanistan, monarchy in the UK

S9 E15
★ 7.2

May 06, 2011

Guests: Journalist Peter Bergen, author Michael Eric Dyson, investigative journalist and author Jeremy Scahill, ex-Bush speechwriter David Frum, author Irshad Manji Topics: Death of Osama bin Laden, potential OBL successors, Bush doctrine, Bin Laden's decline of popularity in the Moslem world, celebrations of OBL's death, OBL's goal to bankrupt the US, David Petraeus as CIA director nominee

S9 E16
★ 7.2

May 13, 2011

Guests: Counter-terrorism expert Richard A. Clarke, author Andrew Ross Sorkin, columnist Reihan Salam, MSNBC analyst Michelle Bernard, actor Harry Shearer Topics: Osama Bin Laden's life in the compound, Pakistan as ally, Newt Gingrich, job gains/losses in the private and public sectors, US Army Corps of Engineers, FEMA, education, green energy, John Ensign scandal, pediatricians and gun safety

S9 E17
★ 6.6

May 20, 2011

Guests: Actor Zach Galifianakis, MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan, journalist Gillian Tett, journalist Reza Aslan, author Amy Chua Topics: Republican 2010 Presidential nominees, health care, socialism, Israel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Catholic priest abuse scandal report

S9 E18
★ 7.5

June 03, 2011

Guests: U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan, professor Melissa Harris-Perry, former New York Rep. Rick Lazio, journalist Larry King, writer/director Adam McKay Topics: Mitt Romney's Presidential campaign, Republican hyperbolic rhetoric about Obama, Sarah Palin's bus tour, Rep. Anthony Weiner scandal, Lee Atwater, John Edwards scandal, the US budget deficit, link between cell phones and cancer, businessmen as politicians

S9 E19
★ 7.1

June 10, 2011

Guests: Former Congresswoman Jane Harman (D-CA), comedienne Janeane Garofalo, columnist Joshua Green, journalist Sharon Waxman, actress Jane Lynch Topics: Tax cuts for the wealthy, climate change, Rick Santorum, Rep. Anthony Weiner scandal, Sarah Palin's gubernatorial record, the Republican field for 2012, cybersex

S9 E20
★ 7.0

June 17, 2011

Guests: Ray Kurzweil, columnist Ross Douthat, Public Notice executive director Gretchen Hamel, pundit Chris Matthews, comedian Kevin Nealon Topics: Mitt Romney, FEMA, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Republicans rooting for America to fail, Rep. Anthony Weiner scandal, Tracy Morgan, hunting, freedom vs. entitlement, Rick Perry's spiritual solutions to national problems

S9 E21
★ 6.4

June 24, 2011

Guests: Chief Foreign Correspondent for NBC News Richard Engel, columnist David Carr, columnist Michael Smerconish, Republican strategist Susan del Percio, filmmaker Alexandra Pelosi Topics: Obama's non-Democratic policies, Republican candidate Jon Huntsman, Jr., Mormonism, Barack Obama impersonator Reggie Brown, Wal-Mart, the state of the news media, role of family in conservative politics & overbreeding

S9 E22
★ 7.1

July 08, 2011

Guests: Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance Ethan Nadelmann, Ann Coulter, The Nation editor and MSNBC host Christopher Hayes, historian Amanda Foreman, Chaz Bono Topics: U.S. debt ceiling, jobs, Michele Bachmann, Keith Ablow on Bill Maher, News of the World phone hacking scandal, Casey Anthony trial, favorable laws for the wealthy

S9 E23
★ 6.4

July 15, 2011

Guests: Sex columnist Dan Savage, Global Editor-at-Large of Reuters Chrystia Freeland, Dallas Mavericks owner and entrepreneur Mark Cuban, comedian Marc Maron Topics: American greed, the economy, the environment, Marcus Bachmann's gay therapy, marriage vow pledge, tax pledge, Rupert Murdoch's media empire, Carmageddon on Interstate 405, liberal vs. Christian sexism

S9 E24
★ 7.3

July 22, 2011

Guests: John Fetterman, DNC Vice-Chair Donna Brazile, editor Nick Gillespie, actor John Turturro Topics: Republican strategy of no, the US budget, financial services industry, Marcus Bachmann, personal sacrifice in the US, independent voters, Michele Bachmann's migraines, political pledges

S9 E25
★ 7.1

July 29, 2011

Guests: Financial-fraud investigator Harry Markopolos, former New York governor Eliot Spitzer; political strategist Margaret Hoover; FreedomWorks president and CEO Matt Kibbe; and emmy-award winning actor Bryan Cranston. Topics: Debt ceiling deal, deficit reduction, tea-party rise, washington and Obama's failure to negotiate, 'The Town' clip to inspire Republicans, drugs in America, Norway massacre, America's secret love of socialism

S10 E1
★ 6.9

January 13, 2012

Guests: Filmmaker Rob Reiner, DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ex GOP Presidential Candidate Herman Cain, Daily Beast Blogger David Frum, Documentarian Alexandra Pelosi. Topics: Herman Cain's presidential campaign, attacks on Mitt Romney's 'vulture capitalism', US marines urinating on dead Taliban fighters, assassination of Iranian scientists, Romney's electability and the Republican primaries, Super PACs and campaign finance, holiday recap.

S10 E2
★ 7.5

January 20, 2012

Guests: Journalism legend Bill Moyers, journalist Matt Lewis, Former Governor Charles "Buddy" Roemer, Former Governor Jennifer Granholm, Sen. Bernie Sanders (Ind-VT). Topics: The Republican presidential primaries, Keystone oil pipeline and popular support for important legislation, Newt Gingrich's rise and possible racism, electoral disdain for Mitt Romney, SOPA and PIPA, Republicans' fictionalising president Obama, overcoming partisanship, Citizens United and corporate money in politics, venture capitalism.

S10 E3
★ 6.5

January 27, 2012

Guests: Former Rep. Mark Foley, celebrity chef Mario Batali, journalist Martin Bashir, political satirist Kennedy, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) Topics: Elections needing a bogeyman, state of the Union speech, Gov. Jan Brewer chastising Obama, food being politicised, Republicans turning on Newt Gingrich, Republicans creating a fake opponent to run against within the bubble, Saul Alinsky

S10 E4
★ 6.8

February 03, 2012

Guests: Author Suze Orman, Ex Rep Rick Lazio (R-NY), host Wes Moore, monologist Mike Daisey, author Michael Hastings. Topics: Chinese sweatshops making electronics, Obama running on his record, job growth report, solving the housing crisis, "the haves and the soon to haves", US withdrawal from Afghanistan, decline of the occupy movement, correlation between intelligence and prejudice, education system, atheism not being a religion.

S10 E5
★ 7.1

February 10, 2012

Guests: Rev. Al Sharpton, CBS News correspondent Mo Rocca, journalist Zanny Minton Beddoes, commentator Reihan Salam, Ex ambassador to Croatia Peter Galbraith. Topics: Uprising in Syria, Iran acquiring nuclear weapons, the Republican primaries, Rick Santorum becoming front-runner, anti-contraception legislation, valentines day, gay marriage and proposition 8 in california, Clint Eastwood Superbowl advert, Republican dividing America.

S10 E6
★ 6.7

February 17, 2012

Guests: Ex-Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D-NY), Dr. Drew Pinsky, author Alexandra Wentworth, economist Steve Moore, journalist Erin McPike. Topics: American reliance on prescription drugs, death of Whitney Houston, Mitt Romney's failing campaign numbers, recovery of the economy, contraception, Republicans alienation of women voters, 'small government' republicans use of medicare, supreme court conservatism, alternative energy sources, disrespect of the office of President.

S10 E7
★ 7.6

March 02, 2012

Guests: Former Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI), former Vice Chairman of General Motors Bob Lutz, Democratic strategist James Carville, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, journalist John Heilemann. Topics: Rush Limbaugh's 'slut' comments, campaign finance and Super PACs, Rick Santorum self destructing, 'Blunt' healthcare amendment, the highjacking of the Republican establishment, the auto bailout, climate change, the space program, the importance of scientific advancement, the liberal bubble and the 'joke candidate'.

S10 E8
★ 7.6

March 09, 2012

Guests: Israeli ambassador Michael Oren, Ex SEIU head Andrew Stern, author Catherine Crier, Ex, RNC chair Michael Steele, "Mad Men" star Jon Hamm. Topics: Iran's nuclear program, Israel's conservative government, Super Tuesday results, a third political party in America, the price of freedom of speech, contraception and abortion, prejudice and voting against economic interest, home schooling.

S10 E9
★ 7.1

March 16, 2012

Guests: Documentarian Alexandra Pelosi, actor Ed Helms, author and MSNBC host Dylan Ratigan, journalist Amy Holmes, Mayor Mark Cornett (Oklahoma City-R) Topics: entitlement culture, democrats losing their base, gas prices and Obama's ratings, stupidest states, 'The Lorax' and liberal brainwashing, the south, Afghanistan, Goldman Sachs, Kony 2012 and youthful advice.

S10 E10
★ 6.5

March 23, 2012

Guests: Journalist Charles M. Blow, comedian Fred Armisen, author Glenn Greenwald, political scientist Wendy Schiller, political commentator Andrew Sullivan Topics: Hate crimes, Trayvon Martin murder and racism in America, 'stand your ground' law, stupidest states, assassination of American citizens, Jason Russell meltdown, catholicism in America, Romney's inevitability and the need to curb fake outrage.

S10 E11
★ 7.4

March 30, 2012

Guests: Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, author Van Jones, columnist Rich Galen, blogger Elise Jordan, "Mad Men" creator Matthew Weiner. Topics: Healthcare reform and the Supreme Court, Trayvon Martin shooting, historical and contemporary America, green energy initiatives, gun control in America.

S10 E12
★ 6.5

April 13, 2012

Guests: News personality Tavis Smiley, author Eric Klinenberg, former Prime Minister of Canada Kim Campbell, former Rep. David Stockman (R-MI), author Matthew Continetti Topics: Trayvon Martin case, racism and gun control, poverty, abortion rights, tax laws, decline of marriage, women voters, the war on drugs, antiquated Cuba policy.

S10 E13
★ 6.6

April 20, 2012

Guests: Environmentalist Lynn Henning, columnist Ross Douthat, author Thomas Frank, author Todd Buchholz, Reuters editor Chrystia Freeland Topics: Earth day and environmentalism, media exaggeration of Trayvon Martin case, the war on women, secret service sex scandal, the decline of religion in America, the defeat of the Buffett rule, pink slime and Republican obstructionism.

S10 E14
★ 7.4

April 27, 2012

Guests: Author Charles Murray, Founder and Executive Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Paul Rieckhoff, Democratic strategist Paul Begala, columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, columnist S.E. Cupp Topics: class division in America, college education prices, Obama as celebrity, American definition of successful, farewell to Republican nominees, veteran healthcare and suicide prevention, need for a draft, media obsession with sex scandals and non-stories.

S10 E15
★ 6.3

May 4, 2012

Guests: Comedian Arsenio Hall, comedian Bobcat Goldthwait, Republican strategist Susan del Percio, host of MSNBC's "The Ed Show" Ed Schultz, former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell Lawrence Wilkerson Topics: Anniversary of Rodney King/LA riots, Obama being painted as the most left president ever, the future of NATO, Anniversary of Bin Laden's death, republican vice presidential nominee, war on women, success in America, charitable giving

S10 E16
★ 6.7

May 11, 2012

Guests: Former White House advisor Richard Clarke, actress Eva Longoria, CNN political contributor Margaret Hoover, Reuters columnist David Cay Johnston, Founder Americans for Tax Reform Grover Norquist Topics: Obama's War on Terror, Obama versus Romney on gay rights, Romney and the hard right, Obama's economic recovery, the latino vote and immigration policy, is Romney insensitive to weak and vulnerable people?, obesity

S10 E17
★ 7.0

May 18, 2012

Guests: Journalist Dan Rather, former senator Bill Bradley (D-N.J.); business reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera; journalist Jeremy Scahill, columnist Joel Stein. Topics: the trivialisation of the mainstream news, citizens united and unions, the debt under Obama, masculinity in America, minority babies, economic growth, Obama as a socialist, religious Universities.

S10 E18
★ 6.7

May 25, 2012

Guests: Journalist Jeffrey Gettleman, actor Kevin Nealon, journalist Michelle Bernard, economist Paul Krugman, economist Arthur Laffer Topics: The economy, the fillibuster, venture capitalism, resurgence of the birther movement, vice-president vetting, Romney's faith influencing his decisions, Facebook's IPO, fake narrative of Obama being a radical.

S10 E19
★ 6.8

June 08, 2012

Guests: Lawyer Susan Burke, journalist E.J. Dionne, politics editor at "Business Insider" Michael Brendan Dougherty, film maker John Waters, economist Dambisa Moyo. Topics: rape in the military, Wisconsin Governor recall election, soda tax in New York, unpatriotic to cause economic downturn, Catholic church's reprimand of nun's, farm subsidies and the impact on Africa, next move for occupy wall street

S10 E20
★ 6.5

June 15, 2012

Guests: Economist Joseph Stiglitz, actor Alan Thicke, political consultant Karen Finney, journalist David Frum, pollster Kristen Soltis. Topics: Economic inequality, 'euro-zone' crisis, Obama's immigration reform, fake Obama, Canadian institutions, American's sense of entitlement, Racism, Vacation time in America.

S10 E21
★ 6.7

June 22, 2012

Guests: Actors Kirk Douglas and Mark Ruffalo are the interview guests. Panelists: editor Nick Gillespie; MSNBC's Rachel Maddow; publisher Mort Zuckerman. Topics: Fast & Furious scandal, Independents vs partisans, Sandusky trial verdict, War Powers Resolution, Obama courting minority votes, fracking, teenage conservatism.

S10 E22
★ 7.2

June 29, 2012

Guests: Journalist Amy Goodman, Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), journalist Fareed Zakaria, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, comedian Lizz Winstead. Topics: Affordable Care Act, Justices John Roberts and Antonin Scalia, reproductive health, Egypt election, Rep. Allen West, Mitt Romney's plan for China and health care, Romney's VP candidates.

S10 E23
★ 7.0

August 17, 2012

Documentary film maker Peter Byck, talk show host Chelsea Handler, owner of the NBA's Dallas Mavericks' Mark Cuban, columnist Reihan Salam, journalist Alex Wagner

S10 E24
★ 7.0

August 24, 2012

Our top-of show interview will be with Arianna Huffington, President & Editor-In-Chief, Huffington Post Media Group. Mid-show will be D.L. Hughley who has a new book, I Want You to Shut the F*ck Up. Panel: Katty Kay – Anchor of the BBC's "WorldNews America" Rep. Jack Kingston – Republican (GA) Avik Roy – Romney Advisor and The Apothecary blogger for

S10 E25
★ 6.2

August 31, 2012

Political commentator Dinesh D'Souza and author Walter Kirn are the interview guests. Panelists: actor Jason Alexander; political strategist Ron Christie; news anchor Soledad O'Brien.

S11 E1
★ 7.0

January 18, 2013

Guests: Comedian Martin Short, former Governor & Senator Bob Kerrey (D-NE), journalist Rula Jebreal, reporter Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, and former Rep. Steve LaTourette. Topics: The future of the Republicans, gun control, Israeli elections, revolution in Syria, torture, Manti Te'o girlfriend hoax, the media, neither party cares about privacy

S11 E2
★ 7.4

January 25, 2013

GOPAC president David Avella; former Vt. Gov. Howard Dean; political strategist Kristen Soltis; House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi; Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont).

S11 E3
★ 7.4

February 1, 2013

Interview Guests: Alex Gibney, Sam Harris Panelists: Cory Booker, Jackie Kucinich, Eva Longoria Alex Gibney is an American documentary filmmaker. His latest documentary "Mea Maxima Culpa: Silence in the House of God" apparently debuts Feb 4, 2013 on HBO. Sam Harris is a philosopher whose latest book is "Free Will". He blogs at and has recently written on the gun control issue. Cory Booker is the mayor of Newark, New Jersey and is a high-profile Democrat. Jackie Kucinich is a reporter covering politics for USA Today and is a frequent guest commentator on MSNBC. Eva Longoria is an American television and film actress, best known for her roles on "The Young and the Restless" and "Desperate Housewives".

S11 E4
★ 7.0

February 8, 2013

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange; editor Tina Brown; journalist Josh Barro; jouralist Martin Bashir; theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss.

S11 E5
★ 7.3

February 15, 2013

Robert Zimmerman; actor Joel McHale; political strategist Donna Brazile; author Jon Meacham; editor Jamie Weinstein.

S11 E6
★ 7.5

March 1, 2013

Cybersecurity expert James Lyne; musician Snoop Lion (formerly Snoop Dogg); finance expert Monica Mehta; Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA); political strategist Steve Schmidt.

S11 E7
★ 7.1

March 8, 2013

Journalist Charlies LeDuff; author Arianna Huffington; health care expert Avik Roy; former Republican National Committee chair Michael Steele; actor/comic David Cross.

S11 E8
★ 6.9

March 15, 2013

Education reformer Michelle Rhee, chef Tom Colicchio, economist Jared Bernstein, former Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), and TV host Rachel Maddow.

S11 E9
★ 6.7

March 22, 2013

Economist Austan Goolsbee; music-business executive Clive Davis; journalist John Feehery; voter registration advocate Maria Teresa Kumar; former Gov. Jim McGreevey (D-NJ).

S11 E10
★ 7.2

April 5, 2013

Interview Guest: Sebastian Junger Panelists: Abby Huntsman, Stephen Moore, Bernie Sanders Panel Guest: Zack Kopplin Sebastian Junger is an award-winning Afghanistan war correspondent and filmmaker. His latest project is a film for HBO titled "Which Way Is the Front Line from Here? The Life and Time of Tim Hetherington". Abby Huntsman is a political commentator and host of HuffPost Live. Stephen Moore is an economist, conservative commentator and the author of "Who’s The Fairest of Them All: The Truth About Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America". Bernie Sanders is the independent senator from Vermont. Zack Kopplin is a science education activist.

S11 E11
★ 6.9

April 12, 2013

Gun control advocate Colin Goddard; sportscaster Bob Costas; political strategist Stephanie Cutter; economist David Stockman; activist Saru Jayaraman.

S11 E12
★ 7.2

April 19, 2013

Tonight's guests are director Brian Levin, gun control advocate Colin Goddard, TV anchor Amy Holmes, columnist & author Nicholas Kristof and author Salman Rushdie.

S11 E13
★ 7.1

April 26, 2013

Guests: Donald Borelli, Jimmy Kimmel, John Avlon, Anna Deavere Smith, Robert Traynham.

S11 E14
★ 6.9

May 3, 2013

Guests: Jeremy Scahill, Lawrence O'Donnell, Pete Hegseth, Mattie Duppler, Marc Maron.

S11 E15
★ 7.2

May 10, 2013

Guests: From "Star Trek: Into Darkness", actor Zachary Quinto; NYT Food & Opinion journalist Mark Bittman; Guardian columnist Glenn Greenwald; MSNBC analyst Joy Reid; National Review journalist Charles Cooke.

S11 E16
★ 7.4

May 17, 2013

Guests: Oscar winning director Michael Moore; from "The Hangover Part III", actor/comedian Zach Galifianakis; from "The Cycle", co-host S.E. Cupp; from "Foreign Policy Begins at Home", author Richard Haas; NYT Finance columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin.

S11 E17
★ 6.6

May 31, 2013

Guests: Actress and screenwriter Brit Marling; humorist Raul Rudnick; from the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden; Journalist Michael Isikoff; from "HuffPost Live", producer James Poulos.

S11 E18
★ 7.5

June 7, 2013

Guests: Filmmaker & author Tom Shadyac; journalist & author George Packer; GOP strategist Ana Navarro; comedian Dana Gould; author Kevin Williamson.

S11 E19
★ 7.2

June 14, 2013

Guests: Ex U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI); "The Center Holds" author Jonathan Alter; "Gasland Part II" director Josh Fox; "Great Degeneration" author and Harvard professor Niall Ferguson; conservative pollster Kellyanne Conway.

S11 E20
★ 6.3

June 21, 2013

Guests: Ex New York Times Op-Eder & Demos Fellow Bob Herbert; first female Saudi filmmaker Haifaa al-Mansour; "Cooked" author Michael Pollan; "Queen of the Turtle Derby" author Julia Reed; Bloomberg Businessweek journalist Josh Green.

S11 E21
★ 7.3

June 28, 2013

The Interview: Anthony Leiserowitz is the Director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, which "investigates the psychological, cultural, political, and geographic factors that drive public environmental perception and behavior." Twitter: @ecotone2 The Panel: Kristen Soltis has been described as "the Republican Party's leading millennial pollster" and serves as the Vice President of DC-based opinion research and political communications firm The Winston Group. Twitter: @KSoltisAnderson Dan Neil is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the author of The Wall Street Journal's "Rumble Seat" column, where he reviews everything from the Aston Martin Rapide S to John Deer's latest Gator. Twitter: @Danneilwsj Horace Cooper is a writer and legal commentator who serves at the Co-Chairman of the National Advisory Board for Project 21: "an initiative of The National Center for Public Policy Research to promote the views of African-Americans whose entrepreneurial spirit, dedication to family and commitment to individual responsibility has not traditionally been echoed by the nation's civil rights establishment." He is also a partner at Monument Communications. Adrian Grenier will join the panel mid-show. He is an actor, filmmaker and entrepreneur who recently produced 'How to Make Money Selling Drugs,' a film exploring the failure of American's drug war. It opens in New York on June 26th and Los Angeles on June 28th and is currently available on demand. Adrian recently penned an editorial for The Huffington Post, calling for the "return a sense of rationality and proportion to a justice system that has spun wildly out of control."

S11 E22
★ 6.6

July 12, 2013

Guests: "Hope on a Tightrope" author Dr. Cornel West; "Dirty Jobs" host Mike Rowe; GOP strategist Liz Mair; Daily Caller blogger Matt Lewis.

S11 E23
★ 6.4

July 19, 2013

Guests: tba

S11 E24
★ 7.0

July 26, 2013

Guests: tba

S11 E25
★ 6.8

August 2, 2013

Guests: tba

S12 E1
★ 6.9

January 17, 2014

Interviewee: Glenn Greenwald Panelists: Steve Schmidt, Jennifer Granholm, James Carville Panel Guest: (a very stoned) Mary Matalin Topics: Obama's speech on NSA reform, Chris Christie's Fort Lee lane closure scandal, Benghazi, Independents' self-identification rising, 2014 Elk River chemical spill, marriage between a Democrat and a Republican, global warming affecting animals, Republicans' war against the poor, unemployment benefits, minimum wage, women in US politics.

S12 E2
★ 6.9

January 24, 2014

Interviewee: Erin Brockovich Panelists: Josh Barro, Howard Dean, Carly Fiorina Panel Guest: Willie Nelson Topics: 2014 Elk River chemical spill and coal mining, Republicans and women issues, Obamacare, Richard Sherman's outburst after game against the San Francisco 49ers, Obama's inconsistent policies about marijuana, poverty and income inequality, 2014 Winter Olympics and Vladimir Putin's comments on LGBT people.

S12 E3
★ 6.6

January 31, 2014

Interviewee: John Ridley ("12 Years a Slave" screenwriter) Panelists: Chrystia Freeland (Canadian Member of Parliament), Ronan Farrow (MSNBC host), Darrell Issa (R-CA) Panel Guest: Stephen Merchant (writer/actor "Hello Ladies") Topics: Solomon Northup and slavery, 2014 State of the Union Address, minimum wage in the United States, income inequality, demographics of the top 1%, Gerrymandering, differences between UK and US politics, stand-your-ground laws and African Americans, gun politics, Michael Grimm threatening a reporter, Flip a District, puritanism.

S12 E4
★ 7.2

February 7, 2014

Interviewee: Charlie Crist Panelists: Tom Colicchio, Alicia Menendez, S. E. Cupp Panel Guest: P. J. O'Rourke Topics: Independents in US politics, Cuban embargo, immigration reform, executive orders, Congressional Budget Office's report on Obamacare's effect on jobs, lowest abortion rates in 30 years, Russia and communism, heroin and prescription drugs, United States Department of State's report on the Keystone Pipeline, federal spending for children vs. for senior citizens.

S12 E5
★ 6.4

February 14, 2014

Interviewee: Jeremy Scahill ("Dirty Wars" Docu-maker) Panelists: Andrew Sullivan ("Daily Dish" blogger), Mayim Bialik ("Big Bang Theory" star and vegan author), Eric Klinenberg ("Going Solo" author) Panel Guest: Bill Nye Topics: Creationism vs. science, Comcast–Time Warner Cable merger, net neutrality, drop in infrastructure spending, targeted killings of US citizens who plot against other Americans, veganism, attachment parenting, World Health Organization's warning about cancer, Philip Seymour Hoffman's published diaries, Edward Snowden praising Russia.

S12 E6
★ 7.1

February 21, 2014

Interviewee: Michelle Alexander Panelists: Charles Cooke, Jane Harman, Rachel Maddow Panel Guest: Steve Coogan Topics: The New Jim Crow, incarceration in the US, human rights in North Korea, MSNBC's overcoverage of the Chris Christie scandal, BYU's anti-masturbation campaign, Philomena, forced adoptions in the Catholic Church, Pat McCrory blocking lawsuits against Duke Energy, drought in California and regulations, John Kerry's statement about climate change.

S12 E7
★ 6.4

February 28, 2014

Interviewee: Christopher Leonard (author "The Meat Racket") Panelists: Austan Goolsbee, Margaret Hoover, William Kristol Panel Guest: Bruce Dern Topics: The Meat industry's secretiveness, Obama's failed efforts to reform corporate agribusiness, azodicarbonamide in Subway bread, Tea Party movement and bailouts, military budget of the United States, intervention vs. diplomacy, poverty in the Midwest, WhatsApp acquired by Facebook, homophobia in the bible, victim playing by the 1 percent.

S12 E8
★ 6.8

March 14, 2014

Interviewee: Alan Weisman (author of "Countdown") Panelists: Andrew Sullivan, Salman Rushdie, Amy Chua Panel Guest: Seth MacFarlane Topics: Environmentalism and overpopulation, family planning in Iran, 2014 Crimean crisis, Rand Paul winning the 2014 CPAC straw poll, paid time off in the United States and Europe, Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, Rush Limbaugh's comment on 12 Years a Slave winning the Academy Award for Best Picture, SAT changes for 2016, random religious rules.

S12 E9
★ 7.1

March 21, 2014

Interviewee: Errol Morris (author of "The Unknown Known") Panelists: Keith Ellison, Sheila Bair, Simon Schama Panel Guest: Shane Smith (host of Vice) Topics: The Unknown Known, Donald Rumsfeld & the Iraq War, 2014 midterm elections, Democrats & gun politics, Flip a District candidates: Michael Grimm & Blake Farenthold, Greenland & climate change in the Arctic, CNN & quality of journalism in the 24-hour news cycle, 2014 Russian military intervention in Ukraine, relationship between Pakistan & bin Laden.

S12 E10
★ 0.0

March 28, 2014

Interviewee: Jimmy Carter (former U.S. President) Panelists: W. Kamau Bell, Neera Tanden, Rick Lazio Panel Guest: Josh Gad Topics: A Call to Action: Women, Religion, Violence, and Power, treatment of women in various countries, militarized police force, GM's recall of vehicles & corporations' liability, Paul Ryan's statements about inner cities compared to Michelle Obama's, Erdoğan banning Twitter and YouTube, Frozen & gay conspiracy theory, Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby, marine pollution.

S12 E11
★ 0.0

April 4, 2014

Interviewees: Paul Watson (Captain) Panelists: Alex Wagner (MSNBC host), Tom Davis (R-VA), and Carrie Sheffield (Forbes columnist) Panel Guest: Nas (Hip Hop icon) Topics: Marine pollution, Obamacare reaching its target number of enrollees, Flip a District candidates: Kerry Bentivolio & Scott Garrett, gerrymandering, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission & unlimited campaign contributions, 2014 Fort Hood shooting & PTSD, United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's report on torture.

S12 E12
★ 0.0

April 11, 2014

Interviewees: Maria Alyokhina & Nadezhda Tolokonnikova (members of Pussy Riot) Panelists: Rob Lowe, Duncan D. Hunter, Ana Marie Cox Panel Guest: Matt Taibbi Topics:

S12 E13
★ 7.1

April 25, 2014

Interviewee: Tom Steyer (Hedge Fund Manager & Philanthropist) Panelists: John Avlon ("Daily Beast" Editor), Charles Murray ("Curmudgeon" author), and Christine Quinn (Ex-NYC Councilwoman) Panel Guest: Annabelle Gurwitch (Comedian) Topics:

S12 E14
★ 6.8

May 2, 2014

Musician Ziggy Marley, Ex-NBA Player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA), "Blood Will Out" Author Walter Kirn, and Financial Consultant Monica Mehta.

S12 E15
★ 6.7

May 9, 2014

Interviewee: Sister Simone Campbell ("Nun on a Bus") Panelists: Matt Welch ("Reason" magazine Editor-in-Chief), Baratunde Thurston (Author and Comic), Arianna Huffington ("Thrive" Scribe and HuffPost Founder) Panel Guest: Dinesh D'Souza (Conservative Film-maker) Topics:

S12 E16
★ 6.5

May 16, 2014

Comedian and Actor Kevin Nealon, Ex-Governor Brian Schweitzer (D-MN), from "Fed Up" Dr. Robert Lustig, GOP Pollster Kellyanne Conway and Author of "Every Nation for Itself" Ian Bremmer.

S12 E17
★ 6.8

May 23, 2014

Jose Antonio Vargas, Anna Deavere Smith, Michael Smerconish, David Frum and Sarah Silverman.

S12 E18
★ 7.2

June 6, 2014

John Waters, Anthony Weiner, Ralph E. Reed, Jr., Nicolle Wallace and Jim Geraghty

S12 E19
★ 7.1

June 13, 2014

EPA Head Gina McCarthy, MSNBC Co-Host Krystal Ball, Novelist Richard Clarke, Comedian Carol Leifer and Conservative Blogger Tom Rogan.

S12 E20
★ 7.1

June 20, 2014

"No Place to Hide" Author Glenn Greenwald, Linkin Park's Michael Shinoda, Atlantic Journalist Ta-Nehisa Coates, I.A.V.A. Founder Paul Rieckhoff, and Conservative Pollster Kristen Soltis.

S12 E21
★ 7.0

June 27, 2014

Bill's guests are: Martin Blaser, Max Brooks, Bobby Ghosh, Andy Litinsky, and Joy-Ann Reid.

S12 E22
★ 7.0

July 11, 2014

Author Sandra Tsing-Loh, Pulitzer prize-winner Ron Suskind, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), and National Review's Reihan Salam.

S12 E23
★ 6.1

July 18, 2014

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, president of North Carolina NAACP; actor George Takei; former Rep. Jane Harman (D- Calif.); statistician Nate Silver; editor Jamie Weinstein.

S12 E24
★ 7.3

July 25, 2014

"Cosmos" star Neil deGrasse Tyson, Democracy Now's Amy Goodman, Freedomworks' Matt Kibbe, GOP Strategist Hogan Gidley.

S12 E25
★ 7.2

August 1, 2014

Political activist Ralph Nader; author Douglas Brinkley; deputy chief of staff to the House Majority Leader, Doug Heye; Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.).

S13 E1
★ 6.5

Episode 338

Comedy legend Jay Leno, literary icon Salman Rushdie, Ex-HP CEO Carly Fiorina, Chris Hardwick and Paul Begala.

S13 E2
★ 5.4

Episode 339

Bill's guests include Oscar winning director Kathryn Bigelow, "Wedding Ringer" actor Josh Gad, "Being Mortal" author Atul Gawande, New York Times "Upshot" correspondent Josh Barro, "The Work: My Search For a Life That Matters" author Wes Moore.

S13 E3
★ 6.4

Episode 340

Ex-Governor Howard Dean (D-VT), comedian and "Black and White" actor Bill Burr, "America in Retreat" author Bret Stephens, Washington Post's Nia-Malika Henderson, and The Atlantic's James Fallows.

S13 E4
★ 6.6

Episode 341

This weeks guests include comedy legend Mel Brooks, Representative Joaquin Castro (D-TX), "Citizenfour" director Laura Poitras, BBC World News anchor Kitty Kay, and "The Entrepreneurial Instinct" author Monica Mehta.

S13 E5
★ 6.0

Episode 342

This weeks guests include "Course in Miracles" author Marianne Williamson, "Blaze" anchor Amy Holmes, "Weekly Standard" writer John McCormack, "Redefining Realness" author Janet Mock, and British writer and journalist Johann Hari.

S13 E6
★ 6.2

Episode 343

This weeks guests include director of "Merchants of Doubt" Robert Kenner, former Republican member of the United States House of Representatives Tom Davis, Editor-in-Chief for the Economist magazine Zanny Minton Beddoes, co-founder of the black political blog Jack and Jill Politics and CEO of Cultivated Wit Baratunde Thurston, and actor and author of "Holy Cow" David Duchovny.

S13 E7
★ 6.3

Episode 344

Director Rob Reiner, singer/songwriter Aloe Blacc, Bill Nye "The Science Guy", writer Fran Lebowitz and Washington Post's Elahe Izadi.

S13 E8
★ 6.3

Episode 345

Bill's guests include Ex-Obama guru & "Believer" author David Axelrod, "Going Clear" author Lawrence Wright, "American Crime" creator John Ridley, Heritage Foundation's daily signal Genevieve Wood, and author and journalist Matt Taibbi.

S13 E9
★ 6.2

Episode 346

Huffington Post's Editor-in-Chief Arianna Huffington, "Stonewalled" author Sharyl Attkisson, The National Review's Tom Rogan, The Hunting Ground's Annie Clark & Andrea Pino and actor Sean Penn.

S13 E10
★ 6.1

Episode 347

Interview: NBC and MLB sportscasting legend Bob Costas. Panel: ex-US Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), ex-NYC Council Speaker Christine Quinn, GOP Strategist Mercedes Schlapp. Panel Guest: "God's Bankers" author Gerald Posner.

S13 E11
★ 6.2

Episode 348

Interview: "God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy" author Mike Huckabee. Panel: "The Slap" star Zachary Quinto, "Frank" author and ex-Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), and CNN commentator S.E. Cupp. Panel Guest: NASA JPL Senior Water Scientist Professor Jay Famiglietti.

S13 E12
★ 6.9

Episode 349

"A Fighting Chance" author Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), "Live Right and Find Happiness" author Dave Barry, "In Defense of Liberal Education" author Fareed Zakaria, "Bad Religion" author Ross Douthat and Roll Call editor-in-chief Christina Bellantoni.

S13 E13
★ 7.0

Episode 350

Esquire TV's "The Runner-Up" star Clay Aiken, "The Story" author Judith Miller, "Thomas Jefforson" author Jon Meacham, CNBC chief international correspondent Michele Caruso Cabrera, Center for American Progress president Neera Tanden.

S13 E14
★ 6.5

Episode 351

Celebrity chef & "Fresh Off the Boat" author Eddie Huang, activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Daily Beast contributor Ana Marie Cox, Weekly Standard senior editor Christopher Caldwell, and G.O.P. consultant Liz Mair.

S13 E15
★ 6.3

Episode 352

Bill's guests include "The Great Divide" author Joseph Stiglitz, Human Rights Foundation chairman Garry Kasparov, Wilson Center President and Ex-Representative Jane Harman (D-CA), New Yorker staff writer Adam Gopnik and Foreign Policy Initiative co-founder Dan Senor.

S13 E16
★ 6.9

Episode 353

Bill's guests include comedy legend Billy Crystal, MSNBC "Now" host Alex Wagner, Ex-Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee, consumer advocate Erin Brockovich, and ESPN commentator Will Cain.

S13 E17
★ 6.5

Episode 354

Bill's guests include film-maker & "Carsick" author John Waters, "Heretic" author Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Democratic president Heather McGhee, and "By the People" author Charles Murray.

S13 E18
★ 6.8

Episode 355

Bill's guests include "Inside Out" actor Lewis Black, ex-representative Rick Lazio (R-NY), ex-senior CIA and FBI official Philip Mudd, ex-Ohio state senator Nina Turner (D-OH), and "Superpower" author Ian Bremmer.

S13 E19
★ 6.6

Episode 356

Bill's guests include "Jeff Ross Roasts Criminals" comic Jeff Ross, actor and environmentalist Ed Begley Jr., Daily Beast columnist Ron Christie, The Other 98% director Alexis Goldstein, and Slate's "The Gist" host Mike Pesca.

S13 E20
★ 6.7

Episode 357

Bill's guests include Democratic President hopeful, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Representative Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL), "¡Adios America!" author Ann Coulter, MSNBC contributor Joy Reid and Daily Caller's senior contributor Matt Lewis.

S13 E21
★ 7.0

Episode 358

EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, Georgetown professor Michael Eric Dyson, "The Selfie Vote" author Kristen Soltis Anderson, "End of Discussion" co-writer Mary Katherine Ham, and "Trainwreck" director & "Sick in the Head" author Judd Apatow.

S13 E22
★ 6.6

Episode 359

The Interview: Michael Mann. The Panel: Mary Matalin, Steve Schmidt, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA). Mid-Show Guest: Caitlin Flanagan.

S13 E23
★ 7.1

Episode 360

The Interview: Sister Helen Prejean. The Panel: Jennifer Granholm, Doug Heye, Lawrence Wilkerson. Mid-Show Guest: Talib Kweli.

S13 E24
★ 7.0

Episode 361

"Pretty Ladylike" author Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO), WTF's Marc Maron, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), "Conservatarian Manifesto" author Charles Cooke, "The Blue Zones Solution" author Dan Buettner.

S13 E25
★ 6.9

Episode 362

GOP Presidential candidate & Ex-Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), Ex-State Senator Wendy Davis (D-TX), Washington Post national reporter Robert Costa and Senior Editor for The Daily Beast Michael Weiss.

S14 E1
★ 7.2

Episode 373

Bill's guests include former Vice President Al Gore, Professor and activist Dr. Cornel West, former Bush communications director Nicolle Wallace, Ralph Reed and John Krasinski.

S14 E2
★ 6.7

Episode 374

Bill's guests include "No One Ever Tells You" singer Seth Macfarlane, "Destiny and Power" author Jon Meacham, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) and anti-Trump GOP strategist Liz Mair.

S14 E3
★ 6.4

Episode 375

Bill's guests include Ex-Rep. Trey Radel (R-FL), syndicated radio host Thom Hartmann, Washington Examiner columnist Kristen Soltis Anderson, medical maverick Dr. Sam Chachoua and "The Big Short" director Adam McKay.

S14 E4
★ 6.6

Episode 376

Bill's guests include consumer advocate Erin Brockovich, "My Life on the Road" author Gloria Steinem, radio host Armstrong Williams, MSNBC analyst Alex Wagner, and "Thrown Under the Omnibus" author P.J. O'Rourke.

S14 E5
★ 7.3

Episode 377

Musician and activist Michael "Killer Mike" Render, "And then all Hell Broke Loose" author Richard Engel, actress and comedian Margaret Cho, GOP strategist Ana Navarro, and Bloomberg Business national correspondent Josh Green.

S14 E6
★ 6.9

Episode 378

Bill's guests include Oscar nominated "Spotlight" actor Mark Ruffalo, Ex-N.S.A. Advisor of Homeland Security Michael Hayden, "The Black Presidency" author Michael Eric Dyson, Cosmopolitan editor-in-chief Joanna Coles and author Fran Lebeowitz.

S14 E7
★ 7.0

Episode 379

Bill's guests include actress and comedian Sarah Silverman, Muslim activist Raheel Raza, N.P.R. "All Things Considered" host Ari Shapiro, Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), and "Too Dumb to Fail" author Matt Lewis.

S14 E8
★ 6.8

Episode 380

Bill's guests include financial expert Monica Mehta, The Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol, "Dark Money" author Jane Mayer, Huffington Post senior politics editor Sam Stein and "Confidence Game" author Maria Konnikova.

S14 E9
★ 6.8

Episode 381

Bill's guests include Grammy award-winning musician Esperanza Spalding, Ex-US Rep. & "Frank" author Barney Frank, "Only the Dead" writer/director Michael Ware, "Nun on a Bus" author Sister Simone Campbell, and GOP strategist Rick Wilson.

S14 E10
★ 6.1

Episode 382

Bill's guests include "United" author Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ), "The Carmichael Show" star Jerrod Carmichael, Ex-Governor Jennifer Granholm (D-MI), "Superpower" author Ian Bremmer, and National Review executive editor Reihan Salam.

S14 E11
★ 6.7

Episode 383

Bill's guests include Labor Secretary Thomas Perez, author Max Brooks, radio talk show host & Trump supporter Andy Dean, Demos President Heather McGhee and comedian Kathy Griffin.

S14 E12
★ 6.1

Episode 384

Bill's guests include Oscar winner & "Meddler" star Susan Sarandon, "Sleep Revolution" author Arianna Huffington, Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman, MSNBC analyst & Ex-Cruz spokesperson Rick Tyler, and CNN contributor Mary Katharine Ham.

S14 E13
★ 6.6

Episode 385

Bill's guests include "Silicon Valley" star Thomas Middleditch, "60 Minutes" icon & author Lesley Stahl, CNN contributor Van Jones, Pulitzer prize-winning New Yorker writer Lawrence Wright, and "The Conservative Manifesto" author Charles Cooke.

S14 E14
★ 6.5

Episode 386

Bill's guests tonight include director Rob Reiner, New York Times national correspondent Mark Leibovich, The Polling Company president/CEO Kellyanne Conway, "Listen, Liberal" author Thomas Frank, and Humane Society president/CEO Wayne Pacelle.

S14 E15
★ 5.9

Episode 387

Bill's guests tonight include Oscar-nominated actor Bryan Cranston, "Savage Love" columnist Dan Savage, "¡Adios, America!" author and she-witch Ann Coulter, editor-in-chief Nick Gillespie, and Cliffside Malibu's Richard Taite.

S14 E16
★ 6.3

Episode 388

Bill's guests tonight include "Where to Invade Next" director Michael Moore, Ex-US Senator Bob Graham (D-FL), BBC WorldNews anchor Katty Kay, "The Assassination Complex" author Jeremy Scahill, and radio host Jack Hunter.

S14 E17
★ 7.0

Episode 389

Bill's guests include Democratic President Nominee Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), editor-at-large Melissa Harris-Perry, entrepreneur and Trump supporter Wayne Allen Root, Daily Beast columnist Michael Moynihan and "Dilbert" comic strip creator Scott Adams.

S14 E18
★ 6.6

Episode 390

Bill's guests include Hayden Planetarium director Neil Degrasse Tyson, "Double Cup Love" author Eddie Huang, Daily Beast editor-in-chief John Avlon, venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, and Reason magazine's Matt Welch.

S14 E19
★ 6.0

Episode 391

Bill's guests include "Art of Tough" author Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA), musician Tom Morello, New York Times columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin, MTV news correspondent Ana Marie Cox, and GOP strategist Katie Packer.

S14 E20
★ 6.1

Episode 392

Bill's guest tonight include "Meet the Patels" writer/director Ravi Patel, Ex Colin Powell chief-of-staff Lawrence Wilkerson, "All the Single Ladies" author Rebecca Traister, "Business Insider" senior editor Josh Barro, and "One America" senior political correspondent Emily Miller.

S14 E21
★ 6.6

Episode 393

Bill and his roundtable guests - Xiuhtezcatl Tonatiuh, Betsy Woodruff, Paul Begala, Michael Steele & Larry Wilmore.

S14 E22
★ 6.2

Episode 394

Bill's guests include an interview with Gary Johnson, the panel with Barbara Lee, Ari Melber and mid-show interview with Jim Gaffigan.

S14 E23
★ 6.2

Episode 395

The Interview: Frank Luntz. The Panel: Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D), S.E. Cupp, Jelani Cobb. The Mid-Show Intervew: Viggo Mortensen

S14 E24
★ 6.3

Episode 396: Convention Edition #1

Bill Maher and his guests – Academy Award winning filmmaker Michael Moore, LGBT activist and author Dan Savage, MSNBC's Joy-Ann Reid, and "Art of the Deal" ghostwriter Tony Schwartz – discuss the 2016 Republican National Convention during this special edition of Real Time.

S14 E25
★ 6.3

Episode 397: Convention Edition #2

Bill Maher and his guests: California Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, Democratic activist Heather McGhee and UC-Berkeley professor Robert Reich - discuss the 2016 Republican National Convention during this special edition of Real Time.

S15 E1
★ 6.3

Jane Fonda; Keith Olbermann; Heather McGhee; Jon Meacham; Thomas Perez

Season 15 opens on inauguration day with actress Jane Fonda and GQ special correspondent Keith Olbermann as the interview guests. The roundtable includes: Demos president Heather McGhee, author and presidential historian Jon Meacham and former Secretary of Labor and DNC chair candidate Thomas Perez.

S15 E2
★ 6.9

Richard Haass; John Avlon; Eva Longoria; Grover Norquist; Tim Ryan

Richard Haass, president of the Council of Foreign Relations and John Avlon, editor-in-chief of the Daily Beast are the interview guests. Bill's roundtable panel includes: actress Eva Longoria, Ohio's Democratic congressman Tim Ryan and the founder and president of Americans for Tax Reform, Grover Norquist.

S15 E3
★ 6.1

Michael Eric Dyson; Jason Kander, Tomi Lahren and Rick Wilson; Leah Remini

Bill's interview guests are African American academic Michael Eric Dyson and actress Leah Remini. Bill's roundtable includes: Missouri's Secretary of State and US veteran Jason Kander, conservative political commentator for 'The Blaze', Tomi Lahren and Republican strategist and Daily Beast contributor Rick Wilson.

S15 E4
★ 6.2

Sen. Al Franken; Piers Morgan, Karine Jean-Pierre and John Waters; Jim Jefferies

Bill's interview guests are Minnesota Democratic Senator Al Franken and filmmaker John Waters. Bill's roundtable includes: Mail Online editor-at-large Piers Morgan, comic and writer Jim Jeffries and Karine Jean-Pierre from

S15 E5
★ 7.1

Milo Yiannopoulos; Rep. Jack Kingston, Jeremy Scahill and Larry Wilmore; Leah Remini

Bill's interview guests are Milo Yiannopoulos, senior editor of Breitbart News and actress Leah Remini. Bill's roundtable panel includes: comedian and political commentator Larry Wilmore, media commentator and terrorism/intelligence expert Malcolm Nance and former US congressman from Georgia, Jack Kingston.

S15 E6
★ 6.2

Rep. Darrell Issa; Sen. Angus King, Asra Nomani and Seth MacFarlane; Fran Lebowitz

Bill's interview guests are: California Republican congressman Darrell Issa, and author Fran Lebowitz. Bill's roundtable includes: actor/producer Seth McFarlane, activist Asra Nomani, and Maine's US Senator Angus King.

S15 E7
★ 6.4

Rosa Brooks; Jeffrey Lord, Joy Reid and Charlie Sykes; Bill McKibben

Bill's interview guests are: Environmentalist and founder of, Bill McKibben and Charlie Sykes from Indivisible. Bill's roundtable include: CNN political commentator Jeffrey Lord, the MSNBC's Joy Reid and author and former Pentagon policy advisor Rosa Brooks.

S15 E8
★ 6.3

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse; Barney Frank and Andrew Sullivan; Jake Tapper

Bill's roundtable guests include: Democratic US Senator from Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse, former Democratic US Congressman from Massachusetts Barney Frank, CNN anchor and host of "The Lead" Jake Tapper and conservative blogger and contributing editor of New York magazine Andrew Sullivan.

S15 E9
★ 6.7

Matt Schlapp; Chris Hayes, Louise Mensch, and Max Brooks; Timothy Snyder

Bill's interview guests are: Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union and historian Timothy Snyder. Bill's roundtable guests are: MSNBC commentator Chris Hayes, author Max Brooks, and British commentator and former member of Parliament, Louise Mensch.

S15 E10
★ 7.5

Roger Stone; Jose Antonio Vargas; Michael Hayden; Rick Santorum; Neera Tanden

Bill's interview guests are: Republican Political Consultant and Trump Confidant, Roger Stone and the Former Director of the National Security Agency, General Michael Hayden. Bill's roundtable guests are: Former Republican US Senator and Presidential Candidate from Pennsylvania, Rick Santorum, President for the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden and the Founder and CEO of Define America and EmergingUS, Jose Antonio Vargas.

S15 E11
★ 6.3

Chelsea Handler; Ted Lieu; Evan McMullin; Ana Navarro

Bill's interview guests are: former Presidential Candidate and CIA Operative Evan McMullin and Actress/Comedian Chelsea Handler. Bill's roundtable guests are: Democratic Congressman from California, Ted Lieu, Republican Strategist and CNN Commentator Ana Navarro and the New Yorker's Lelani Cobb.

S15 E12
★ 6.3

Arwa Damon; S.E. Cupp, David Miliband, Rep. Seth Moulton; Hanna Rosin

Bill's interview guest is Arwa Damon. Arwa Damon is an Emmy-winning journalist and CNN’s Senior International Correspondent. Her documentary, “Return to Mosul,” about going back to the city she spent 28 hours hiding in while it was under siege by ISIS, aired last month on CNN. She is co-founder of INARA, a non-profit that helps war wounded children find medical care. Bill's roundtable guests include the President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, David Miliband, conservative political commentator S.E. Cupp, writer and author Hanna Rosin and the Democratic congressman from Massachusetts, Seth Moulton.

S15 E13
★ 6.0

Elizabeth Warren; Ernest Moniz; Nick Hanauer; Rob Reiner; Tara Setmayer

Bill's interview guest is Democratic Senator from Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren, author of the book, "This Is Our Fight: The Battle to Save America's Middle Class." Bill's roundtable guests are: venture capitalist Nick Hanauer, film director Rob Reiner, CNN political commentator and editor of "Voices", Tara Setmayer and former Secretary of Energy, Ernest Moniz.

S15 E14
★ 6.5

John Kasich; Gabriel Sherman; Philip Mudd; George Packer; Maya Wiley

Bill's interview guest is Ohio's Republican Governor and former Presidential Candidate, John Kasich. The Governor's new book is "Two Paths: America Divided or United." Bill's roundtable guests are Civil Rights Activist Maya Wiley, Novelist and Journalist George Packer, Ex-Deputy Director of the CIA's Counter-Terrorism Center Phillip Mudd and the National Affairs Editor of New York Magazine, Gabriel Sherman.

S15 E15
★ 6.4

Adam Schiff; Annabelle Gurwitch; Jon Favreau; Killer Mike; Matt Welch

Bill's interview guest is the Democratic U.S. Representative for California’s 28th district and the Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff. Bill's roundtable includes: rapper, actor and activist Michael Render (aka Killer Mike), blogger and libertarian political pundit Matt Welch, political commentator and the former Director of Speechwriting for President Barack Obama Jon Favreau, and actress/comedian Annabelle Gurwitch.

S15 E16
★ 6.9

Boris Epshteyn; Neil deGrasse Tyson; David Frum; Cornel West

Bill's interview guest is former special assistant to President Donald Trump, Boris Epshteyn. Bill's roundtable include: Princeton professor and social justice activist Cornell West, former Obama advisor and senior editor of the Atlantic, David Frum and astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

S15 E17
★ 6.2

Ben Sasse; Tristan Harris; Eliot Spitzer; Rebecca Traister; Jim VandeHei

Bill's interview guest is the Republican United States Senator from Nebraska, Ben Sasse. Bill's roundtable panel includes: former NY State Attorney General Elliot Spitzer, writer-at-large for New York Magazine, Rebecca Traister, the CEO and Co-Founder of Axios, Jim VandeHei and ex-design ethicist for Google, Tristan Harris.

S15 E18
★ 6.5

Michael Eric Dyson; Ice Cube; David Gregory; David Jolly; Symone Sanders

Bill's interview guest is Michael Eric Dyson, Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University, and the author of "Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America." Dyson regularly writes about race and politics in America as a columnist for The New York Times. Bill's roundtable panel includes: CNN political commentator and former 'Meet The Press' moderator David Gregory, the former Republican Congressman from Florida, David Jolly, rapper and actor Ice Cube and the former national press secretary for the Bernie Sanders campaign, Symone Sanders.

S15 E19
★ 7.5

Alex Marlow; Eddie Izzard; Ian Bremmer; Malcolm Nance

Bill's interview guest is Alex Marlow, who was the first employee of Breitbart News and has been the site's editor-in-chief since 2013. In 2015, Marlow was named to Forbes "30 Under 30" list. Bill's roundtable panel includes MSNBC's chief analyst for terrorism, torture and cyber intelligence, Malcolm Nance, Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer and actor and comic Eddie Izzard.

S15 E20
★ 7.1

Maajid Nawaz; Richard Painter; Bianna Golodryga; Charlie Sykes; Bradley Whitford

Bill's interview guest is Maajid Nawaz. He is the founder of the world’s first counter-extremism think tank, Quilliam. He is co-author with Sam Harris of Islam and the Future of Tolerance: A Dialogue. Bill's roundtable panel includes: conservative political commentator and prominent 'Never-Trump' member Charlie Sykes, Bianna Golodryga from Yahoo News, the former White House ethics lawyer from the Bush (2) administration, Richard Painter and actor/political activist Bradley Whitford.

S15 E21
★ 7.3

Dan Savage; Dan Abrams, Katty Kay and Michael Steele; Richard A. Clarke

Bill's interview guest is writer Dan Savage. Dan is the writer of the nationally syndicated column, “Savage Love,” and host of the “Savage Lovecast” podcast. Bill's roundtable panel includes the former Republican National Committee chair and MSNBC contributor Michael Steele, BBC America Newsnight anchor Katty Kay, former National Security advisor Richard Clarke and Mediate founder and ABC News chief legal analyst Dan Abrams.

S15 E22
★ 7.0

Al Gore; Ralph Reed, Jr.; Kristen Soltis Anderson; Joshua Green; Michael Weiss

Bill's interview guest is former Vice President Al Gore. The Oscar® winning filmmaker will discuss his latest project, "An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power." Bill's roundtable panel includes political commentator and pollster Kristen Soltis-Anderson, NYT columnist and best selling author of "The Devil's Bargain", Joshua Green, author of "ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror", Michael Weiss and the chairman of the Faith and Freedom Coalition and author of "Awakening", Ralph Reed.

S15 E23
★ 7.1

Richard Dawkins; Jon Meacham and Fareed Zakaria; Jim Parsons

Bill's interview guest is English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author of the new book, 'Science in the Soul', Richard Dawkins. Bill's roundtable panel includes Washington Post columnist and CNN commentator Fareed Zakaria, Pulitizer Prize winning author and presidential historian Jon Meacham and four-time Emmy winning actor Jim Parsons.

S15 E24
★ 7.3

Al Franken; Penn Jillette; Amy Holmes; Gavin Newsom

Bill's roundtable panel includes the Democratic U.S. senator from Minnesota, Al Franken, the Democratic Lieutenant Governor from California, Gavin Newsome, political analyst for the Rasmussen Reports, Amy Holmes and comedian/magician Penn Gillette.

S15 E25
★ 6.9

Jesse Jackson; Frank Bruni; Paul Begala; Nayyera Haq; Matt Welch

Bill's interview guest is the Rev. Jesse Jackson. Bill's roundtable panel includes Democratic strategist and CNN political contributor Paul Begala, former White House and State Department advisor Nayyera Haq, Editor-At-Large for Reason Magazine Matt Welch and New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.

S16 E1
★ 0.0

Episode 446

Guests: Michael Wolff, Saru Jayaraman, Andrew Sullivan, & Larry Wilmore

S16 E2
★ 0.0

Episode 447

Guests: Roger McNamee, Zooey Deschanel, Michelle Goldberg, Rep. Ro Khanna, & Rick Wilson

S16 E3
★ 0.0

Episode 448

Guests: Richard Haass, Anthony Scaramucci, David Frum, & Donna Brazile

S16 E4
★ 0.0

Episode 449

Guests: Rep. Adam Schiff, April Ryan, Johann Hari, Richard Painter & Bari Weiss

S16 E5
★ 0.0

Episode 450

Guests: Anna Deavere Smith, Fran Lebowitz, Salman Rushdie & Vicente Fox

S16 E6
★ 0.0

Episode 451

Guests: David Hogg, Cameron Kasky, Amy Chua, Eric Holder & Jon Meacham

S16 E7
★ 0.0

Episode 452

Guests: Kathy Griffin, Erick Erickson, Ana Navarro, Trae Crowder & Bari Weiss

S16 E8
★ 0.0

Episode 453

Guests: Congressman Beto O'Rourke, Billy Bush, Pete Dominick, Nayyera Haq & Andrew Ross Sorkin

S16 E9
★ 0.0

Episode 454

Guests: Mitch Landrieu, Gina McCarthy, Mona Charen, Chris Hayes & Malcolm Nance

S16 E10
★ 0.0

Episode 455

Guests: Geraldo Rivera, Heather McGhee, Max Boot, Eliot Spitzer & Louie Anderson

S16 E11
★ 0.0

Episode 456

Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) and TV host Andy Cohen are the interview guests. The panelists are columnist Jonathan Chait, Let America Vote founder Jason Kander and civil rights activist Maya Wiley.

S16 E12
★ 0.0

Episode 457

Guests: Michael Avenatti, Jordan Peterson, Frank Bruni, Gov. Jay Inslee & Alex Wagner

S16 E13
★ 0.0

Episode 458

Guests: Ronan Farrow, Ross Douthat, Ian Bremmer, Ana Marie Cox & John Podhoretz

S16 E14
★ 0.0

Episode 459

Guests: Jon Meacham, Mayor Michael Tubbs, Michael Hayden, Sally Kohn & Matt Welch

S16 E15
★ 0.0

Episode 460

Guests: Rep. Duncan Hunter, Robert Reich, Michael Render & Ethan Hawke

S16 E16
★ 0.0

Episode 461

Guests: Clint Watts, Dambisa Moyo, Evan McMullin, Dan Savage & Bari Weiss

S16 E17
★ 0.0

Episode 462

Guests: Sen. Bernie Sanders, Paul Begala, Natasha Bertrand, Bret Stephens & Charlamagne Tha God

S16 E18
★ 0.0

Episode 463

Guests: Michael Eric Dyson, Fareed Zakaria, Linda Chavez, John Heilemann & Shermichael Singleton

S16 E19
★ 0.0

Episode 464

Columnist George Will and comedian Billy Eichner are the interview guests. The panelists are Rep. Karen Bass (D-Cal.), commentator Margaret Hoover and journalist Michael Weiss.

S16 E20
★ 0.0

Episode 465

Guests: Colion Noir, Michael Pollan, Josh Barro, Michael Smerconish & Neera Tanden

S16 E21
★ 0.0

Episode 466

Political commentator Ben Shapiro is the top-of-show interview guest. Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore is the mid-show interview guest. The roundtable guests are journalist Jennifer Rubin, actor Bradley Whitford and retired U.S. Army Col. Lawrence Wilkerson.

S16 E22
★ 0.0

Episode 467

Counterterrorism expert Malcolm Nance is an interview guest. The panelists are political analyst Kristen Soltis Anderson, columnist Charles Blow, author Nancy MacLean, and political analyst Steve Schmidt.

S16 E23
★ 0.0

Episode 468

Guests: Lawrence O'Donnell, Rep. Seth Moulton, D.L. Hughley, Christina Bellantoni & Steven Pinker

S16 E24
★ 0.0

Episode 469

Guests: Preet Bharara, Adam Conover, Jennifer Granholm, Charlie Sykes & Jonathan Swan

S16 E25
★ 0.0

Episode 470

Former CIA director John Brennan; journalist Kara Swisher; journalist David Corn; activist Saru Jayaraman; political strategist Rick Wilson.

S17 E1
★ 7.1

Episode 481

Guests: John Kasich, Marshawn Lynch, Erick Erickson, Barney Frank, Catherine Rampell.

S17 E2
★ 6.6

Episode 482

Guests: Ann Coulter, Michael McFaul, Joshua Green, Dan Savage, Heather McGhee.

S17 E3
★ 7.3

Episode 483

Guests: Will Hurd, Bill de Blasio, Peter Hamby, Jon Meacham, Jennifer Rubin.

S17 E4
★ 7.5

Episode 484

Guests: Chris Christie, Eric Idle, Natasha Bertrand, Jack Kingston, Malcolm Nance.

S17 E5
★ 7.0

Episode 485

Guests: Mayor Rahm Emanuel, John Legend, Paul Begala, David Frum & Maya Wiley.

S17 E6
★ 7.1

Episode 486

Guests: Congressman Adam Schiff, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Donna Brazile, Claire McCaskill & Rick Wilson.

S17 E7
★ 6.8

Episode 487

Guests: Matt Schlapp, Noah Rothman, Jonathan Alter, Mary Katharine Ham, Michael Steele.

S17 E8
★ 7.1

Episode 488

Guests: Andrew McCabe, Andrew Gillum, John Heilemann, Jon Tester, Jessica Yellin.

S17 E9
★ 7.0

Episode 489

Guests: Irshad Manji, Larry Charles, Kristen Soltis Anderson, Evelyn Farkas, Rep. Eric Swalwell.

S17 E10
★ 7.2

Episode 490

Guests: Pete Buttigieg, Preet Bharara, S.E. Cupp, Elissa Slotkin, Andrew Sullivan.

S17 E11
★ 7.1

Episode 491

Guests: Julian Castro, Chelsea Handler, Danielle Pletka, Gideon Rose, Salman Rushdie.

S17 E12
★ 7.2

Episode 492

Guests: Seth Abramson, Dave Barry, Cornell Belcher, Wendy R. Sherman, Matt Welch.

S17 E13
★ 7.3

Episode 493

Guests: Adam Schiff, Bob Costas, John Avlon, Zerlina Maxwell, Grover Norquist.

S17 E14
★ 7.4

Episode 494

Guests: Jay Inslee, Moby, Bakari Sellers, Bret Stephens, Kara Swisher.

S17 E15
★ 7.3

Episode 495

Guests: Michael Lewis, Tim Ryan, Nayyera Haq, Van Jones, Matt Lewis.

S17 E16
★ 6.8

Episode 496

Guests: Fran Lebowitz, Jonathan Metzl, James Kirchick, George Packer, Neera Tanden.

S17 E17
★ 7.4

Episode 497

Guests: William Weld, John Waters, Kirsten Powers, Jonathan Swan, Lawrence Wilkerson.

S17 E18
★ 7.3

Episode 498

Guests: Andrew Yang, Bret Easton Ellis, Charles Blow, Katie Porter, Clint Watts.

S17 E19
★ 6.9

Episode 499

Guests: George Will, Martin Short, Eliot Spitzer, Charlie Sykes, Bari Weiss.

S17 E20
★ 7.6

Episode 500

Guests: Allan Lichtman, Dr. Debra Soh, Thom Hartmann, Liz Mair, Dan Savage.

S17 E21
★ 7.3

Episode 501

Guests: Tulsi Gabbard, Seth MacFarlane, Max Brooks, Adam Gopnik, Joy Reid.

S17 E22
★ 7.1

Episode 502

Guests: New York Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, Democratic Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, journalist Josh Barro, former Governor of Michigan Jennifer Granholm, radio host Buck Sexton.

S17 E23
★ 7.3

Episode 503

Guests: Former Governor of Virginia Terry McAuliffe, NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent Richard Engel, author Tom Nichols, columnist Catherine Rampell, former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci.

S17 E24
★ 7.2

Episode 504

Guests: Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Carl Hulse, Betsy Woodruff, Rick Wilson & Michael Render

S17 E25
★ 0.0

Episode 505

Guests: Rep. Katie Porter, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, Michael Smerconish, Eric Klinenberg & Kevin D. Williamson

S18 E1
★ 0.0

Episode 516

First interview: Nancy Pelosi. On the panel: Kara Swisher, Joe Walsh, and Jon Meacham. Second interview: Andrew Yang.

S18 E2
★ 0.0

Episode 517

First interview: Megyn Kelly. On the panel: Michael McFaul, Alex Wagner, and Erick Erickson. Second interview: Ingrid Newkirk.

S18 E3
★ 0.0

Episode 518

First interview: Mayor Pete Buttigieg. On the panel: Rick Wilson, Rep. Mikie Sherrill, and Mitch Landrieu. Second interview: Michael Eric Dyson.

S18 E4
★ 0.0

Episode 519

First interview: Steve Bannon. On the panel: Mayor Andrew Gillum, Sarah Isgur, and Ezra Klein. Second interview: Fareed Zakaria.

S18 E5
★ 0.0

Episode 520

First interview: Senator Amy Klobuchar. On the panel: Katie Couric, Van Jones, and Bret Stephens. Second interview: Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal.

S18 E6
★ 0.0

Episode 521

First interview: Dr. Anne Rimoin. On the panel: EJ Dionne, Jane Kleeb, and Buck Sexton. Second interview: Nicholas Kristof.

S18 E7
★ 7.4

Episode 522

First interview: Rachel Bitecofer. On the panel: Caitlin Flanagan, Ross Douthat, and Anthony Scaramucci. Second interview: Brian Cox.

S18 E8
★ 7.3

Episode 523

First interview: David Ropeik. On the panel: Tim Miller, Lis Smith, and Edward Luce. Second interview: Andrew Zimmern

S18 E9
★ 7.0

Episode 524

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Bill hosts this week's Real Time from his backyard and features remote interviews with Senator Bernie Sanders, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, actor and writer Seth MacFarlane, author and journalist Max Brooks, and musician Willie Nelson.

S18 E10
★ 0.0

Episode 525

Once again hosting from his backyard, Bill's remote interviewees this week are: Former Vice President Al Gore, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, political commentator Ian Bremmer, and comedian Nikki Glaser.

S18 E11
★ 0.0

Episode 526

Joining Bill remotely this week for a chat are: journalist Fareed Zakaria, Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw, and political commentator Andrew Sullivan.

S18 E12
★ 0.0

Episode 527

Bill's guests this week are Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, comedian Jay Leno, and preventive medicine and public health specialist Dr. David Katz.

S18 E13
★ 0.0

Episode 528

Bill's guests this week are Attorney General Eric Holder, author Matt Taibbi, and journalist Bret Stephens.

S18 E14
★ 0.0

Episode 529

Joining Bill remotely for a chat this week are: Representative for Michigan Justin Amash, columnist Dan Savage, and political commentator Amy Holmes.

S18 E15
★ 0.0

Episode 530

This week, Bill speaks with NY Times columnist Thomas Friedman, LA Lakers' Science Consultant Dr Cate Shanahan, and film director Michael Moore.

S18 E16
★ 0.0

Episode 531

The Real Time panel returns this week and joining Bill are: chef Tom Colicchio, journalist Soledad O'Brien, political scientist Ian Bremmer, and comedian Jay Leno.

S18 E17
★ 0.0

Episode 532

Joining Bill this week are: rapper and activist Michael "Killer Mike" Render; former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI, Frank Figliuzzi; Professor of Law and Policy at Georgetown University Law Center, Rosa Brooks; and conservative political commentator, Michael Steele.

S18 E18
★ 0.0

Episode 533

This week, Bill interviews Radley Balko, an opinion journalist for The Washington Post, and Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, a cardiologist and public health expert. Joining him for the panel discussion are writer Larry Wilmore and Matt Welch, Editor-at-Large of Reason Magazine.

S18 E19
★ 0.0

Episode 534

This week Bill interviews former US Ambassador to the UN who served as President Obama's National Security Advisor from 2013-2017, Susan Rice, and columnist for The Washington Post, George Will. For the panel discussion, he is joined by career U.S. Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer and MSNBC contributor, Malcolm Nance, and Writer-at-Large for New York Magazine, Andrew Sullivan.

S18 E20
★ 0.0

Episode 535

This week, Bill interviews Former National Security Advisor John Bolton, and co-host of the award-winning podcast "Pivot" and New York Times columnist Kara Swisher. Plus, a virtual panel with president of the Robin Hood Foundation and New York Times bestselling author, Wes Moore; and author, Tulane University professor and MSNBC political analyst, James Carville.

S18 E21
★ 0.0

Episode 536

Joining Bill for his first show back after his summer break are actress Kerry Washington, actor Jim Carrey, critic and author Thomas Chatterton Williams, and columnist Bari Weiss.

S18 E22
★ 0.0

Episode 537

This week, Bill interviews former chief of staff to Colin Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, and actor Chris Evans. Joining him for the panel discussion are former adviser to President Bill Clinton, Paul Begala, and author Meghan Daum.

S18 E23
★ 0.0

Episode 538

This week, Bill interviews Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and sports anchor Colin Cowherd. For the panel discussion, he chats with former Democratic 2020 presidential candidates Andrew Yang and Pete Buttigieg.

S18 E24
★ 0.0

Episode 539

This week, Bill interviews former Governor of Ohio John Kasich about his endorsement of Joe Biden and also lauded director Oliver Stone. For the panel discussion, author Thomas Frank and Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II join Bill to talk about the direction of the Democratic party.

S18 E25
★ 7.3

Episode 540

Bill returns to the studio for the first time since March and remote-interviews former federal prosecutor Trey Gowdy and musician Wynton Marsalis, while journalist Nina Burleigh and political strategist Rick Wilson join him for the remote panel discussion.

S19 E1
★ 0.0

Episode 551

For the first show of the season, Bill interviews President Trump's former Senior Counselor, Kellyanne Conway. Joining him on the panel are award-winning journalist Katie Couric and author Matt Jones.

S19 E2
★ 0.0

Episode 552

This week, Bill interviews former FBI Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Frank Figliuzzi. Joining him for the panel discussion are Lead Producer and Co-Founder of Freethink, Kmele Foster, and Contributing Writer for Vanity Fair, Peter Hamby.

S19 E3
★ 0.0

Episode 553

This week, Bill interviews evolutionary biologists and co-hosts of The DarkHorse Podcast, Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein. Joining him for the panel discussion are CNN Political Commentator, Van Jones, and Contributing Editor at Harper’s Magazine, James Pogue.

S19 E4
★ 0.0

Episode 554

Bill interviews comedian Jimmy Kimmel ahead of a panel discussion with TIME's Senior Correspondent Charlotte Alter and political pundit Matt Welch.

S19 E5
★ 0.0

Episode 555

Bill interviews Rep. Adam Kinzinger about his recent Washington Post op-ed urging Senate Republicans to convict Donald Trump. For the panel discussion, he is joined by political blogger Markos Moulitsas and MSNBC Political Analyst Steve Schmidt.

S19 E6
★ 0.0

Episode 556

This week, Bill interviews journalist Megyn Kelly. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Democratic Senator from Montana, Jon Tester, and New York Times opinion columnist, Ezra Klein.

S19 E7
★ 0.0

Episode 557

This week, Bill interviews journalist Joe Scarborough, and for the panel discussion is joined by author Frank Bruni and radio host Charlamagne Tha God.

S19 E8
★ 0.0

Episode 558

This week, Bill sits down with New York Times bestselling-author Annabelle Gurwitch. For the panel, he is joined by Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern, and comedian Larry Wilmore.

S19 E9
★ 0.0

Episode 559

This week, Bill interviews political data scientist David Shor. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Heidi Heitkamp, former Senator for North Dakota, and journalist Nick Gillespie.

S19 E10
★ 0.0

Episode 560

This week, Bill opens the show interviewing Christopher Krebs, the former Director of the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Then, joining him on the panel are Caitlin Flanagan, staff writer at The Atlantic, and Bret Stephens, columnist for The New York Times and an MSNBC contributor.

S19 E11
★ 0.0

Episode 561

This week, Bill interviews former Secretary of State of California, Sen. Alex Padilla. For the panel discussion, he is joined by author Heather McGhee and writer Reihan Salam.

S19 E12
★ 0.0

Episode 562

Sharon Osbourne gives her first interview since her abrupt firing from The Talk, while joining Bill for the panel discussion are journalist Ian Bremmer and Law and Policy professor Rosa Brooks.

S19 E13
★ 0.0

Episode 563

Bill opens the show interviewing former Contributing Editor for Vanity Fair, Fran Lebowitz. Joining him for the panel discussion are S.E. Cupp, columnist and CNN contributor, and April Ryan, author and DC Bureau Chief and White House Correspondent for

S19 E14
★ 0.0

Episode 564

This week, Bill interviews author Ben Sheehan and for the panel discussion is joined by historian Nancy MacLean and author Thomas Frank.

S19 E15
★ 0.0

Episode 565

Bill opens the show by interviewing professor of linguistics at Columbia University, John McWhorter. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Rep. Elissa Slotkin, a Democratic congresswoman who represents Michigan's 8th district, and Rick Wilson, a Republican strategist and author.

S19 E16
★ 0.0

Episode 566

Returning from a two-week break after testing positive for COVID-19, Bill opens this week's show by interviewing Emmy-winning broadcaster Bob Costas. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist at The New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, and Democratic strategist and co-host of the weekly podcast Politics War Room, James Carville.

S19 E17
★ 0.0

Episode 567

This week, Bill interviews Democratic Congressman representing New York's 15th district, Rep. Ritchie Torres. Joining him for the panel discussion are Governor John Kasich and journalist Chris Matthews.

S19 E18
★ 0.0

Episode 568

Opening the show this week, Bill interviews astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. On the panel, he is joined by filmmaker Rob Reiner and political scientist Rachel Bitecofer.

S19 E19
★ 0.0

Episode 569

Bill interviews fellow comedian Nikki Glaser to open the show and is then joined on the panel by political commentator Paul Begala and journalist Jane Coaston.

S19 E20
★ 0.0

Episode 570

This week, Bill opens the show by interviewing acclaimed film director Quentin Tarantino, and for the panel is joined by author Max Brooks and pop-historian Dan Carlin.

S19 E21
★ 0.0

Episode 571

Bill returns from his summer break, opening the show by interviewing Eric Adams, the Democratic nominee for NYC Mayor. For the panel discussion, he's joined by Democratic congresswoman Rep. Stacey Plaskett and author Joshua Green who is also a senior national correspondent for Bloomberg Businessweek.

S19 E22
★ 0.0

Episode 572

This week, Bill opens the show interviewing two-time Olympic gold medalist Donna de Varona. For the panel, he's joined by Malcolm Nance, a career U.S. Counterterrorism Intelligence Officer and MSNBC contributor, alongside right wing commentator Ben Shapiro.

S19 E23
★ 0.0

Episode 573

Screen legends Martin Short and Steve Martin join Bill for the opening interview, while journalist Michael Moynihan and former DNC chair Donna Brazile join him for the panel discussion.

S19 E24
★ 0.0

Episode 574

Bill opens the show interviewing political commentator Andrew Sullivan and is joined on the panel by journalist Jackie Calmes and former Democratic congressman Max Rose.

S19 E25
★ 0.0

Episode 575

Bill opens this week's episode by interviewing Washington Post journalist Craig Whitlock. For the panel, he's joined by British journalist Katty Kay and conservative Christian lobbyist Ralph Reed.

S20 E1
★ 0.0

January 21, 2022: Timothy Snyder, Bari Weiss, Rep. Ritchie Torres

Kicking off the new season, Bill interviews Yale University history professor Timothy Snyder about the repercussions of The Big Lie and the January 6th insurrection. For the panel discussion he is joined by Democratic Congressman representing New York's 15th district, Ritchie Torres, and writer Bari Weiss.

S20 E2
★ 0.0

January 28, 2022: Ira Glasser, Fiona Hill, Matt Welch

Bill opens the show this week by interviewing former Executive Director of the ACLU, Ira Glasser. For the panel, he's joined by former Senior Director at the U.S. National Security Council, Fiona Hill, and journalist Matt Welch.

S20 E3
★ 0.0

February 4, 2022: Rep. Ro Khanna, Johann Hari, Katherine Mangu-Ward

This week, Bill interviews Rep. Ro Khanna, the U.S. Congressman representing California's 17th district. On the panel, he is joined by British author Johann Hari and Katherine Mangu-Ward, the Editor-in-Chief of Reason Magazine.

S20 E4
★ 0.0

February 11, 2022: Ricky Williams, Vivek Ramaswamy, Marianne Williamson

Bill starts this week's show by interviewing Ricky Williams, a former NFL star and cannabis entrepreneur. On the panel, he is joined by Vivek Ramaswamy, a biotech entrepreneur and author, and Marianne Williamson, political activist and former Democrat Presidential Candidate.

S20 E5
★ 0.0

February 18, 2022: Brooke Jenkins, John Avlon, Katrina Vanden Heuvel

This week, Bill interviews Brooke Jenkins, a former San Francisco Assistant District Attorney. For the panel discussion, he is joined by John Avlon, a senior Political Analyst and anchor for CNN, and Katrina vanden Heuvel, a columnist for The Washington Post.

S20 E6
★ 0.0

February 25, 2022: Ruben Gallego, Bret Stephens, Chloé Valdary

Bill opens the show by interviewing Rep. Ruben Gallego, Democratic Congressman from Arizona. Joining him on the panel are entrepreneur Chloé Valdary and New York Times columnist Bret Stephens.

S20 E7
★ 0.0

March 11, 2022: Kenneth Branagh, Frank Bruni, Batya Ungar-Sargon

Bill opens this week's show by interviewing award-winning actor and director, Kenneth Branagh. On the panel, he is joined by Frank Bruni, a Professor of Public Policy at Duke University, and Batya Ungar-Sargon, Deputy Opinion Editor of Newsweek.

S20 E8
★ 0.0

March 18, 2022: Ernest Moniz, Kristen Soltis Anderson, Max Brooks

This week, Bill interviews Ernest Moniz, who served as the U.S. Secretary of Energy from 2013-2017. On the panel, he is joined by pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson and author Max Brooks.

S20 E9
★ 0.0

March 25, 2022: Julia Ioffe, John Heilemann, Sen. Jon Tester

Bill kicks off this week's episode by interviewing journalist and Russian expert, Julia Ioffe. On the panel, he is joined by Sen. Jon Tester, the senior Democratic Senator from Montana, and John Heilemann, creator, host & executive producer of Showtime’s The Circus.

S20 E10
★ 0.0

April 1, 2022: Nicole Perlroth, Laura Coates, Andrew Yang

Kicking off this week's episode, Bill interviews Nicole Perlroth, former lead cybersecurity and digital espionage reporter for The New York Times. On the panel, he is joined by Laura Coates, a CNN Senior Legal Analyst, and Andrew Yang, former Democratic Presidential candidate and founder of the new political third party, Forward.

S20 E11
★ 0.0

April 8, 2022: David Mamet, Nancy MacLean, David Leonhardt

Bill interviews Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright and author, David Mamet and is joined on the panel by historian Nancy MacLean and columnist David Leonhardt.

S20 E12
★ 0.0

April 22, 2022: Bob Odenkirk, Mary Katharine Ham, Caitlin Flanagan

Bill returns this week by interviewing comedian Bob Odenkirk and is joined for the panel discussion by CNN Commentator Mary Katharine Ham and writer at The Atlantic, Caitlin Flanagan.

S20 E13
★ 0.0

April 29, 2022: Fran Lebowitz, Ali Velshi, Doug Jones

Opening the show this week, Bill interviews author Fran Lebowitz. On the panel, he is joined by MSNBC journalist Ali Velshi and former Democratic Senator from Alabama Doug Jones.

S20 E14
★ 0.0

May 6, 2022: Chloe Maxmin, Paul Begala, Michele Tafoya

This week, Maine State Senator Chloe Maxmin is Bill's first guest and for the panel discussion he is joined by Democratic strategist Paul Begala and former NBC Sports reporter Michele Tafoya.

S20 E15
★ 0.0

May 13, 2022: Rod Stewart, Ian Bremmer, Jane Harman

Legendary musician Sir Rod Stewart is Bill's interviewee this week. On the panel, he is joined by political scientist Ian Bremmer and former Representative for California Jane Harman.

S20 E16
★ 0.0

May 20, 2022: Mark Esper, Donna Brazile, Adam Carolla

This week, Bill opens the show by interviewing Dr. Mark T. Esper, the former Secretary of Defense under President Trump. On the panel, he is joined by veteran political strategist Donna Brazile and comedian Adam Carolla.

S20 E17
★ 0.0

June 3, 2022: Eric Holder, Michael Shellenberger, Douglas Murray

Eric Holder, former US Attorney General, is this week's opening interviewee. On the panel, Bill is joined by California gubernatorial candidate Michael Shellenberger and columnist Douglas Murray.

S20 E18
★ 0.0

June 10, 2022: Dr. Cornel West, Kellyanne Conway, Josh Barro

Dr. Cornel West, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Professor of Philosophy and Christian Practice at Union Theological Seminary and contributor to The Guardian; Kellyanne Conway - former Senior Counselor to President Trump and author of the memoir, "Here's the Deal"; Josh Barro, host of the weekly podcast "Very Serious" and blogger for "Very Serious" on Substack.

S20 E19
★ 0.0

June 17, 2022: Danny Strong, Krystal Ball, James Kirchick

Bill interviews actor and director Danny Strong at the top of the show. For the panel, he is joined by political commentator Krystal Ball and conservative reporter James Kirchick.

S20 E20
★ 0.0

June 24, 2022: Christine Emba, Andrew Sullivan, Katie Herzog

Bill begins this week's show by interviewing author and Washington Post columnist Christine Emba. On the panel, he is joined by political commentator Andrew Sullivan and culture writer Katie Herzog.

S20 E21
★ 0.0

July 29, 2022: Chris Cuomo, John McWhorter, Sam Stein

Returning from his Summer break, Bill opens the show by interviewing journalist Chris Cuomo. On the panel he is joined by John McWhorter, associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, and political journalist Sam Stein.

S20 E22
★ 0.0

August 5, 2022: David Duchovny, Matt Taibbi, Lis Smith

Bill opens this week's episode interviewing award-winning actor David Duchovny about his new book. For the panel, he is joined by author Matt Taibbi and Democratic political strategist Lis Smith.

S20 E23
★ 0.0

August 12, 2022: Ross Douthat, Rikki Schlott, Piers Morgan

This week, Bill interviews columnist Ross Douthat about his recent experience with Lyme disease. For the panel he's joined by journalist Piers Morgan and GenZ columnist Nikki Schlott.

S20 E24
★ 0.0

August 19, 2022: B.J. Novak, Catherine Rampell, Noah Rothman

Bill opens this week's show by interviewing actor and director B.J. Novak about his new film, Vengeance. On the panel, he is joined by CNN political and economic commentator Catherine Rampell and conservative political commentator Noah Rothman.

S20 E25
★ 0.0

August 26, 2022: John Waters, Amy Klobuchar, Rob Reiner

This week, Bill interviews filmmaker John Waters and is joined on the panel by senior Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar and filmmaker Rob Reiner.

S21 E1
★ 6.9

January 20, 2023: William Barr, Andrew Sullivan, Rep. Nancy Mace

To kick off the new season, Bill interviews Bill Barr, former Attorney General under Presidents George H. W. Bush and Donald Trump, and for the panel he is joined by conservative commentator Andrew Sullivan and Rep. Nancy Mace, the congresswoman representing South Carolina's 1st congressional district .

S21 E2
★ 6.3

January 27, 2023: Frances Haugen, Bari Weiss, Tim Ryan

This week, Bill starts the show by interviewing Frances Haugen, the social media activist and author of "The Power of One: How I Found the Strength to Tell the Truth and Why I Blew the Whistle on Facebook". On the panel, he is joined by commentator Bari Weiss and Tim Ryan, former Democratic Congressman for Ohio.

S21 E3
★ 6.0

February 3, 2023: Medaria Arradondo, Bret Stephens, Ruben Gallego

To open this week's show, Bill interviews Medaria Arradondo, the former Minneapolis Police Chief who served from 2017-2022. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Rep. Ruben Gallego, a Democratic Congressman from Arizona, and columnist Bret Stephens.

S21 E4
★ 6.8

February 10, 2023: Malcolm Nance, Kristen Soltis Anderson, Paul Begala

This week, Bill opens the show by interviewing counterterrorism expert Malcolm Nance. On the panel, he is joined by Democratic strategist Paul Begala and pollster Kristen Soltis Anderson.

S21 E5
★ 6.7

February 17, 2023: Christoph Waltz, Ari Melber, Sarah Isgur

Bill interviews actor Christoph Waltz to open the show. He is then joined on the panel by Ari Melber, MSNBC's chief legal correspondent, and Sarah Isgur, political commentator and former spokesperson in the United States Department of Justice.

S21 E6
★ 6.9

March 3, 2023: Bernie Sanders, John Heiligman, Russell Brand

This week, Bill starts the show by interviewing Bernie Sanders, the Independent Senator from Vermont. On the panel, he is then joined by actor Russell Brand and journalist John Heilemann.

S21 E7
★ 7.3

March 10, 2023: David Byrne, John McWhorter, Josh Tyrangiel

Opening this week's show, Bill interviews Oscar-nominated musician David Byrne. On the panel, he's joined by author John McWhorter and journalist Josh Tyrangiel.

S21 E8
★ 6.8

March 17, 2023: Noa Tishby, Andrew Yang, Rep. Elissa Slotkin

Noa Tishby, an actress and activist who serves as Israel's Special Envoy for Combating Antisemitism and Delegitimization, is Bill's interviewee to open this week's show. For the panel, he is joined by Rep. Elissa Slotkin, the Democratic Congresswoman representing Michigan's 7th district, and former presidential candidate Andrew Yang.

S21 E9
★ 6.7

March 24, 2023: David Sedaris, Scott Galloway, Annie Lowrey

Bill's interview guest this week is humorist David Sedaris. On the panel, he is joined by Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business, and Annie Lowrey, a staff writer for The Atlantic.

S21 E10
★ 7.0

March 31, 2023: Chris Sununu, James Kirchick, Winsome Sears

Bill's interview guest this week is Republican Governor of New Hampshire, Chris Sununu. On the panel, he is joined by James Kirchick, a columnist at Tablet Magazine, and Winsome Sears the first woman to serve as Lieutenant Governor of Virginia and first woman of color and Jamaican-born American to hold statewide office in Virginia's history.

S21 E11
★ 6.8

April 14, 2023: Ben McKenzie, Rep. Katie Porter, Piers Morgan

Bill's interview guest this week is Ben McKenzie, actor and co-author of the forthcoming book, "Easy Money: Cryptocurrency, Casino Capitalism, and the Golden Age of Fraud". On the panel, he is joined by Democratic Congresswoman from California, Rep. Katie Porter, and English broadcaster Piers Morgan.

S21 E12
★ 7.2

April 21, 2023: Esther Perel, Daniel Bessner, Glenn Loury

Bill opens this week's show by interviewing Belgian-American psychotherapist Esther Perel. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Daniel Bessner, Professor at the Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies at the University of Washington, and Glenn Loury, professor of economics at Harvard University.

S21 E13
★ 5.6

April 28, 2023: Elon Musk, Michael Moynihan, Konstantin Kisin

Bill opens this week's show interviewing billionaire businessman Elon Musk. For the panel discussion, he is joined by Michael Moynihan, journalist and co-host of The Fifth Column podcast, and Konstantin Kisin, political commentator and satirist.

S21 E14
★ 0.0

September 29, 2023: Gov. Ron Desantis, Sam Harris, Mary Katharine Ham

Guests: Gov. Ron DeSantis - Republican Governor of Florida who is running to be the 2024 Republican nominee for President; Sam Harris - host of the "Making Sense" podcast; Mary Katharine Ham - co-host of the "Getting Hammered" podcast and author of "End of Discussion: How The Left's Outrage Industry Shuts Down Debate, Manipulates Voters and Makes America Less Free (and Fun)."

S21 E15
★ 0.0

October 6, 2023: Keegan-Michael Key, Elle Key, Matt Welch, Sarah Isgur

Guests: a one-on-one interview with Emmy and Peabody Award-winning actor, writer, and producer, Keegan-Michael Key and award-winning film and TV director, writer, and producer, Elle Key, who together wrote the new book "The History of Sketch Comedy." Plus, Matt Welch - editor-at-large of Reason Magazine; and Sarah Isgur - senior editor for the online magazine The Dispatch.

S21 E16
★ 0.0

October 13, 2023: Tristan Harris, James Kirchick, Matt Duss

Guests: Tristan Harris - tech ethicist, co-founder and executive director of the nonprofit organization Center for Humane Technology, and podcast co-host; James Kirchick - columnist for Tablet Magazine, writer-at-large for Air Mail, and author; Matt Duss - executive vice president at the Center for International Policy and former foreign policy advisor to Sen. Bernie Sanders.

S21 E17
★ 0.0

October 20, 2023: Alexandra Pelosi, Paul Begala, Bret Stephens

Guests: Alexandra Pelosi - director and producer of HBO Original documentary "The Insurrectionist Next Door"; Paul Begala - Democratic strategist and CNN political contributor; Bret Stephens - New York Times columnist.

S21 E18
★ 0.0

October 27, 2023: Andrew Cuomo, Melissa DeRosa, Scott Galloway

Guests: former Democratic Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo and his former Chief of Staff, Melissa DeRosa; Scott Galloway - professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business and host of "The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway"; Jessica Tarlov - co-host of Fox News' "The Five" and Head of Research at Bustle.

S21 E19
★ 0.0

November 3, 2023: Rep. Dean Phillips, Fareed Zakaria, Ian Bremmer

Guests: Rep. Dean Phillips - Democratic Congressman from Minnesota's 3rd district who recently announced his campaign to primary Biden for the 2024 Presidential nomination; Fareed Zakaria - host of CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" and columnist for the Washington Post; Ian Bremmer - president of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media.

S21 E20
★ 0.0

November 10, 2023: Sen. Ted Cruz, Jordan Peterson, Pamela Paul

Guests: Sen. Ted Cruz - Republican senator from Texas and author of "Unwoke: How to Defeat Cultural Marxism in America"; Jordan Peterson - professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Toronto, author of the bestseller "12 Rules For Life: An Antidote To Chaos"; Pamela Paul - former editor of the New York Times Book Review and current opinion columnist for the paper.

S21 E21
★ 0.0

November 17, 2023: Rob Reiner & Albert Brooks, Donna Brazile, Adam Kinzinger

Guests: An interview with Rob Reiner, director of the HBO Original documentary "Albert Brooks: Defending My Life," and Albert Brooks, Oscar(R)-nominated actor, comedian, director, and screenwriter; Donna Brazile - Georgetown University professor and contributor to ABC News, USA Today, and The Hill; Adam Kinzinger - former Republican Congressman from Illinois and author.

S21 E22
★ 0.0

December 1, 2023: David Mamet, James Carville, Dave Rubin

Guests: An interview with David Mamet, Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, screenwriter, and director who wrote and illustrated his newest book, "Everywhere an Oink Oink: An Embittered, Dyspeptic,and Accurate Report of Forty Years in Hollywood." This week's panel discussion includes James Carville, American political consultant and author; and Dave Rubin, American conservative political commentator and host of The Rubin Report."

S21 E23
★ 0.0

December 8, 2023: Greg Lukianoff, Jane Ferguson, John Avlon

Guests: An interview with Greg Lukianoff, President and CEO of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) and co-author of "The Canceling of the American Mind." This week's panel discussion includes Jane Ferguson, award-winning special correspondent for PBS NewsHour, contributor to The New Yorker, and author of the book "No Ordinary Assignment"; and John Avlon, senior political analyst and anchor at CNN and the former editor-in-chief of The Daily Beast.

S21 E24
★ 0.0

December 15, 2023: Ray Romano, Laura Coates, Walter Kirn

Guests: An interview with Ray Romano, award-winning actor and comedian who directed, wrote, produced, and starred in the new film "Somewhere in Queens." This week's panel discussion includes Laura Coates, CNN's Chief Legal Analyst and host of "Laura Coates Live" and Walter Kirn, novelist and co-host of the podcast "America This Week."

S22 E1
★ 0.0

January 19, 2024: Gavin Newsom, Andrew Sullivan, Ari Melber

Guests: An interview with Gov. Gavin Newsom, Democratic Governor of California. This week's panel discussion includes Andrew Sullivan, columnist for Substack's "The Weekly Dish" and author of "Out on a Limb" and Ari Melber, MSNBC's Chief Legal Correspondent and host of "The Beat with Ari Melber."

S22 E2
★ 0.0

January 26, 2024: Stephen A. Smith, Rep. Adam Schiff, Seth MacFarlane

Guests: An interview with Stephen A. Smith, host of ESPN's "First Take" and the podcast "The Stephen A. Smith Show," both available on YouTube, and author of the new book "Straight Shooter: A Memoir of Second Chances and First Take." This week's panel discussion includes Rep. Adam Schiff, Democratic Congressman representing California's 30th district who is a 2024 candidate to represent California in the US Senate; and Seth MacFarlane, actor, comedian, writer, producer, and singer whose newest show "Ted" recently premiered January 11 on Peacock.

S22 E3
★ 0.0

February 2, 2024: Michael Render, Gov. Chris Sununu, Jessica Tarlov

Guests: An interview with Michael Render (a.k.a Killer Mike), entrepreneur, musician, and one-half of the group "Run the Jewels," whose self-titled solo album "Michael" was recently released across digital platforms. This week's panel discussion includes Gov. Chris Sununu,Republican Governor of New Hampshire; and Jessica Tarlov, co-host of "The Five" on Fox News and Head of Research for Bustle.

S22 E4
★ 0.0

February 9, 2024: Coleman Hughes, Bob Costas, Caitlin Flanagan

Guests: An interview with Coleman Hughes, host of the "Conversations With Coleman" podcast, contributor to The Free Press, and author of the new book "The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America," available this week. This week's panel discussion includes Bob Costas, CNN contributor and 29-time Emmy®-winning broadcaster; and Caitlin Flanagan, staff writer at The Atlantic and author of the new collection of essays titled "On Thinking for Yourself: Instinct, Education, Dissension."

S22 E5
★ 0.0

February 16, 2024: Dr. Jean Twenge, Van Jones, Ann Coulter

Guests: An interview with Dr. Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University and author of "Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents―and What They Mean for America's Future." This week's panel discussion includes Van Jones,CNN political commentator and host of the podcast "Uncommon Ground with Van Jones" and Ann Coulter, conservative political commentator, author of 13 New York Times bestselling books, who now writes the column "Unsafe" on Substack.

S22 E6
★ 0.0

March 1, 2024: Dr. Phil McGraw, Tim Ryan, Batya Ungar-Sargon

Guests: An interview with Dr. Phil McGraw, author of the new book, "We've Got Issues: How You Can Stand Strong for America's Soul and Sanity," who will soon host "Dr. Phil Primetime" on his new cable network, Merit Street Media. This week's panel discussion includes Tim Ryan, former Democratic Congressman from Ohio and founder of We The People Action Fund; and Batya Ungar-Sargon, Opinion editor at Newsweek and author of the forthcoming book "Second Class: How the Elites Betrayed America's Working Men and Women."

S22 E7
★ 0.0

March 8, 2024: Robert De Niro, Max Brooks, Tara Palmeri

Guests: An interview with Robert De Niro, two-time Oscar®-winning actor and film producer who is currently nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in "Killers of the Flower Moon." This week's panel discussion includes Max Brooks,host of the YouTube show "Max Brooks Breaks Down" and New York Times best-selling author of "Minecraft: The Village"; and Tara Palmeri, senior political correspondent at Puck and host of The Ringer's "Somebody's Gotta Win with Tara Palmeri" podcast.

S22 E8
★ 0.0

March 15, 2024: Eric Holder, Rep. Nancy Mace, Rep. Ro Khanna

Guests: An interview with Eric Holder, former attorney general under President Obama, chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, and co-author of "Our Unfinished March: The Violent Past and Imperiled Future of the Vote-A History, a Crisis, a Plan. "This week's panel discussion includes Rep. Nancy Mace, Republican Congresswoman from South Carolina who currently serves on the Armed Services and House Oversight committees; and Rep. Ro Khanna, Democratic Congressman who represents California's Silicon Valley and a member of President Biden's National Advisory Board.

S22 E9
★ 0.0

March 22, 2024: Kara Swisher, Beto O'Rourke, Sarah Isgur

Guests: An interview with Kara Swisher, host of the podcast "On with Kara Swisher," co-host of the podcast "Pivot," and author of "Burn Book: A Tech Love Story." This week's panel discussion includes Beto O'Rourke, former Democratic Congressman from Texas and founder of Powered by People; and Sarah Isgur, former lawyer at the US Department of Justice under President Trump, senior editor of The Dispatch, and host of its legal podcast "Advisory Opinions."

S22 E10
★ 0.0

March 29, 2024: Jonathan Haidt, Fareed Zakaria, Dr. Mark T. Esper

Guests: An interview with Jonathan Haidt, social psychologist at the NYU Stern School of Business and author of "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness." This week's panel discussion includes Fareed Zakaria,host of CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS" and author of "Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present," and Dr. Mark T. Esper, former U.S. Secretary of Defense under President Trump and author of the memoir "A Sacred Oath: Memoirs of a Secretary of Defense During Extraordinary Times."

S22 E11
★ 0.0

April 12, 2024: William Shatner, Piers Morgan, Gillian Tett

Guests: An interview with William Shatner, actor, subject of the new documentary "You Can Call Me Bill," and artist of the upcoming digital album "So Fragile, So Blue,"which he recorded live with the National Symphony Orchestra.This week's panel discussion includes Piers Morgan,New York Post columnist and host of the YouTube channel's "Piers Morgan Uncensored"; and Gillian Tett, provost of King's College, Cambridge, and columnist at the Financial Times.

S22 E12
★ 0.0

April 19, 2024: Jillian Michaels, Jon Meacham, Jane Ferguson

Guests: An interview with Jillian Michaels, fitness, nutrition expert, and host of the podcast "Keeping It Real: Conversations with Jillian Michaels." This week's panel discussion includes Jon Meacham,Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and author of "The Call to Serve: The Life of an American President, George Herbert Walker Bush"; and Jane Ferguson, award-winning foreign correspondent for PBS NewsHour, The New Yorker contributor, and author of "No Ordinary Assignment."

S22 E13
★ 0.0

April 26, 2024: Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Scott Galloway, Don Lemon

Guests: An interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Independent candidate in the 2024 presidential election. This week's panel discussion includes Scott Galloway, Professor of Marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business, host of the podcast "The Prof G Pod with Scott Galloway," co-host of the podcast "Pivot," and author of the new book "The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security"; and Don Lemon, award-winning journalist, founder of Lemon Media Network (LMN), and host of the podcast "The Don Lemon Show."

S22 E14
★ 0.0

May 3, 2024: Roger Daltrey, Kellyanne Conway, Joshua Green

Guests: An interview with Roger Daltrey, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee, co-founder, and frontman for the rock band "The Who." This week's panel discussion includes Kellyanne Conway, former senior counselor to President Trump, Fox News contributor, and author of the #1 New York Times Best Seller, "Here's the Deal: A Memoir"; and Joshua Green, Bloomberg Businessweek national correspondent and author of "The Rebels: Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and the Struggle for a New American Politics."

S22 E15
★ 0.0

May 10, 2024: Eric Schlosser, Frank Bruni, Douglas Murray

Guests: An interview with Eric Schlosser, investigative journalist, author of The New York Times Best Seller "Fast Food Nation," and stars in the documentary film "Food, Inc." This week's panel discussion includes Frank Bruni,contributing writer at The New York Times and best-selling author, whose new book is called "The Age of Grievance"; and Douglas Murray, columnist for the New York Post and author of The New York Times best-sellingbook "The War on the West."

S22 E16
★ 0.0

May 17, 2024: Michael Eric Dyson, Nellie Bowles, Pamela Paul

Guests: An interview with Michael Eric Dyson, a distinguished professor at Vanderbilt University and author of The New York Times best-selling book "Unequal: A Story of America." This week's panel discussion includes Nellie Bowles, author of the new book "Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches from the Wrong Side of History" and a founder of The Free Press; and Pamela Paul, author and opinion columnist at The New York Times.

S22 E17
★ 0.0

May 31, 2024: John Waters, David Axelrod, Ken Buck

Guests: An interview with John Waters, writer, actor, and filmmaker of the 1990 classic musical film "Cry-Baby." This week's panel discussion includes David Axelrod, former senior advisor to President Obama, CNN political contributor, and host of the podcast "The Axe Files with David Axelrod"; and Ken Buck, former Republican congressman from Colorado.

S22 E18
★ 0.0

June 7, 2024: Sen. John Fetterman, Matt Welch, Abigail Shrier

Guests: An interview with U.S. Democratic senator from Pennsylvania, Sen. John Fetterman. This week's panel discussion includes Matt Welch, editor-at-large of Reason Magazine and co-host of "The Fifth Column" podcast; and Abigail Shrier, journalist and author of the New York Times bestseller "Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren't Growing Up."

S22 E19
★ 0.0

June 14, 2024: Charlamagne Tha God, Ana Navarro, Joel Stein

Guests: An interview with Charlamagne Tha God, co-host of the syndicated morning radio show "The Breakfast Club" on New Yorks Power 105.1 FM and author of "Get Honest or Die Lying: Why Small Talk Sucks." This week's panel discussion includes Ana Navarro, CNN contributor and co-host of "The View" on ABC; and Joel Stein, writer for the weekly column "The End of My Career with Joel Stein" on Substack and the author of "In Defense of Elitism: Why I'm Better Than You and You are Better Than Someone Who Didn't Buy This Book."

S22 E20
★ 0.0

June 21, 2024: Martin Short, Andrew Cuomo, Adam Kinzinger

Guests: An interview with Martin Short (known as his fictional character Jiminy Glick) who will be interviewing Maher about his book "What This Comedian Said Will Shock You." This week's panel discussion includes Andrew Cuomo, former Democratic governor of New York; and Adam Kinzinger, former Republican congressman from Illinois, co-author of "Renegade: Defending Democracy and Liberty in Our Divided Country," and founder of the Country First PAC.

S22 E21
★ 0.0

June 28, 2024: Ray Kurzweil, Chris Matthews, Tulsi Gabbard

Guests: An interview with Ray Kurzweil, inventor, futurist, and author of the New York Times bestseller "The Singularity Is Nearer: When We Merge with AI." This week's panel discussion includes Chris Matthews, longtime broadcaster, journalist, and author of "This Country: My Life in Politics and History;" and Tulsi Gabbard, four-term Hawaii congresswoman, 2020 presidential candidate, and author of "For Love Of Country: Leave the Democratic Party Behind."

S22 E22
★ 0.0

July 12, 2024: Kevin McCarthy, Bakari Sellers, Ben Shapiro

Guests: An interview with Kevin McCarthy, 55th Speaker of the House and former Republican congressman who represented California's 20th district. This week's panel discussion includes Bakari Sellers, former South Carolina state representative, podcast host, and author of "The Moment: Thoughts on the Race Reckoning That Wasn't and How We All Can Move Forward Now"; and Ben Shapiro, The Daily Wire co-founder, editor emeritus, and host of the syndicated radio show and daily podcast "The Ben Shapiro Show."

S22 E23
★ 0.0

July 19, 2024: Pete Buttigieg, Larry Wilmore, Rep. Byron Donalds

Guests: An interview with Pete Buttigieg, Democratic candidate in the 2020 presidential election and former lieutenant in the U.S. Navy Reserve. This week's panel discussion includes Larry Wilmore, producer, comedian, writer, and host of the podcast "Larry Wilmore: Black on the Air"; and Rep. Byron Donalds, a two-term Republican congressman who represents Florida's 19th district.

S22 E24
★ 0.0

August 23, 2024: Kaitlan Collins, James Carville, Rep. Dan Crenshaw

Guests: An interview with Kaitlan Collins, former CNN Chief White House correspondent who now hosts the CNN primetime series "The Source with Kaitlan Collins." This week's panel discussion includes James Carville, Democratic strategist and a co-host of the podcast "Politics War Room with James Carville & Al Hunt;" and Dan Crenshaw, Republican congressman who represents Texas' second district and host of the podcast "Hold These Truths with Dan Crenshaw."

S22 E25
★ 0.0

August 30, 2024: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Alyssa Farah Griffin, John McWhorter

Guests: An interview with Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democratic congresswoman from California, and author of the New York Times bestselling memoir "The Art of Power: My Story as America's First Woman Speaker of the House." This week's panel discussion includes Alyssa Farah Griffin, co-host of ABC's "The View" and CNN political commentator who previously served as the White House communications director under President Trump; and John McWhorter, professor of linguistics at Columbia University and opinion writer at The New York Times.

S23 E1
★ 0.0

January 17, 2025: Rick Caruso, Larry Wilmore, Erin Perrine

Guests: An interview with Rick Caruso, Los Angeles civic leader and the founder of the real estate company Caruso. This week's panel discussion includes Larry Wilmore, producer, actor, comedian, writer, and host of the podcast "Larry Wilmore: Black on the Air"; and Erin Perrine, Republican strategist for AXIOM Strategies and former Trump campaign communications director.

S23 E2
★ 0.0

January 24, 2025: Jesse Eisenberg, Rep. Ro Khanna, Stephen A. Smith

Guests: An interview with Jesse Eisenberg, award-winning actor and filmmaker who wrote, directed, and co-starred in the comedy-drama film "A Real Pain." This week's panel discussion includes Rep. Ro Khanna, Democratic congressman representing California's Silicon Valley, member of the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), and author of "Dignity in a Digital Age: Making Tech Work for All of Us"; and Stephen A. Smith, host of ESPN's "First Take" and YouTube's "The Stephen A. Smith Show."

S23 E3
★ 0.0

January 31, 2025: Peggy Noonan, Max Brooks, Dan Jones

Guests: An interview with Peggy Noonan, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist at The Wall Street Journal, former special assistant and speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, and author of "A Certain Idea of America: Selected Writings." This week's panel discussion includes Max Brooks, fellow at the Modern War Institute at West Point, author, and host of YouTube's "Max Brooks Breaks Down"; and Dan Jones, British historian, TV presenter, journalist, and author of "Henry V – The Astonishing Rise of England's Greatest Warrior King."

S23 E4
★ 0.0

February 7, 2025: Chris Hayes, Rep. Byron Donalds, Tara Palmeri

Guests: An interview with Chris Hayes, Emmy® Award-winning host of MSNBC's "All In with Chris Hayes" and author of "The Sirens' Call: How Attention Became the World's Most Endangered Resource." This week's panel discussion includes Rep. Byron Donalds, Republican congressman who represents Florida's 19th district; and Tara Palmeri, Puck senior political correspondent and host of The Ringer's "Somebody's Gotta Win with Tara Palmeri" podcast.

S23 E5
★ 0.0

February 14, 2025: Kid Rock, Tim Ryan, Pamela Paul

Guests: An interview with Kid Rock, musician and entertainer who will be going on tour in March and will also be joining the "Rock The Country" festival in April. This week's panel discussion includes Tim Ryan, former Democratic congressman from Ohio and co-chair of Natural Allies For A Clean Energy Future; and Pamela Paul, opinion columnist at The New York Times and author of "100 Things We've Lost to the Internet."

S23 E6
★ 0.0

February 28, 2025

S23 E7
★ 0.0

March 7, 2025

S23 E8
★ 0.0

March 14, 2025

S23 E9
★ 0.0

March 21, 2025

S23 E10
★ 0.0

March 28, 2025

Season Average Rating Episodes Best Episode Worst Episode Rating Range
18 ★ 7.2 4
★ 7.4 Episode 522
★ 7.0 Episode 524
17 ★ 7.2 24
★ 7.6 Episode 500
★ 6.6 Episode 482
9 ★ 7.1 25
★ 7.6 January 21, 2011
★ 6.3 March 25,2011
11 ★ 7.0 25
★ 7.5 March 1, 2013
★ 6.3 June 21, 2013
7 ★ 6.9 25
★ 7.5 February 20, 2009
★ 5.8 August 28, 2009
10 ★ 6.9 25
★ 7.6 March 02, 2012
★ 6.2 August 31, 2012
12 ★ 6.9 22
★ 7.3 July 25, 2014
★ 6.1 July 18, 2014
21 ★ 6.7 13
★ 7.3 March 10, 2023: David Byrne, John McWhorter, Josh Tyrangiel
★ 5.6 April 28, 2023: Elon Musk, Michael Moynihan, Konstantin Kisin
15 ★ 6.7 25
★ 7.5 Roger Stone; Jose Antonio Vargas; Michael Hayden; Rick Santorum; Neera Tanden
★ 6.0 Elizabeth Warren; Ernest Moniz; Nick Hanauer; Rob Reiner; Tara Setmayer
8 ★ 6.6 24
★ 7.6 February 19, 2010
★ 5.6 November 05, 2010
14 ★ 6.5 25
★ 7.3 Episode 377
★ 5.9 Episode 387
13 ★ 6.5 25
★ 7.1 Episode 360
★ 5.4 Episode 339
6 ★ 5.9 25
★ 6.7 September 12, 2008
★ 5.2 October 31, 2008
1 ★ 5.5 20
★ 6.6 February 21, 2003
★ 4.5 September 19, 2003
4 ★ 5.0 24
★ 7.5 October 20, 2006
★ 3.8 March 17, 2006
5 ★ 4.8 24
★ 6.3 May 04, 2007
★ 3.1 May 25, 2007
2 ★ 4.4 23
★ 7.5 October 01, 2004
★ 3.0 January 23, 2004
3 ★ 4.3 23
★ 7.7 September 09, 2005
★ 3.3 August 26, 2005