Sugar Rush poster
★ 7.7
Sugar Rush poster

Overall Rating

★ 7.7
S1 E1
★ 0.0


In English coast town Brighton, shy teenager Kim strikes a weird friendship with man-eater 'Sugar' Sweets, whom she has a crush on. Meawnhile she's looking for a boy to make sure if she's no 'imaginary gay', yet nice, horny neighbor boy Tom, who has two gay dads, isn't to her taste. The men recommended hot handyman Dale to her dad Nathan, but she dares not tell him she saw Dale naked for obvious purposes with her step-ma Stella.

S1 E2
★ 0.0

Love, Sex & Sugar

Having caught step-ma Stella having sex with handyman Dale, Kim Daniels (17) could just enjoy the bribe or tell dad Nathan, but tries to take revenge. Her teacher tells her parents at PTA something must be wrong, so her parents decide to spend quality time with son Matt, who claims to be an extraterrestrial, viz. Kim, the last in a spa with two classmates. Sugar's greedy selfishness proves just as shocking, yet remains inspiring.

S1 E3
★ 0.0


Even by Brighton teenager standards, Kim's Sugar-obsession is pathetically desperate. 'Alien' Matt has withdrawn into his completely blue ET bedroom. Dale still studly satisfies Stella, only now in motels during lunch break. Stella fears the pills she saw Kim steal are for an OD, but she lies her way out. Sugar seems tempted, but it's Matt who finds and swallows the pills as space-food, luckily found by dad just in time.

S1 E4
★ 0.0

Sugar Ain't Too Good

Because Sugar is such a promiscuous slut, Kim probably caught crabs just by spending the night in her bed platonically. Dale is shocked to find the same intimate crowding on Stella, though each blames the other. Stella ends up thinking she passed the lice 'from Dale' by borrowed jeans to Kim, instead of the other way around. Even gullible Nathan gets suspicious about all the private laundry, but remains clueless- until the evidence crawls over his privates.

S1 E5
★ 0.0

My Life Sucks

Now Nathan knows he's cuckolded, adulteress Stella is thrown out and moves in with Dale. Matt now hides behind two sock-puppets. Nathan can't cope alone, emotionally nor domestically. Sugar recruits Kim as interpreter for her new lover, French 'language student' Guillaume, but she jealously sabotages the affair by false translation.

S1 E6
★ 0.0

Coming Out...Not

Nathan is now so bitter that Stella's well-deserved 'birthday present' consists in her belongings, delivered in boxes marked bitch's this and whore's that. However he thinks again about his foul language as Matt learns by example. Learning Sugar is about to accept Guillaume's invitation to move in with him in Paris, jealous Kim bursts her bubble. Her attempt to sell herself fails, hinting at sensitive partners ends up driving Sugar to deliver Tom of his virginity. Kim goes berserk and kidnaps the poor boy's beloved canine pet to sabotage their next date.

S1 E7
★ 0.0

Kim's Done With Men

Kim has stayed in her bedroom for a week after the events that occurred in Episode 6. Sugar has been calling her frequently, but Kim hasn't been answering the calls. Nathan comes into Kim's room, which is a mess, and he is under the impression that she isn't feeling well. Kim gets out of bed, and goes out to speak to Sugar. Despite the fact that Sugar now knows that Kim is gay and that she fancies her, she's acting as though none of this has come out, which this worries Kim. Sugar asks what lesbians do [sexually], but Kim doesn't actually know. Sugar asks how she knows she's gay if she's never had sex with a man, but Kim requests that they change the subject. Sugar tells Kim that she's done with men, and it's time she found other ways to enjoy herself. Later, when Sugar and Kim are sitting in deck chairs next to each other, Sugar puts out her hand, inviting Kim to hold it, and she does so.

S1 E8
★ 0.0

Episode 8

To Nathan's surprise, Stella is back but refuses to explain why. He still accepts to try adapting and acting more spontaneously in love-life. That leads to a painful food-sex-game experiment, landing her in in hospital. Kim has joined a well-meaning church's crazy 'gay tendency therapy' group, only to find it's not just disgusting Sugar who seduces her. She tries straight love, her first attempt, drunk with a stranger who ignored her virginity, failing utterly. Tom is grateful exchange first experiences, but somehow still doesn't satisfy her emotionally.

S1 E9
★ 0.0

Episode 9

Now Kim has broken up with Sugar, she heartlessly breaks Tom's heart by dumping him rudely. Luckily gay co-dad Dave manages to convince the sensitive boy there's no shortage of straight girls and having had a Lesbian is ideal bragging material among mates. Nathan makes up his mind, arrogant Stella's abusive attempts to make him sweat for the sex accident isn't acceptable. Meanwhile Kim has an affair with Beth, whom she met in the church group, but drops her when Sugar calls for help.

S1 E10
★ 0.0

Episode 10

Nathan's displeasure actually leads to Stella moving out. Kim rushes off at Sugar's help call. The sassy slut's constant sexual and general mischief has finally got her in major trouble, covered in blood having stabbed a young quick sex partner. Kim helps her prepare a fugue to London, which includes pick pocket 'jobs' and rides along without a plan, with Stella's credit card, which is traced the next day.

S1 E1
★ 0.0


In English coast town Brighton, shy teenager Kim strikes a weird friendship with man-eater 'Sugar' Sweets, whom she has a crush on. Meawnhile she's looking for a boy to make sure if she's no 'imaginary gay', yet nice, horny neighbor boy Tom, who has two gay dads, isn't to her taste. The men recommended hot handyman Dale to her dad Nathan, but she dares not tell him she saw Dale naked for obvious purposes with her step-ma Stella.

S1 E2
★ 0.0

Love, Sex & Sugar

Having caught step-ma Stella having sex with handyman Dale, Kim Daniels (17) could just enjoy the bribe or tell dad Nathan, but tries to take revenge. Her teacher tells her parents at PTA something must be wrong, so her parents decide to spend quality time with son Matt, who claims to be an extraterrestrial, viz. Kim, the last in a spa with two classmates. Sugar's greedy selfishness proves just as shocking, yet remains inspiring.

S1 E3
★ 0.0


Even by Brighton teenager standards, Kim's Sugar-obsession is pathetically desperate. 'Alien' Matt has withdrawn into his completely blue ET bedroom. Dale still studly satisfies Stella, only now in motels during lunch break. Stella fears the pills she saw Kim steal are for an OD, but she lies her way out. Sugar seems tempted, but it's Matt who finds and swallows the pills as space-food, luckily found by dad just in time.

S1 E4
★ 0.0

Sugar Ain't Too Good

Because Sugar is such a promiscuous slut, Kim probably caught crabs just by spending the night in her bed platonically. Dale is shocked to find the same intimate crowding on Stella, though each blames the other. Stella ends up thinking she passed the lice 'from Dale' by borrowed jeans to Kim, instead of the other way around. Even gullible Nathan gets suspicious about all the private laundry, but remains clueless- until the evidence crawls over his privates.

S1 E5
★ 0.0

My Life Sucks

Now Nathan knows he's cuckolded, adulteress Stella is thrown out and moves in with Dale. Matt now hides behind two sock-puppets. Nathan can't cope alone, emotionally nor domestically. Sugar recruits Kim as interpreter for her new lover, French 'language student' Guillaume, but she jealously sabotages the affair by false translation.

S1 E6
★ 0.0

Coming Out...Not

Nathan is now so bitter that Stella's well-deserved 'birthday present' consists in her belongings, delivered in boxes marked bitch's this and whore's that. However he thinks again about his foul language as Matt learns by example. Learning Sugar is about to accept Guillaume's invitation to move in with him in Paris, jealous Kim bursts her bubble. Her attempt to sell herself fails, hinting at sensitive partners ends up driving Sugar to deliver Tom of his virginity. Kim goes berserk and kidnaps the poor boy's beloved canine pet to sabotage their next date.

S1 E7
★ 0.0

Kim's Done With Men

Kim has stayed in her bedroom for a week after the events that occurred in Episode 6. Sugar has been calling her frequently, but Kim hasn't been answering the calls. Nathan comes into Kim's room, which is a mess, and he is under the impression that she isn't feeling well. Kim gets out of bed, and goes out to speak to Sugar. Despite the fact that Sugar now knows that Kim is gay and that she fancies her, she's acting as though none of this has come out, which this worries Kim. Sugar asks what lesbians do [sexually], but Kim doesn't actually know. Sugar asks how she knows she's gay if she's never had sex with a man, but Kim requests that they change the subject. Sugar tells Kim that she's done with men, and it's time she found other ways to enjoy herself. Later, when Sugar and Kim are sitting in deck chairs next to each other, Sugar puts out her hand, inviting Kim to hold it, and she does so.

S1 E8
★ 0.0

Episode 8

To Nathan's surprise, Stella is back but refuses to explain why. He still accepts to try adapting and acting more spontaneously in love-life. That leads to a painful food-sex-game experiment, landing her in in hospital. Kim has joined a well-meaning church's crazy 'gay tendency therapy' group, only to find it's not just disgusting Sugar who seduces her. She tries straight love, her first attempt, drunk with a stranger who ignored her virginity, failing utterly. Tom is grateful exchange first experiences, but somehow still doesn't satisfy her emotionally.

S1 E9
★ 0.0

Episode 9

Now Kim has broken up with Sugar, she heartlessly breaks Tom's heart by dumping him rudely. Luckily gay co-dad Dave manages to convince the sensitive boy there's no shortage of straight girls and having had a Lesbian is ideal bragging material among mates. Nathan makes up his mind, arrogant Stella's abusive attempts to make him sweat for the sex accident isn't acceptable. Meanwhile Kim has an affair with Beth, whom she met in the church group, but drops her when Sugar calls for help.

S1 E10
★ 0.0

Episode 10

Nathan's displeasure actually leads to Stella moving out. Kim rushes off at Sugar's help call. The sassy slut's constant sexual and general mischief has finally got her in major trouble, covered in blood having stabbed a young quick sex partner. Kim helps her prepare a fugue to London, which includes pick pocket 'jobs' and rides along without a plan, with Stella's credit card, which is traced the next day.

S2 E1
★ 0.0

Episode 1

Eighteen months later, life is largely back to normal at Kim's Brighton home. Even Stella has returned and seems monogamous with Nathan, the parental couple in sex therapy. Sugar however is in jail. Kim meets and ultimately 'dates' sex shop clerk 'Saint' in a nightclub. There ten years older Anna, who believed Kim of professional age, invites her to a private party and lets her stay for breakfast.

S2 E2
★ 0.0

Episode 2

Kim attracts the attentions of classmate Melissa before visiting Sugar in jail. Sugar suggests that Kim take Melissa as her girlfriend to make Saint jealous but Kim finds Melissa more boring than she had thought and tries to get her interested in Anna. Saint has seen the interplay between the women at the club and tells Kim she knows that Melissa was not really her girlfriend and the pair are reconciled.

S2 E3
★ 0.0

Episode 3

After having sex with Saint Kim goes to visit Sugar,who is expecting early release after granted a staff member favours. She asks to come and stay with Kim as she is homeless and Kim agrees. Returning to Saint's flat Kim is shocked to see a half-naked man whom Saint explains is Mark,an old flame,but they were never serious. Noticing that Saint and Mark have identical tattoos Kim is uncertain as to whether to believe her. However the girls talk things over and get close again. Only then does Kim realise she was meant to collect Sugar from prison.

S2 E4
★ 0.0

Episode 4

Sugar moves in with Kim but the relationship is entirely platonic with Sugar sleeping on an air-bed. She gets a job in a candy floss stall,from where,as Kim discovers, she sells drugs. She also has sex with Saint and ultimately moves out of Kim's. Nathan and Stella meanwhile find a swingers' magazine intended for the people next door has been mistakenly delivered to them, which arouses their curiosity.

S2 E5
★ 0.0

Episode 5

Kim is head over heels with her new girlfriend Saint, but when Saint goes away on a business trip Kim is worried and jealous. She passes her time by going to a drag king night at her favourite club, and meets the sexy and overpowering Montana, whose band is performing in the club that night. The key words and phrases for the rest of the story are kissing, girlfriend walking in, girlfriend walking out, drug overdose, hospital, misunderstanding.

S2 E6
★ 0.0

Episode 6

After Kim's accidental overdose, Stella is worried about her, but doesn't actually want to talk to her daughter herself. So she sends her to psychiatrist Dr Candida. Kim's initially hostile, she's got nothing to say to a shrink. But once Kim starts talking, there's no stopping her. There's certainly plenty to talk about. Kim's still gutted over her break up with Saint. She's desperate to ask for Saint's forgiveness, but how do you explain away a random infidelity with a stranger? And Sugar's giving Kim a lot to think about too.

S2 E7
★ 0.0

Episode 7

Kim spends a night in the cells after going for Saint's casual sex partner though ultimately the pair are reunited. Sugar is being pursued by Dmitri, an ex-boyfriend to whom she apparently owes money and, having failed to get it from her face to face, he steals it from the till at the sex shop where Sugar is now working. However Sugar and Saint team up to offer him a threesome for which he is blindfolded. They then, along with Kim, take the shoe-box containing the money from where he had hidden it under the bed and leave him unaware that he is being pleasured by his dog.

S2 E8
★ 0.0

Episode 8

After getting the bill for Kim's counselling sessions Nathan announces that the family should behave in a more conventional manner, He wants Stella to stop going to swingers' parties with him and attend marriage guidance instead. In fact they say that they are going to a meeting that night, leaving Kim to mind disturbed younger brother Matt though Kim leaves him to meet Saint. Sugar, meanwhile, confesses all to Mark, who ends up showering her with kisses.

S2 E9
★ 0.0

Episode 9

Kim wakes up in Matt's coffin since Sugar and Mark are in her bed. She gets annoyed when Sugar goes on at length about her relationship with Mark and is even more upset when she learns that Stella confided in Sugar, and not her own daughter, that she is pregnant again. She has sex with Saint, who is herself not in the best of spirits as it is the anniversary of her mother's death. Mark takes Sugar to meet his parents, who like her - until she reveals that she has been in prison.

S2 E10
★ 0.0

Episode 10

Kim decides not to move in with Saint and accidentally starts a fire.

Season Average Rating Episodes Best Episode Worst Episode Rating Range