House of Payne poster
★ 3.6
House of Payne poster

Overall Rating

★ 3.6
S8 E4
★ 8.6

The Old People Game

Jazmine learns that Malik is having a baby.

S8 E5
★ 8.6

Women Of Today

Jazmine is pressured to have sex before she is ready.

S8 E1
★ 7.8

A Wise Man's Opinion

Malik is hesitant to give the news to his family about Lisa's pregnancy.

S6 E6
★ 7.5

Payne, Payne Go Away

It's a revolving door at the Payne house when CJ, Janine and the children move out, and Floyd in turn moves in because of his divorce. Then there's Jazmine. The youngster, feeling ignored and jealous, makes the choice to run away.

S1 E1
★ 7.2

Bully and the Beast

Malik is confronted by a school bully, and Curtis has to handle the situation. What he can't handle is the bully's mother.

S6 E4
★ 7.2

Payne Speaking

Curtis protests his retirement at City Hall and C.J. reveals to Curtis that he's taking Curtis's job at the firehouse. Meanwhile, Ella battles with an innovative new pastor who plans to shut down the help center to make way for a new multi-media outreach program.

S6 E19
★ 6.7

Curtis Sings the Blues

Curtis spirals into a depressive funk following successive life-altering events, but he gets support from a very unlikely source. In other developments, Calvin and Miranda compete against CJ and Janine in a bid for a weekend getaway.

S7 E20
★ 6.7

Payneful Rescue

The aftershocks of a fire impact Miranda and Calvin; Tracie and her new boyfriend show up at the hospital causing a huge argument. In the ending moments, the baby seems to be fine.

S7 E21
★ 6.6

A Mother's Payne

Ella's mother and sister Evie visit, and Ella experiences the effects of their mother's disease; Janine texts C.J. a sexy picture of herself.

S4 E21
★ 6.0

All is Not Lost!

With complications testing their love and their nuptials fast approaching, Calvin and Miranda decide to attend premarital counseling. But the sessions only cause Miranda to further question married life with Calvin.

S1 E9
★ 1.6

Surprise, Surprise

Janine's parents show up looking for her. Claretha believes she knows Janine's father.

S5 E22
★ 2.0

Moving Day

Curtis, Ella and Malik are moving out of the house (CJ, Janine and the babies have gone to stay at Janine's parents in Florida. Ella is devastated. They have to move into Calvin and Miranda's condo and Calvin turns the table on Curtis and treats him the way he was treated when he lived at home.

S6 E10
★ 2.6

Til Payne Do Us Part

Curtis and Ella are shocked to learn that their not legally married, so Claretha and Floyd convince them to enjoy single life.

S5 E24
★ 2.8

Back Where We Belong

Curtis and Calvin move into the barbershop due to their marriage problems, which causes hair raising havoc in the process. Meanwhile, Floyd blows up when he learns of Zach and Olivia's act of love.

S5 E25
★ 2.8

Surprise! (Part 1 of 2)

Calvin has gotten the $20,000 needed to repair his parent's house and surprises them with the check. Meanwhile, Janine reveals that CJ is in Chicago interviewing for a new job.

S3 E16
★ 2.9

A Shock to the System

Malik's best friend, Kevin is injured in a hit and run accident, Calvin gets a new job, but gets fired the next day due to laziness.

S3 E1
★ 3.0

Aches and Paynes

Calvin tries to prove his worth to Tracie, but she responds with shocking news. Meanwhile, Jazmine is plagued with a toothache, but it's like pulling teeth trying to get her to see a dentist.

S5 E21
★ 3.0

Bringing Down the House

The foundation of the Payne house needs desperate repair. Curtis tries to save money by hiring a jackleg contractor, who ends up doing more damage and the Paynes have to move out of their house. Meanwhile, Ella grows closer to Paul, the man at the mall.

S2 E19
★ 3.1

The Beat Down

Ella and Claretha help a fellow churchgoer who has an abusive boyfriend. Meanwhile, Delante has 2 girlfriends and bites off more than he can chew.

S5 E3
★ 3.1

Your Wife's a Payne

Calvin and Miranda move into their new digs, but Miranda's shadowy past life as a con artist comes to the fore. Elsewhere, it gets snippy at the barbershop when the couple quarrel over business plans.

S1 E1
★ 7.2

Bully and the Beast

Malik is confronted by a school bully, and Curtis has to handle the situation. What he can't handle is the bully's mother.

S1 E2
★ 5.5

I Can Cry If I Want To

C.J. moves in with Curtis and Ella after his house burns down. Meanwhile, the family plans a surprise 50th birthday party for Curtis.

S1 E3
★ 4.0

More Than Meets the Eye

C.J. becomes suspicious of Janine, while Jazmine misses her toys and friends.

S1 E4
★ 4.0


Janine's drug abuse is recognized, while Calvin tries to sell fake designer wear.

S1 E5
★ 5.2

Lost and Found

C.J. looks for Janine, while Curtis enrolls in an anger management course.

S1 E6
★ 3.4

Down and Outted

Curtis thinks Malik is gay after seeing him wear a tutu. Meanwhile, Curtis offers some of his and Ella's retirement money to C.J. in order to jump start him and the kids moving out.

S1 E7
★ 3.7

No Money, Mo’ Problems

C.J. accepts Curtis and Ella's money offer, but when he uses the money to put Janine in rehab she checks herself out, causing C.J. to lose the money and find a way to break the news to Curtis. Meanwhile, Calvin shows off Curtis and Ella's house as his own to impress a girl.

S1 E8
★ 3.5

Just Say No

A school assembly about "Say No To Drugs" upsets Jazmine, because of Janine's drug problems. Meanwhile, the firefighters protest after Curtis refuses to replace the broken television at the firehouse.

S1 E9
★ 1.6

Surprise, Surprise

Janine's parents show up looking for her. Claretha believes she knows Janine's father.

S1 E10
★ 4.4

Father Knows Best

Janine's parents return and want custody of the kids. The firefighters "misplace" the fire truck.

S1 E11
★ 4.2

I Keep Coming Up Short

Curtis has impotency issues. Meanwhile, C.J. tries to work out his debt.

S1 E12
★ 3.7

The Buck Stops Here

The firefighters do a pinup calendar as a fundraiser and are surprised when a new firefighter assigned to the house is a woman named Angel. Meanwhile, Jazmine sells candy for her school.

S1 E13
★ 3.6

Wax On, Wax Off

Malik's going through puberty and the women in the house are clueless. Meanwhile, a failing inspection at the firehouse is Curtis's fault.

S1 E14
★ 4.3

Head of the Class

Jazmine, despite being in the 3rd grade, runs for president of the school. She enlists the entire family into helping her with election with Uncle Curtis as her debate opponent.

S1 E15
★ 5.6

Paternity and Fraternity: Part 1

An old high school flame of C.J.'s comes back in his life with a claim that is bound to rock his world. Meanwhile, Malik's hanging around a bad group of kids and gets into trouble.

S1 E16
★ 5.3

Paternity and Fraternity: Part 2

The possibility that CJ might be the father of another child continues to be a family issue. Meanwhile, Malik continues to keep company with sketchy kids.

S1 E17
★ 5.4

Cracking Under Pressure

Janine and her associates from the crack-house break in and steal from the Payne's house. Meanwhile, Calvin trains for a marathon.

S1 E18
★ 4.0

Club PCP

Calvin plans a house party when the rest of the family visits relatives in Florida.

S1 E19
★ 4.4

Sadly Mistaken

Janine's associate, Beverly, steals Ella's identity, causing Ella to be briefly jailed for check kiting. Afterward, Ella feels compelled to confront Janine at the crack house. Meanwhile, Calvin crams for mid-terms.

S1 E20
★ 4.6

And Justice for All

Malik and Kevin meet someone on the Internet, who turns out to be a man. Meanwhile, Curtis and Claretha have jury duty together.

S1 E21
★ 4.6

I Got the Hook Up

Everyone tries to hook C.J. up on a date. Meanwhile, a woman who's HIV-positive volunteers at the Help Center.

S1 E22
★ 4.0

Absolutely Positive

Curtis gets a colonoscopy and thinks he's dying. Meanwhile, Calvin goes on a date with Karen, the woman who's HIV-positive.

S1 E23
★ 3.6

The Perfect Storm

The firehouse is overwhelmed by a nasty storm that hits Atlanta. Miscommunication about retrieving the kids from school causes a mix up that leads to sparks flying between C.J. and the assistant principal.

S1 E24
★ 3.8

Teacher's Pet

After Jazmine "rescues" a hamster from her school, her assistant principal comes to the Payne household to investigate. When Malik finds out that Jazmine did abscond with the hamster, they keep it a secret, and it becomes a problem, and the mayhem becomes the order of the day.

S1 E25
★ 5.2

Sad, Sad Leroy Brown: Part 1

Brown burns down his house and imposes himself on the Paynes. And Calvin's new girlfriend offers him an investment opportunity.

S2 E1
★ 4.4

Wife Swap

Curtis and Ella's relationship hits a bump when Ella claims that Curtis takes her for granted. Curtis learns his lesson when the always sassy Madea materializes in one of his dreams as his wife. Elsewhere, Malik takes up football in order to woo a cheerleader.

S2 E2
★ 4.8

Stop Being All Funky

C.J. meets Janine's new boyfriend, Bryan and becomes jealous when Bryan spoils the kids with expensive gifts.

S2 E3
★ 4.1

Guess Who Is Coming to Dinner

As Malik invites his new girlfriend to a Payne family dinner, Calvin again woos Miranda, who ripped him off during a previous romance but now insists she's changed her ways. Miranda's acceptance back into the Payne house is slow at first, but eventually she charms her way back. Meanwhile, Malik's new girlfriend has a surprise that beats Miranda's return. Will the Paynes ever have a normal day?

S2 E4
★ 3.6

Game Over

The men and women prepare for game night at the Payne house. Meanwhile, Ella's old college friend comes to visit, and she brings with her an old secret about her and Curtis that upsets Ella. The secret also sparks an argument among all the younger couples. The Payne house has never been so heated.

S2 E5
★ 4.3

Crazy in Love

Curtis' womanizing friend Jimmy, who sponges off women, charms Claretha. Meanwhile C.J. has to deal with an all too grateful woman after saving her life - much to the amusement of his fellow firefighters.

S2 E6
★ 4.0

Time to Clean House

The family has had it with Calvin's shenanigans, so they lay down some house rules. Calvin decides to move in with his girlfriend, who finds out just how dependent he is. Meanwhile, Malik and Jazmine help Claretha clean house.

S2 E7
★ 3.7

Living with Liz

Janine's mother, Liz, comes for a surprise visit, but she brings with her an attitude that needs readjusting. Fortunately, the Paynes are all about readjusting attitudes, especially Curtis. The Paynes discover that Janine's father threw Liz out of the house, so they attempt to bring the two back together. Meanwhile, Janine's having a hard time hiding that she's pregnant.

S2 E8
★ 3.7

Aches and Paynes

Jazmine reveals her fear of visiting the dentist when she develops a painful toothache. Meanwhile, Calvin is devastated once he receives the news that Tracie wants to see other people and end their relationship.

S2 E9
★ 3.5

It's a Boy

While the crew responds to an emergency call, Curtis finds himself all alone at the firehouse with a very pregnant woman. Meanwhile, Calvin and Tracie's relationship begins to wilt when Tracie questions if Calvin's ready for a mature relationship.

S2 E10
★ 3.6

The Big Bang Theory

Blue, Janine's former drug dealer, demands that he receives the money that she owes him or he will threaten to harm the family. Meanwhile, another bully at Malik's school starts to harass him. But he finds Curtis' gun in the closet and soon believes that he's found the answer to his problem.

S2 E11
★ 4.3

Step It Up

Curtis and Ella's niece comes to town for a scholarship interview, but her appearance and attitude hurt her chances of getting it. Aunt Ella and Janine help her work the judges, but it's them that end up learning a lesson. Meanwhile, Bart's obnoxious nephew hangs out at the firehouse and challenges Malik to a firefighter battle.

S2 E12
★ 5.3


Janine, CJ and their respective dates attend a party, but revelations about Janine's pregnancy cause complications. Elsewhere, when the TV fades out, Curtis connects with the cable guy.

S2 E13
★ 3.9


Malik tries out for cheer leading to obtain the girls' phone numbers but things backfire when he becomes the only male cheerleader. A pregnant Janine packs to move in with Bryan.

S2 E14
★ 5.4

Can I Get a Witness?

Ella heads to the hospital after a lump is found in her breast. She confides in Janine but hides it from the rest of the family. Meanwhile, another crisis develops when Calvin witnesses a neighborhood crime, and is urged to go under witness protection.

S2 E15
★ 5.3

Commencement Day

Janine asks Ella to keep her new-found pregnancy a secret. Meanwhile Calvin is going to graduate, but finds out he won't and delays telling Curtis about it.

S2 E16
★ 3.4

A Shock to the System

Malik's best friend, Kevin gets into an accident while staying at the Payne's house. Malik fears losing his best friend. Meanwhile, Calvin gets a new job, but gets fired after insulting his boss, and starts working at the barbershop.

S2 E17
★ 4.2

Moral Dilemma

When $50,000 is found in CJ's truck, a moral dilemma about what to do with the cash begins tearing the Paynes apart. Of course, Curtis wants it as payment for housing CJ's family, but the Paynes can always rely on Ella to lead them to do the right thing.

S2 E18
★ 0.0

Sex, Lies and Videotapes

CJ corners Tanya when he sees a too revealing video of her.

S2 E19
★ 3.1

The Beat Down

Ella and Claretha help a fellow churchgoer who has an abusive boyfriend. Meanwhile, Delante has 2 girlfriends and bites off more than he can chew.

S2 E20
★ 4.6

Respect Me

Angel is fed up with the boorish behavior of her fellow firefighters and complains. But when they no longer treat her as one of the guys she feels excluded. Ella and Malik put a stop to Jasmine's prank.

S2 E21
★ 0.0

Trial By Fire Pt. 2

Curtis and his team continue to strategize the best way in order to rescue C.J., who remains trapped in the burning house unconscious. Meanwhile, Malik continues to win over his new crush, Taylor.

S2 E22
★ 0.0

Trial By Fire Pt. 3

The search progresses for CJ, who's trapped in a fire-ravaged structure. And love is blind for young Malik, whose crush on Taylor continues.

S2 E23
★ 0.0

Crazy in Love

Curtis' old friend sets his sights on Claretha, and Ella doesn't it like it one bit. Curtis must choose between pleasing his wife, or staying cool with his friend. Meanwhile, C.J. is stalked by a woman he rescued.

S2 E24
★ 4.3

Reality Check

The firehouse becomes the subject of a reality show titled “Sparks,” but the firefighters get burned when the host manipulates their interviews. Elsewhere, Ella takes the children to visit Janine---without CJ's consent.

S2 E25
★ 4.3

Piece of Mind

The Payne gang decides to see a family therapist against Curtis' will. After each family member spends time with the therapist, it's the doctor who needs psychiatric help.

S3 E1
★ 3.0

Aches and Paynes

Calvin tries to prove his worth to Tracie, but she responds with shocking news. Meanwhile, Jazmine is plagued with a toothache, but it's like pulling teeth trying to get her to see a dentist.

S3 E2
★ 3.7

The Big Bang Theory

Janine's former drug dealer wants the money she owes threatens to come back and the harm the family if she doesn't pay. Curtis buys a handgun for safety against Ella's will. Meanwhile, Malik is dealing with another bully at school. When he finds Uncle Curtis' gun in the closet, he figures his problems are over.

S3 E3
★ 4.2

Step It Up

Curtis and Ella's niece comes to town for a scholarship interview, but her appearance and attitude hurt her chances of getting it. Aunt Ella and Janine help her work the judges, but it's them that end up learning a lesson. Meanwhile, Bart's obnoxious nephew hangs out at the firehouse and challenges Malik to a firefighter battle.

S3 E4
★ 4.1

No Pain, No Gain

Jazmine is scheduled for surgery when she has an appendix attack, and she milks it for all she can. Even Malik is forced to abide by her wishes. Meanwhile, Curtis is on the hunt for a pesky rat which is roaming the firehouse.

S3 E5
★ 3.9

Devil in a Blue Suit

The search progresses for CJ, who's trapped in a fire-ravaged structure. And love is blind for young Malik, whose crush on Taylor continues.

S3 E6
★ 4.2

Bad Influence

Ella has the flu, which means Curtis is in charge of the cleaning and cooking. Soon, he's also having to nurse Malik, C.J. and Janine after they catch Ella's bug. Jazmine, meanwhile, has been chosen to play the princess in her school play, but after her parents try to help her prepare, she winds up getting demoted. But Calvin has the perfect advice for her.

S3 E7
★ 4.1

Play on Playa

Calvin misreads a relationship counselor's signals when she invites him to her house for dinner; Curtis does not let anything interfere with the firehouse's poker party.

S3 E8
★ 0.0

Its Getting Hot in Here

C.J. catches the eye of a lovely woman at a wedding, where he gets a little frisky with Janine. Meanwhile, Calvin's friends volunteer at the firehouse.

S3 E9
★ 5.0

Don't Get It Twisted

The family grills Janine and C.J. after they spend the night together. But Curtis has problems of his own, when a man thinks his wife is having an affair with him.

S3 E10
★ 0.0

Wife Swap

Curtis and Ella's relationship hits a bump when Ella claims that Curtis takes her for granted. Curtis learns his lesson when the always sassy Madea materializes in one of his dreams as his wife. Elsewhere, Malik takes up football in order to woo a cheerleader.

S3 E11
★ 0.0

Stop Being All Funky

Janine dates an ex-football star, and CJ goes out with Tanya. CJ starts to feel uncomfortable when Janine's date gives out lavish gifts to Malik and Jazmine. Meanwhile, Curtis develops a man crush on Janine's date

S3 E12
★ 0.0

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

As Malik invites his new girlfriend to a Payne family dinner, Calvin again woos Miranda, who ripped him off during a previous romance but now insists she's changed her ways. Miranda's acceptance back into the Payne house is slow at first, but eventually she charms her way back. Meanwhile, Malik's new girlfriend has a surprise that beats Miranda's return. Will the Paynes ever have a normal day?

S3 E13
★ 4.3

Game Over

The men and women prepare for game night at the Payne house. Meanwhile, Ella's old college friend comes to visit, and she brings with her an old secret about her and Curtis that upsets Ella. The secret also sparks an argument among all the younger couples. The Payne house has never been so heated.

S3 E14
★ 4.7

Can I get a Witness?

Ella is trouble when she finds out that she may have breast cancer while Calvin has witnessed a neighborhood crime and is tracked down. After Ella is tested, Janine decides to get tested and finds out that she is pregnant.

S3 E15
★ 3.8

Commencement Day

Calvin finds out that he is graduating, but the school makes a mistake putting him on a signed death wish with Curtis. Ella must not tell about Janine's pregnancy, and it is harder than she thought.

S3 E16
★ 2.9

A Shock to the System

Malik's best friend, Kevin is injured in a hit and run accident, Calvin gets a new job, but gets fired the next day due to laziness.

S3 E17
★ 0.0

Compromising Position

Curtis is offered a job in Los Angeles, and Ella doesn't want to move. Meanwhile, C.J.'s girlfriend, Tanya, has a friend that is attracted to CJ.

S3 E18
★ 4.5

Moral Dilemma

When C.J. finds 50,000 dollars in his truck, the family must decide what to do with the money.

S3 E19
★ 4.5

Sex, Lies and Videotapes

C.J. finds out that Tanya was in a rap music video years ago, the F.B.I. uses the Payne home for a stakeout.

S3 E20
★ 0.0

Time to Clean House

The family has had it with Calvin's ungrateful shenanigans, so they lay down some house rules. Calvin decides to move in with his girlfriend, who finds out just how dependent he is. Meanwhile, Malik and Jazmine help Claretha clean her house.

S3 E21
★ 0.0

Living with Liz

Janine's mother moves in with the Paynes, and Janine has a hard time not revealing that she's pregnant. It is then discovered that Janine's father kicked Liz out of the house.

S3 E22
★ 5.1

Beat Down

Ella and Claretha help out a church member who has a domestic abusive boyfriend.

S3 E23
★ 5.4


Janine's pregnancy is revealed at a social gathering, Curtis befriends a cable man who could possibly be his son.

S3 E24
★ 4.1


Malik has a scheme to get phone numbers from cheerleaders and ends up being a cheerleader. Janine gets ready to move in with Bryan so they can prepare to raise their child.

S3 E25
★ 0.0

R-E-S-P-E-C-T Me

Malik babysits Jazmine, the guys at the firehouse upset Angel.

S4 E1
★ 5.0

Driving Me Crazy

Calvin babysits Miranda's nephew Brandon who is a total nightmare. Meanwhile, Claretha's car is stolen.

S4 E2
★ 5.2

Reunited and¬タᆭ..It Don't Feel so Good

Curtis, Ella and Claretha host a mixer for their college reunion. CJ tries to baby-sit Malik and Jazmine alone with disastrous results.

S4 E3
★ 4.9

What the-?

Dana finally decides to settle down and date one guy; everyone is happy for her except for Kiki when she finds out that Dana is dating her younger brother.

S4 E5
★ 4.0

How Do You Spell….It's All About Me?

Ella is spending a lot of time away from home and Curtis is beginning to wonder if she is having an affair. Meanwhile, Jazmine participates in a spelling bee.

S4 E6
★ 4.2


Ella makes the family give up the use of all electronic devices; CJ learns a surprising secret; a Hollywood actor does research at the barbershop for his next movie.

S4 E7
★ 4.3

Old School vs. New School

It's Malik's birthday and he's being a brat about the kind of party and gifts he wants. Meanwhile, with Miranda's help, Calvin invests in the barbershop and becomes a partner.

S4 E8
★ 4.7

Fire and Disire

Ella is going through menopause and the entire household is suffering with her.

S4 E9
★ 4.5

Unsung Heros

Calvin plans a surprise party when he learns his friend is coming home from Iraq. Meanwhile, Malik has to write a school paper about his role model, and Curtis and CJ try to bribe him into choosing one of them.

S4 E10
★ 3.7

Pissed, Poor and Paranoid

Curtis teaches Jazmine and Malik a valuable lesson on what it means to do without the comforts of home. Meanwhile, the barbers find out that Delante has been living in the barbershop.

S4 E11
★ 5.8

True Lies

Malik and his bud Kevin consider skipping school with two girls. Elsewhere, Calvin's pal Peanut concocts a nutty plan to impress a woman: He professes to own the barbershop and poses as a Payne family member.

S4 E12
★ 4.3

That Sounds Sweet

Selling plenty of cakes and cookies inspires Ella to cook up plans for a new business. Then, Malik tries to get some sax appeal, as he considers taking up the saxophone to impress a girl.

S4 E13
★ 4.1

Meet the Lucases

Family bonds grow when the Paynes face a health crisis. Elsewhere, Miranda's parents arrive, as a jittery Calvin scrambles to make the visit a success.

S4 E14
★ 3.5

Out on a Limb

Ella, Claretha, Jazmine and Jazmine's friend branch out: They go on a woodsy wilderness trip---and promptly get lost. Meanwhile, Calvin, deciding to pop the big question to Miranda, sets out to find the perfect engagement ring.

S4 E15
★ 4.0

Can't Buy Me Love

Calvin gets set to pop the big question to Miranda---but his self-doubts give him cold feet. Adding to the dilemma are his buds Pookie and Peanut, who enter the picture to offer a helping hand.

S4 E16
★ 4.8

To Have and to Hold

Calvin's unfruitful quest to propose to Miranda hits another snag when the engagement ring goes missing. In addition, things get hairy at the barbershop when a secret romance blooms there. And none other than Janine makes an unexpected appearance.

S4 E17
★ 5.8

Unexpected Results

When Jazmine goes to the top of the class by acing an aptitude test, her teacher recommends she attend a school for the gifted---in North Carolina. Elsewhere, CJ fumbles and stumbles trying to deliver shocking news to Tanya.

S4 E18
★ 4.1

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

The Paynes prep for Jazmine's big slumber party, a bash that only seems to annoy Curtis. CJ and Janine step out to buy party items, but they get into a hair-raising situation at the barbershop, where they run afoul of a robber.

S4 E19
★ 4.5

Father's Day

Curtis' dad arrives to meet Calvin's fiancée, only to discover they share an unpleasant past. A subplot involves a man significantly impacted by Hurricane Katrina.

S4 E21
★ 6.0

All is Not Lost!

With complications testing their love and their nuptials fast approaching, Calvin and Miranda decide to attend premarital counseling. But the sessions only cause Miranda to further question married life with Calvin.

S4 E22
★ 3.3

Party Over Here!

Calvin's family and buddies get set to throw him a bachelor party, despite Calvin's promise to Miranda that the big bash would be canceled. Ensuing complications then jeopardize the couple's fast-approaching nuptials

S4 E23
★ 3.5

The Last Supper

Calvin and Miranda are inundated with marital advice at their wedding rehearsal and dinner, which turn problematic because of an unforeseen guest, boozy buffoonery and a fainting spell.

S4 E24
★ 4.2

We've Come This Far by Faith (Part 1)

It's Calvin and Miranda's big wedding day, with various issues threatening to ruin the special event. One mighty complication: Miranda's father helps to deliver triplets.

S4 E25
★ 5.1

We've Come This Far by Faith (Part 2)

Numerous predicaments continue to plague Calvin and Miranda's big wedding day.

S4 E77
★ 0.0

Labor Paynes (2)

S4 E79
★ 0.0

Guys' Night Out, girls Night In

Malik reluctantly goes on his first camping trip. Jazmine is upset she's not allowed to go, but lightens up when she finds out she'll get to have a girls night in.

S5 E1
★ 5.2

Labor Paynes (1)

Janine goes into labor, resulting in surprises and white-knuckle moments, as a double wedding uniting CJ and Janine, plus Calvin and Miranda, swiftly changes locations to the hospital.

S5 E2
★ 3.7

Labor Paynes (2)

While in labor, Janine worries about her baby being born out of wedlock so the double wedding is moved to the hospital.

S5 E3
★ 3.1

Your Wife's a Payne

Calvin and Miranda move into their new digs, but Miranda's shadowy past life as a con artist comes to the fore. Elsewhere, it gets snippy at the barbershop when the couple quarrel over business plans.

S5 E4
★ 3.6

Casa De Payne

Claretha gets the royal treatment when she becomes engaged to an African prince. Planning a move to Africa, she sells her home to a new family. Meanwhile, Curtis blows a gasket when he receives a slew of parking tickets; Calvin and Miranda return from their honeymoon; and Jazmine journeys to a boarding school in North Carolina.

S5 E5
★ 4.0

It's A Payne Growing Up

Malik's friend Kevin has an intimate relationship with a woman who has syphilis. C.J. counsel's Malik which leads to a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Calvin is pressured by Miranda to be more thoughtful towards their marriage.

S5 E6
★ 5.1

Payne And Prejudice

The Payne's are invited for dinner at the Hernadez home which leads to a culture clash. Dana's falsehood's come back to haunt her back at the barbershop.

S5 E7
★ 3.3

Payneful News

Calvin and Miranda are trying to have a baby, but they run into problems when they discover that Calvin isn't "firing on all cylinders."

S5 E8
★ 3.2

Payneful Loss

Ella and Rosie conspire to get themselves and their husbands to lose weight and get healthy. Meanwhile, Malik and Kevin get in over their heads when they throw a house party while house sitting for Calvin and Miranda.

S5 E9
★ 4.4

Payneful Employment

CJ gets a very important job interview in another city which excites Curtis who begins to think he might finally have the house to himself again.

S5 E10
★ 3.4

Slightly Payneful Truth

Malik, as a favor to Alexandra, helps Consuela prepare for her U.S. citizenship test. Curtis jumps in to help when Malik gets sick.

S5 E11
★ 3.6

Joy and Payne

Curtis, Calvin and the rest of the Paynes are caught in the middle of a Hernandez family confrontation between Carlos and his son, Diego.

S5 E12
★ 5.1

A Sisters Payne

Kiki's brother, Darnell returns to the shop. Malik and Alex find a way around the 'no date' rule by having a date in Malik's back yard.

S5 E13
★ 3.9

A Grand Payne

Malik asks Alex out on a date, but their parents insist that they be supervised; Janine's parents visit to see the new twins.

S5 E14
★ 5.0

Games People Play

The Payne's love their annual tailgating shindig, but when Miranda finds out about Calvin and Mercedes date, she becomes ill. Meanwhile, Diego becomes agitated and starts fighting with people.

S5 E15
★ 4.3

Help Wanted

Miranda runs into her successful, good looking ex-fiance, and it drives Calvin crazy. To show that he is doing something with his life, Calvin takes a job at Mercedes company.

S5 E16
★ 3.9

Old Lady Paynes

When Ella's demanding mother arrives, the elder exhibits a lapse of memory, causing Ella to worry that she has Alzheimer's disease. Meanwhile, there's a hair-raising quandary at the barbershop when Floyd's supposedly dead first wife emerges.

S5 E17
★ 3.9

I Don't Know This Payne

Ella and Rosie get jobs working at a boutique at the mall, while Curtis and Carlos enjoy their new 'man world.'

S5 E18
★ 5.4

Paul Mall

Curtis may need to be careful after Ella meets a handsome and charming man at the mall. Meanwhile, Diego asks for Calvin and Miranda's help in scrutinizing Mercedes newest man.

S5 E19
★ 5.7

With Friends Like These

Malik forms a new friendship with a fellow student who is being abused in the classroom because of his HIV positive status. Elsewhere, when Rosie calls out sick, Consuela is left in charge with the boutique.

S5 E20
★ 5.5

The Talent Show

The firehouse is being jeopardized by city budget cuts. But holding a big fund raising talent show, along with an appearance by Gladys Knight, could still save the firehouse and the firemen's jobs. Meanwhile, Diego is still dealing with post war anger issues.

S5 E21
★ 3.0

Bringing Down the House

The foundation of the Payne house needs desperate repair. Curtis tries to save money by hiring a jackleg contractor, who ends up doing more damage and the Paynes have to move out of their house. Meanwhile, Ella grows closer to Paul, the man at the mall.

S5 E22
★ 2.0

Moving Day

Curtis, Ella and Malik are moving out of the house (CJ, Janine and the babies have gone to stay at Janine's parents in Florida. Ella is devastated. They have to move into Calvin and Miranda's condo and Calvin turns the table on Curtis and treats him the way he was treated when he lived at home.

S5 E23
★ 3.9

Moving Out

Curtis, Ella and Malik are moving out of the house (CJ, Janine and the babies have gone to stay at Janine's parents in Florida. Ella is devastated. They have to move into Calvin and Miranda's condo and Calvin turns the table on Curtis and treats him the way he was treated when he lived at home.

S5 E24
★ 2.8

Back Where We Belong

Curtis and Calvin move into the barbershop due to their marriage problems, which causes hair raising havoc in the process. Meanwhile, Floyd blows up when he learns of Zach and Olivia's act of love.

S5 E25
★ 2.8

Surprise! (Part 1 of 2)

Calvin has gotten the $20,000 needed to repair his parent's house and surprises them with the check. Meanwhile, Janine reveals that CJ is in Chicago interviewing for a new job.

S6 E1
★ 4.3

Where's the Payne?

A forced retirement for Curtis creates obstacles, but the drama spikes when Miranda goes missing. Elsewhere, Claretha returns without her said husband and moves in with Curtis and Ella.

S6 E2
★ 4.1

Recurring Paynes

Miranda remains missing, and her mother storms on over to the house. She blames Calvin for her disappearance and even called the police on him! She believes Calvin is a suspect in her vanishing. Meanwhile, CJ, Janine and Jazmine return, hoping to stay with Curtis and Ella. And a secret is unearthed regarding Curtis's forced retirement. Also, Jazmine has become very intelligent due to her being at a school for gifted children but it concerns the family because she is acting so weird.

S6 E3
★ 4.2

Wigging Out

Miranda finally returns and tells Calvin there is no baby. Despite his pleads, begs, and understanding Miranda refuses to let Calvin stay in the condo therefore, shocked and confused, Calvin must move back in with Curtis and Ella.Claretha decides to start a home business.

S6 E4
★ 7.2

Payne Speaking

Curtis protests his retirement at City Hall and C.J. reveals to Curtis that he's taking Curtis's job at the firehouse. Meanwhile, Ella battles with an innovative new pastor who plans to shut down the help center to make way for a new multi-media outreach program.

S6 E5
★ 3.6

Parental Payne

Calvin confronts Miranda, thinking she had an abortion. Meanwhile, the school casts Malik in its production of Othello but the supposedly bigot father of the white girl cast opposite Malik won't allow Malik to kiss her in the play.

S6 E6
★ 7.5

Payne, Payne Go Away

It's a revolving door at the Payne house when CJ, Janine and the children move out, and Floyd in turn moves in because of his divorce. Then there's Jazmine. The youngster, feeling ignored and jealous, makes the choice to run away.

S6 E7
★ 0.0

Marriage Paynes

All three of the Payne couples (Curtis and Ella, C.J.and Janine, and Calvin and Miranda) go on an eye-opening marriage retreat. At the end of the retreat, Miranda asks Calvin for a divorce. Meanwhile, Claretha and Floyd babysit for the twins while everyone is out of the house.

S6 E8
★ 0.0

Ms. Curtis

It's an awkward up-and-down meeting for Calvin and Miranda when they get trapped in an elevator together, their first encounter after she asked for a divorce. Meanwhile, Curtis unwittingly takes Ella's estrogen pills. At the end Miranda and Calvin finally overcome their marriage problems before they reach the dreaded "33rd Floor".

S6 E9
★ 0.0

Oh Christmas Payne

Family and friends share their different versions of the Nativity story when Jazmine fails to appreciate her gift from Ella (a wooden version of the Nativity scene).

S6 E10
★ 2.6

Til Payne Do Us Part

Curtis and Ella are shocked to learn that their not legally married, so Claretha and Floyd convince them to enjoy single life.

S6 E11
★ 0.0

Payneful Reunion

When Ella tries to arrange a family reunion, a chagrined Jazmine opposes the idea of connecting with her extended family. As such, Curtis and Ella set out to teach her a valuable lesson about honoring her family heritage.

S6 E12
★ 0.0

From the Mouths of Babes

The issue of birth control creates divisions between CJ and Janine. Meanwhile, surprise developments transpire when Calvin and Miranda spend a day with Jazmine.

S6 E13
★ 0.0

Blackout X 3

A blackout ironically sheds light on all three Payne couples when Curtis, CJ and Calvin are taken away from their televised football game and keep company with their wives.

S6 E14
★ 0.0

Lady Sings to Blue

The Paynes worry that the newly happy Janine might be returning to drugs after her erstwhile dealer arrives. And Curtis is turning Japanese---that is, he becomes captivated by Japanese culture

S6 E15
★ 0.0

Something Brewing

Janine cares for her dying former dealer, jeopardizing her relationship with C.J.; Floyd and Curtis launch a beer-brewing business. While at the help center C.J. and Janine pray that Blue will be led to Heaven while dying.

S6 E16
★ 0.0

Seal of Approval

Malik decides to join the ROTC, upsetting Janine. And Curtis is fired up when he's hired by the fire department---but it's not in the capacity he expected.

S6 E17
★ 0.0

Payneful Pie

Ella breaks some news, which only creates a downturn in Curtis' financial plans. Elsewhere, Calvin squares off against Miranda's critical mother.

S6 E18
★ 3.6

How Do You Like Your Roast?

Curtis is the man of honor at a surprise retirement party. In other developments, a case of puppy love blooms for Jazmine.

S6 E19
★ 6.7

Curtis Sings the Blues

Curtis spirals into a depressive funk following successive life-altering events, but he gets support from a very unlikely source. In other developments, Calvin and Miranda compete against CJ and Janine in a bid for a weekend getaway.

S6 E20
★ 0.0


During a fire routine a fireman dies under CJ's authority and he blames himself. Meanwhile, Ella studies a book at school and recommends the literary work to Miranda and Claretha.

S6 E21
★ 0.0


A pregnancy scare upends Calvin and Miranda's world. Elsewhere, Curtis' sales scheme lands him in trouble with the law.

S6 E22
★ 0.0

Through the Fire

Janine's mother (Anne-Marie Johnson) arrives, to a downcast CJ's immense annoyance. Elsewhere, Curtis is a flop during his guest-star role on a morning TV show.

S6 E23
★ 0.0

The Bible: King Payne's Version

Ella futilely tries to fit in with college-age peers in her study group; Curtis offers his own unique spin on religion when he teaches at Jazmine's Bible school.

S6 E24
★ 0.0

Matured Investment

A different side of Calvin opens up when he cares for Calvin Jr. Elsewhere, new neighbors arrive---and they have unique notions about relationships.

S6 E25
★ 0.0

Who's Your Daddy, Now?

Daddy issues plague CJ, who at long last meets his birth father. Elsewhere, Curtis tries not to miss a beat when he helps Jazmine choose a musical instrument.

S7 E1
★ 0.0

Payneful Resolution Resolution

CJ and Janine deal with marriage issues after CJ kisses her friend, Monica. Meanwhile, Calvin gets out of jail and Miranda has the baby. Janine asks for a divorce after CJ starts to go out of control on barking at Malik after he confronts CJ about kissing Monica, Jazmine told Malik when she overheard and saw CJ and Janine arguing

S7 E2
★ 0.0

Growing Paynes

Jazmine starts wearing make-up and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Curtis and Ella have a weight loss competition. CJ and Janine reconcile when they see how their kids need them and how much they love each other.

S7 E3
★ 0.0

Payne Protection

Malik gets ready for college. The men offer him advice and buy him condoms.

S7 E4
★ 0.0

Payneful Visit

Claretha reveals she has leukemia. Miranda's cousin Vanessa hooks up with Calvin's friend.

S7 E5
★ 0.0

Where There's a Will, There's a Way

After the death of a young firefighter, Ella decides it's time for Curtis and Ella to do a will. Meanwhile, Miranda's mom pays a visit.

S7 E6
★ 0.0

Epic Fail

Ella is overwhelmed and falls behind in her studies due to church duties, household duties, taking care of Curtis and the rest of the family. Ella fails a test she needed to graduate and she snaps on the family. Meanwhile, Calvin realize it's the day of their anniversary, and he pretend he didn't forget.

S7 E7
★ 0.0

Praying for Attention

Jazmine prays to pass a test and no longer wants to apply herself. Meanwhile, Calvin grows jealous of the baby.

S7 E8
★ 0.0

Shout Out

CJ and Janine go to marriage counseling. Then try the therapists way. But in the end they yell and scream at each other and they feel better. CJ sexes up the reunion between him and Janine. Meanwhile, Ella misses her graduation because she has to take Claretha to the hospital.

S7 E9
★ 0.0

Love Thy Neighbor

The family befriends a sex offender who moves into the neighborhood and all hell breaks loose when they find out his secret. Meanwhile, CJ and Janine decide to heed the advice of the marriage counselor. They go on a journey to find a hobby the two of them can share.

S7 E10
★ 0.0

Dream Girls

A music producer wants to sign Jazmine. Meanwhile, Calvin is embarrassed about his new job as a grocery store manager.

S7 E11
★ 0.0

A Payneful Night Out

Curtis and Ella decide to intervene when they see Janine and Roland at dinner until C.J. shows up with a woman. Meanwhile, Miranda goes on a grooming strike.

S7 E12
★ 0.0

Payneful Assistance

Miranda gets cooking advice after she makes a horrible dinner for Ella's club. Meanwhile, Curtis gets his tonsils pulled and can't talk.

S7 E13
★ 0.0

House of Awkward

C.J. is offered a promotion making him Janine and Roland's boss. Meanwhile, while packing the house Curtis finds a bag of weed in an old box of his and Floyd smokes the weed. Calvin asks Curtis to babysit and Curtis ends up babysitting Christian and Floyd.

S7 E14
★ 0.0

Brain Payne

Jayden may have autism. Janine blames herself. Meanwhile, Curtis lives by the rules of the bible.

S7 E15
★ 0.0

Foster Paynes

Ella brings home a troubled youth from the Help Center. Meanwhile, Janine and Miranda compete to get in a competitive day care.

S7 E16
★ 0.0

Talented Paynes

As Claretha secretly deals with the possibilty of losing her home, the family participates in a talent show. Calvin and Miranda combine their unique talents for the show.

S7 E17
★ 0.0

Going, Going, Gone

Janine is on the brink of a breakdown. Deshawn gets a lesson in the negro baseball league.

S7 E18
★ 0.0

Mother's Day Out

Deshawn's mother shows up at the Paynes'; C.J. upgrades Janine's wedding ring.

S7 E19
★ 0.0

So Hard to Say Goodbye

Malik goes off to college; Miranda is overwhelmed when Calvin Jr. visits.

S7 E20
★ 6.7

Payneful Rescue

The aftershocks of a fire impact Miranda and Calvin; Tracie and her new boyfriend show up at the hospital causing a huge argument. In the ending moments, the baby seems to be fine.

S7 E21
★ 6.6

A Mother's Payne

Ella's mother and sister Evie visit, and Ella experiences the effects of their mother's disease; Janine texts C.J. a sexy picture of herself.

S7 E22
★ 0.0

Up from the Ashes

Calvin finds out that Tracie checked Calvin Jr. out of the hospital. Calvin and Miranda try to find a place to stay.

S7 E23
★ 0.0

The Payne Gang

Curtis, Ella, and Floyd try to bring DeShawn a reality check when he wants to join a gang. C.J. and Calvin tussle over their living arrangements.

S7 E24
★ 0.0

The Gifted and the Grout

DeShawn is placed in a gifted-students program to avoid being expelled from school; Calvin and Miranda hire a contractor to repair their condo.

S7 E25
★ 0.0

Do the Fight Thing

DeShawn bullies a classmate and gets into trouble; Miranda and Janine fight over petty things.

S8 E1
★ 7.8

A Wise Man's Opinion

Malik is hesitant to give the news to his family about Lisa's pregnancy.

S8 E2
★ 0.0


Malik confesses to Curtis that he thinks Lisa is pregnant.

S8 E3
★ 0.0

By Your Side

C.J. and Janine decide to stand by Malik’s side after finding out his girlfriend Lisa is pregnant that leaves Curtis and Ella shocked to see them so moderate.

S8 E4
★ 8.6

The Old People Game

Jazmine learns that Malik is having a baby.

S8 E5
★ 8.6

Women Of Today

Jazmine is pressured to have sex before she is ready.

S8 E6
★ 0.0

Parenting 101

Lisa and Malik disagree about relationship roles.

S8 E7
★ 0.0

Who's on Top?

S8 E8
★ 0.0

Help! Help! Help!

Season Average Rating Episodes Best Episode Worst Episode Rating Range
8 ★ 8.3 3
★ 8.6 The Old People Game
★ 7.8 A Wise Man's Opinion
7 ★ 6.7 2
★ 6.7 Payneful Rescue
★ 6.6 A Mother's Payne
6 ★ 4.9 9
★ 7.5 Payne, Payne Go Away
★ 2.6 Til Payne Do Us Part
4 ★ 4.5 23
★ 6.0 All is Not Lost!
★ 3.3 Party Over Here!
1 ★ 4.4 25
★ 7.2 Bully and the Beast
★ 1.6 Surprise, Surprise
3 ★ 4.2 17
★ 5.4 Expectations
★ 2.9 A Shock to the System
2 ★ 4.2 21
★ 5.4 Can I Get a Witness?
★ 3.1 The Beat Down
5 ★ 4.0 25
★ 5.7 With Friends Like These
★ 2.0 Moving Day