Overall Rating
★ 7.4
Season | Average Rating | Episodes | Best Episode | Worst Episode | Rating Range |
2 | ★ 8.0 | 23 |
★ 8.7
Ha‘i‘ole (Unbreakable)
★ 7.4
Kupale (Defender)
1 | ★ 8.0 | 24 |
★ 8.9
Oia‘i‘o (Trust)
★ 7.6
Lanakila (Victory)
4 | ★ 8.0 | 22 |
★ 8.9
Ho‘onani Makuakane (Honor Thy Father)
★ 7.3
Pe‘epe‘e Kānaka (Those Among Us)
5 | ★ 7.9 | 25 |
★ 8.6
Inā Paha (If Perhaps)
★ 7.3
Mo'o 'olelo Pu (Sharing Traditions)
3 | ★ 7.9 | 24 |
★ 8.5
I Ka Wa Mamua (In a Time Past)
★ 6.3
Imi Loko Ka ‘Uhane (Seek Within One’s Soul)
6 | ★ 7.8 | 25 |
★ 8.6
O ke ali’I wale no ka’u makemake (My Desire Is Only For The Chief)
★ 6.9
Ka Haunaele (Rampage)
7 | ★ 7.7 | 25 |
★ 8.2
Hana Komo Pae (Right of Passage)
★ 7.3
Ke Kū ‘Ana (The Stand)
10 | ★ 7.7 | 22 |
★ 8.2
A 'ohe ia e loa'a aku, he ulua kapapa no ka moana (He Cannot be Caught for He is an Ulua Fish of the Deep Ocean)
★ 6.9
I ho'olulu, ho'ohulei 'ia e ka makani (There Was a Lull, and Then the Wind Began to Blow About)
9 | ★ 7.6 | 25 |
★ 8.3
Hana Mao 'ole ka ua o Waianae (Endlessly Pours the Rain of Waianae)
★ 6.7
Ikiiki i ka la o Keawalua (Depressed With The Heat of Kealwalua)
8 | ★ 7.3 | 25 |
★ 7.8
Nā lā 'īlio (Dog Days)
★ 6.4
A'ole e 'olelo mai ana ke ahi ua ana ia (Fire Will Never Say that It Has Had Enough)