Overall Rating
★ 7.1
Season | Average Rating | Episodes | Best Episode | Worst Episode | Rating Range |
3 | ★ 7.9 | 24 |
★ 8.4
Hi, Mr. Horned One
★ 7.5
Something Salted and Twisted
1 | ★ 7.9 | 24 |
★ 8.6
Camel Filters and Pheromones
★ 7.5
Did You Check With the Captain of the Flying Monkeys?
5 | ★ 7.9 | 19 |
★ 8.6
Fish in a Drawer
★ 7.6
Our Leather Gear Is in the Guest Room
2 | ★ 7.9 | 24 |
★ 8.7
Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab, Squab
★ 7.3
A Kosher Slaughterhouse Out in Fontana
6 | ★ 7.9 | 24 |
★ 8.7
The Two Finger Rule
★ 7.5
A Jock Strap in Hell
4 | ★ 7.8 | 24 |
★ 8.6
Walnuts and Demerol
★ 7.5
The Sea Is a Harsh Mistress
7 | ★ 7.8 | 22 |
★ 8.5
Gorp. Fnark. Schmegle.
★ 7.4
I Found Your Moustache
8 | ★ 7.7 | 16 |
★ 8.4
Three Girls and a Guy Named Bud
★ 7.2
Chocolate Diddlers or My Puppy's Dead
10 | ★ 6.4 | 23 |
★ 6.9
I Scream When I Pee
★ 5.6
Grab a Feather and Get in Line
11 | ★ 6.3 | 22 |
★ 7.2
Lotta Delis in Little Armenia
★ 6.0
I Think I Banged Lucille Ball
9 | ★ 6.0 | 24 |
★ 6.6
Thank You for the Intercourse
★ 5.3
People Who Love Peepholes
12 | ★ 5.6 | 14 |
★ 5.9
Sex with an Animated Ed Asner
★ 5.2
The Ol' Mexican Spinach