Tosh.0 poster
★ 7.3
Tosh.0 poster

Overall Rating

★ 7.3
S1 E6
★ 7.7


Web Redemption for Balloon Guy Bill Monroe; Jack McBrayer celebrity video; Bill Cosby impressions by white girls.

S1 E10
★ 7.7

Skateboard Girl

Web Redemption for girl who falls off skateboard; responses to the Popcorn Challenge. The season's best moments (Shortest show on Comedy Central).

S2 E1
★ 7.7

David After Dentist

The season 2 premiere of Tosh 2.0 is bigger and better than ever, with a drugged up childhood star and viral hit David After Dentist.

S2 E3
★ 7.7

Risky Business Girls

Tosh helps the "Risky Business" girls redeem themselves by recreating all of Tom Cruise's movies.

S2 E12
★ 7.7

What What in the Butt (Remix)

Tommy Lee plays drums on several women and Tosh's breasts as he remakes the "Worst DJ Ever" video in which the emcee plays with a woman's breasts.[8] Web Remix for Samwell from the "What What (In the Butt)" video; a meeting with the "I like" girl; another round of "Is It Racist?"

S2 E13
★ 7.7

Stuck in an Elevator

Daniel gives the guy who was stuck in an elevator a web redemption, introduces Hollywood's newest exercise craze, and shows off his dirtiest dance moves.

S2 E16
★ 7.7

WoW Freakout Kid (Investigation)

Daniel interrogates the World of Warcraft freakout kid with Police Academy's Michael Winslow. Daniel seeks to get to the bottom of the kid's meltdown in his first Web Investigation and discusses what celebrities he could beat in a fight.

S2 E18
★ 7.7

Awful Weatherman

Daniel gives the Awful Weatherman a Web Redemption, reunites with a long lost friend, and spoils a modern day classic.

S2 E20
★ 7.7

Angry Black Preacher

Daniel brings the Angry Black Preacher back to the pulpit for a Web Redemption, blows off some steam, and burns a bunch of books.

S2 E21
★ 7.7

American Idol Girls

Daniel gives the American Idol girls a web redemption, visits a Uganda propaganda meeting, and introduces a new segment called "Twispers."

S12 E6
★ 5.9

Popstar Nima

Daniel receives high tech communion, has coffee with an overtly sexual pop singer, and goes toe-to-toe with a viral painting star.

S12 E2
★ 6.3

Rebecca Black

Daniel gets handsy during his COVID-19 test, sits down for a Tiny Desk concert with Web Legend Rebecca Black and tries to discern if items around the Tosh.0 office are actually cake.

S5 E23
★ 6.4

Redemption Reunion Spectacular: Where Are They Now?

Daniel checks in with some of his favorite web redemption alums, shows his early commercial work, and finds out what young boys do when they're alone.

S6 E2
★ 6.4

Ice JJ Fish

Daniel takes girl out on a date; Daniel gives his car away; singer Ice JJ Fish gets a Web redemption.

S6 E4
★ 6.4

Ben's Video Resume

Daniel speaks to Congress and has lunch with a homeless man; a child forced to enter the workforce gets a Web redemption.

S6 E5
★ 6.4

Boomer the Dog

Daniel hires the web's most offensive attorney, plays the most disturbing game of pin the tail on the donkey ever seen, and dog trapped in man's body gets a web redemption.

S6 E11
★ 6.4

Spoken Word Fail

Daniel helps a religious rapper reclaim his throne; Daniel explains why there's no such thing as stupid questions (just stupid girls); smokes pot.

S5 E21
★ 6.5

Force Field Master

Daniel examines the crappiest school in America, and a guy who can create force fields gets a web redemption.

S6 E3
★ 6.5

Take No Orders

Daniel attempts to turn every home in America into a public restroom; plays a game the censors will hate; a guy who doesn't take direction from women gets a Web redemption.

S6 E12
★ 6.5

Banned From Walmart

Daniel throws shoes at women; Daniel's intimate conversations get leaked to the press; the cheapest man in America gets a Web redemption.

S1 E1
★ 7.5

Afro Ninja

Web Redemption for Afro Ninja;[3] Dave Attell and Bree Olson celebrity video.

S1 E2
★ 7.4

Miss South Carolina

Videos include a fat gunman, little person Olympics, a sexy toothbrush encounter, and soda chugging. Caitlin Upton, also known as Miss South Carolina, is given a shot at web redemption. The celebrity video features David Koechner at a flower shop.

S1 E3
★ 7.2

News Puke Kid

Videos include toe-thumbs, yelling goats, ottoman humping, and unsung heroes of the internet. Tyrone Davies, also known as the puke kid, is given a shot at web redemption. The celebrity video features Fred Willard sharing photos.

S1 E4
★ 7.3

Scarlet Takes a Tumble

Videos include evil babies, Heidi and Spencer, water slides, and the national anthem. Paige Reynolds, also known as Scarlett, is given a shot at web redemption. The celebrity video features Terrell Owens making apologies.

S1 E5
★ 7.2

Leave Britney Alone!

Videos include a church freakout, Christoper Walken impersonators, a baseball pitch, and pizza sauce. Chris Crocker is given a shot at web redemption. The celebrity video features Andy Dick during a Hitler audition.

S1 E6
★ 7.7


Web Redemption for Balloon Guy Bill Monroe; Jack McBrayer celebrity video; Bill Cosby impressions by white girls.

S1 E7
★ 7.1

Worst Best Man Speech

This weeks celebrity video is Harland Williams. This weeks web redemption is Worst Best Man Speech.

S1 E8
★ 7.5

Reh Dogg

This weeks celebrity video is Kristin Cavallari. This weeks web redemption is Reh Dogg.

S1 E9
★ 7.4

Drunk Dunk

This weeks celebrity video is Tommy Chong. This weeks web redemption is Drunk Dunk.

S1 E10
★ 7.7

Skateboard Girl

Web Redemption for girl who falls off skateboard; responses to the Popcorn Challenge. The season's best moments (Shortest show on Comedy Central).

S1 E11
★ 7.4

Tron Guy

Web Redemption for Tron Guy; an interview with YouTube phenom Fred

S1 E12
★ 7.5

Backyad Wrestler

Web Redemption for Backyard Wrestler; Daniel goes to Adultcon to teach porn stars a about Q-tip fetishes.

S1 E13
★ 7.5

Crying Giants Fan

Web Redemption for Crying Giants Fan.

S1 E14
★ 7.3

Nintendo 64 Kid

Daniel shows us the most disgusting thing you've ever seen on television and this weeks web redemption is Nintendo 64 Kid.

S1 E15
★ 7.5

Trampled Cheerleader

The trampled cheerleader gets another chance to "work it, hey hey, yeah, work it" without getting run over by a football team

S1 E16
★ 7.2

Ladder Fail Guy

In the first season finale, Daniel gives a web redemption to the Ladder Fail Guy. Also featured: bowling gone bad, Asian kid tazing himself, Daniel's chicken in a can challege, and "lemonade boarding" with guest Todd Glass.

S2 E1
★ 7.7

David After Dentist

The season 2 premiere of Tosh 2.0 is bigger and better than ever, with a drugged up childhood star and viral hit David After Dentist.

S2 E2
★ 7.1

Crystal Light Dancers (Reunion)

Web Reunion: Crystal Light dancers. Daniel checks to see if the Wii fit girl is still in shape and shows viewers a forbidden clip.

S2 E3
★ 7.7

Risky Business Girls

Tosh helps the "Risky Business" girls redeem themselves by recreating all of Tom Cruise's movies.

S2 E4
★ 6.8

Football Player Tackles His Teammate

The football player who tackled his own teammate gets a Web Redemption, and Daniel predicts the future.

S2 E5
★ 7.6

The Average Homeboy

Tosh and Bizzy Bone help the Average Homeboy take on an average black person in a rap battle.

S2 E6
★ 7.3

Prom Girl

Tosh tries to redeem a girl who fell down the stairs on the way to prom by setting her up with a celebrity.

S2 E7
★ 7.4

Hoodrat Kid

This weeks web redemption is Hoodrat Kid. Daniel explores chat roulette.

S2 E8
★ 7.6

Make it Snow Girl

This weeks web redemption is Make it snow girl.

S2 E9
★ 7.4

Phillies Fan's Daughter

This weeks web redemption is the Phillies Fan's Daughter.

S2 E10
★ 7.6

Lightning Bolt LARPer

Web Redemption for a LARPer, known for his "lightning bolts"; a marijuana convention in Los Angeles.

S2 E11
★ 7.2

Look at That Horse Guy

Daniel's "I Hate" video; tweeting summer plans; Web Redemption for the "Look at that Horse Guy" on a home-shopping channel.

S2 E12
★ 7.7

What What in the Butt (Remix)

Tommy Lee plays drums on several women and Tosh's breasts as he remakes the "Worst DJ Ever" video in which the emcee plays with a woman's breasts.[8] Web Remix for Samwell from the "What What (In the Butt)" video; a meeting with the "I like" girl; another round of "Is It Racist?"

S2 E13
★ 7.7

Stuck in an Elevator

Daniel gives the guy who was stuck in an elevator a web redemption, introduces Hollywood's newest exercise craze, and shows off his dirtiest dance moves.

S2 E14
★ 7.5

Cartwheeling Goalie

Web Redemption for the cartwheeling goalie; Amazon Amanda; Daniel gets iced. The redemption involves Hartford Hawks soccer goalkeeper Nenad Cudic[9] that features Brandi Chastain attempting to score on him. Cudic had achieved notoriety on November 11, 2009 in a shootout with the Stony Brook Seawolves when Cudic performed cartwheels to unsuccessfully distract his opponent in a game that Hartford lost. In the redemption Cudic blocks Chastain's kick.

S2 E15
★ 7.6

Looking for a Girlfriend

Web Redemption for the "Looking for a girlfriend" kid. Spanish ibex goat scratching its butt with its horn.

S2 E16
★ 7.7

WoW Freakout Kid (Investigation)

Daniel interrogates the World of Warcraft freakout kid with Police Academy's Michael Winslow. Daniel seeks to get to the bottom of the kid's meltdown in his first Web Investigation and discusses what celebrities he could beat in a fight.

S2 E17
★ 7.6

Worlds Worst Comedian

Daniel gives the "Worst Comedian Ever" a web redemption, plays a round of "Guess What Happens Next," and responds to some of your tweets.

S2 E18
★ 7.7

Awful Weatherman

Daniel gives the Awful Weatherman a Web Redemption, reunites with a long lost friend, and spoils a modern day classic.

S2 E19
★ 7.5

Peter Pan Fail Girls

Daniel gives the Peter Pan girls a web redemption, spends some time in Vegas, and harasses his friend, Nathan. Tosh.0 with Daniel Tosh.

S2 E20
★ 7.7

Angry Black Preacher

Daniel brings the Angry Black Preacher back to the pulpit for a Web Redemption, blows off some steam, and burns a bunch of books.

S2 E21
★ 7.7

American Idol Girls

Daniel gives the American Idol girls a web redemption, visits a Uganda propaganda meeting, and introduces a new segment called "Twispers."

S2 E22
★ 7.7

Double Rainbow Guy

Daniel talks to his exact opposite, yells some ridiculous things and goes on a trip with the Double Rainbow Guy in a quest for the meaning of nature's most beautiful miracle.

S2 E23
★ 7.6

I Like Turtles Kid

Daniel gives the "I Like Turtles" kid a web redemption and plays a game called "Prisoner or Million Dollar Athlete."

S2 E24
★ 7.3

Reporter Who Can't Break Glass

Web Redemption for the Reporter Who Can't Break Glass, why did you take your shirt off, Daniel tasers people. KTVL reporter Sebastian Robertson in Medford, Oregon had problems breaking a car window in a vehicle theft. Gallagher helps in the redemption by breaking a glass window to get watermelon. Tosh parodies the Budapest 70 pixel photograph by showing a photograph of Los Angeles, California in which Tosh is naked in at least two places.

S2 E25
★ 6.7

Season 2 Web Reflections

Season finale. Daniel reflects on all the lives he changed during season 2, highlights the gayest moments of the season, remembers all of the celebrity guests and reminisces on the most racist.

S3 E1
★ 7.4

Bed Intruder

Web Redemption for Antoine Dodson, from the Bed Intruder song that famously said "Hide yo kids, hide yo wives and hide yo husbands because they be raping everybody out here." Tosh responds to suggestions to change his green screen set including making it look like the set of the The Soup since both shows are done almost entirely in front of a green screen and a suggestion that he include a Nazi flag because he was born in Germany. He also debutes he new wardrobe for the beginning of season 3 which is as he describes it, known as "Colla". He does 20 seconds on the clock entitled carrot bukkake in which two men suggestively peel carrots into the face of a kneeling woman. "Is he Retarded" was debuted.

S3 E2
★ 6.8

Brian Atene

Tosh gives aspiring thespian Brian Atene another shot at greatness. Daniel seeks out his own homeless man with a golden voice.

S3 E3
★ 7.2

The Ice Cream Truck Guy

In this week's Tosh.0, The Ice Cream Truck Guy has his web redemption and Daniel shares his feelings about a fellow late night host. Tosh helps rapper Ken Green overcome his painful encounter with a van full of frozen treats.

S3 E4
★ 7.3

National Anthem Fail Girl

The National Anthem Fail Girl has a web redemption; Daniel plays with a really big sword and gives his Super Bowl prediction.

S3 E5
★ 6.8

Evolution of Dance Guy

Daniel shows his unaired Super Bowl commercial and hits the dance floor with the Evolution of Dance Guy, one of the web's original viral video stars.

S3 E6
★ 7.7

Crying Wrestling Fan

The Crying Wrestling Fan gets a web redemption and Daniel sits down with Oprah Winfrey.

S3 E7
★ 7.1

Hurdle Fail Girls

Tosh asks why girls are so bad at sports, as he helps a couple fallen high school athletes train for the Tosh.0'Lympics.

S3 E8
★ 7.0

Foul Ball Couple

Can Bo redeem himself after letting a foul ball hit his girlfriend at the Houston Astros game?

S3 E9
★ 7.0

Phil Davison

Daniel gives Phil Davison the chance to make a speech without scaring the audience.

S3 E10
★ 7.0

Board Breaker

Board Breaker stops by for a web redemption, Daniel gets roasted, and his fans help him write a love letter.

S3 E11
★ 7.1

Tay Zonday

Daniel gives a web redemption to the Chocolate Rain guy, gets into the ring with Manny Pacquiao, and reveals his new summer wardrobe.

S3 E12
★ 7.3

Boom Goes the Dynamite

Daniel demonstrates the High Toilet and sets YouTube's most famous sportscaster up for a rebound.

S3 E13
★ 7.7

The Naked Wizard

Daniel strips down for a magical adventure with the Naked Wizard.

S3 E14
★ 7.4

Bug in Mouth Reporter

Daniel gives a web redemption to The Bug In Mouth Reporter, invents a game show, and women mess up simple instructions.

S3 E15
★ 7.5

Cheerleader Fail

In this episode Tosh gives a Web Redemption to the USA's worst cheerleaders.

S3 E16
★ 7.4

Metal Club

A Web Redemption for a high-school metal band. Also: Daniel plays Wiffle ball.

S3 E17
★ 7.3

Fart Bus Kid

Daniel gives a web redemption to fart bus kid, takes your calls, and plays guess what happens next.

S3 E18
★ 7.2

Phillies Tased Fan

A Web Redemption for a Philadelphia Phillies fan who was Tasered by security guards. Also: viewer reviews of Daniel's bakery; a public-service announcement about marriage.

S3 E19
★ 7.3

Drunk Knock-Out

Daniel discusses unfortunate domain names and a web rematch, and chats with Steroids Guy.

S3 E20
★ 7.7

Tosh.0 Marathon

A game called "Is It Racist?" Also: the "Tosh.0" marathon; Daniel's homemade sex toy.

S3 E21
★ 7.4

Leprechaun In Mobile

Web Investigation for the Leprechaun In Mobile, and Daniel reveals who he picked for his 2011 College Campus Invasion

S3 E22
★ 7.7

Eli Porter

A live taping of Tosh.0 at Arizona State University with a Web Redemption for Eli Porter.

S3 E23
★ 7.4

Surfer Fail

Web Redemption for the Surfer Fail guy

S3 E24
★ 7.5

Redneck Stuntman

Web Redemption for the Redneck Stuntman.

S3 E25
★ 7.6

Brad the Actor

Brad the actor's Web Redemption; Daniel's adventures in video-chatting.

S4 E1
★ 7.5

How to Get European Men

Web Redemption for the "How To Get European Men" lady. Daniel talks about his replacement search. And he tells everyone what the new wardrobe will be for the 1st half of the season.

S4 E2
★ 7.5

How to Draw Guy

A terrible artist gets a web redemption; Daniel makes an "Until Abortion Ends" video and says goodbye to football season.

S4 E3
★ 7.3

Haboob Wedding

Daniel gives a couple a wedding redemption, works out with the bathmate, and gets help writing his will.

S4 E4
★ 7.5

Mustang Kid

The Mustang kid gets a web redemption; Daniel discusses which famous women over 40 he would sleep with; Daniel plays a new version of rock, paper, scissors.

S4 E5
★ 7.6

Bad Breakdancer

The Bad Breakdancer gets a web redemption.

S4 E6
★ 6.9

Worst Sketch Troupe (Sketchdemption)

Daniel takes on bullying and opens an auction for memorabilia from the show. Also: a "Web redemption" for a bad sketch group.

S4 E7
★ 7.0

Parkour Girl

The Parkour Girl gets a web redemption.

S4 E8
★ 7.4

MMA Girl Chokes Out Guy (Rematch)

Daniel tells us where he likes to eat lunch. The guy who got choked by a girl gets a web rematch.

S4 E9
★ 6.9

Cliff Jumper

The cliff jumper gets a web redemption

S4 E10
★ 7.0

Results of the Memorabilia Dump

Daniel tells everyone what he did with the money from the auction and this is the last episode of High Fashion.

S4 E11
★ 7.3

Smell Yo D* Girl

Daniel models his summer wardrobe. Also: a Web Redemption for a girl who sang a song about cheating men.

S4 E12
★ 6.9

Skateboarder Hit by Truck

Daniel starts an account with the crowd-funding Web site Kickstarter; and investigates Internet searches. Also: a Web Redemption for a skater who's lucky to be alive.

S4 E13
★ 7.2

Pepper Spray Guy

Daniel unveils new emoticons, and gets shot with a cannon. Also: a Web Redemption for a man who was hit with pepper spray.

S4 E14
★ 7.7

Spelling Bee Kid

Daniel converses with zombies and experiments with explosives. Also: a Web Redemption for a spelling-bee contestant.

S4 E15
★ 6.9

How to Flirt Guy

Daniel gives a Web Redemption to the How To Flirt Guy. He brings back the segment "I'm Better Than You, Na-na Na-na Boo-boo, Stick Your Head In Doo-doo" to beat the world record for tightest parallel parking. Also, Daniel starts a new segment he calls "Tweetment" in which he gives out free medical advice to his Twitter followers.

S4 E16
★ 6.9

Bubb Rubb

Daniel invents a game to replace "F, Marry, Kill"; asks people to degrade themselves for $5; and gives a Web Redemption to Oakland's Bubb Rubb, of 2003's "woo-woo" fame.

S4 E17
★ 7.5

Juggalo Kid

With help from the Insane Clown Posse, Daniel spruces up a teenage Juggalo's music video.

S4 E18
★ 7.6

Army Mom Prank

Daniel removes his shirt. Also: a Web Redemption for a man who pulled an April Fools' Day prank on his mother by pretending to join the army.

S4 E19
★ 7.1

Rock Climber Poops Pants

A rock climber gets a Web Redemption; Daniel reaches out to his female fans.

S4 E20
★ 7.4

Banana Sprite Challenge: Regurgitation

Two weeks' worth of Olympic events are covered in a minute; Daniel recalls his most nauseating segment.

S4 E21
★ 7.3

Blackface Kid

Daniel shows off his fall wardrobe. Also: a Web Redemption for a kid who set civil rights back 65 years.

S4 E22
★ 7.5

Krispy Kreme

Daniel demonstrates the right way to get intoxicated. Also: a Web Redemption for the biggest little liar in rap.

S4 E23
★ 7.3

Sweet Brown

Daniel demonstrates how to deal with fire and pedophiles. Also: a Web Redemption for Sweet Brown, an Oklahoma City woman interviewed about a fire on the local TV news.

S4 E24
★ 7.4

Tisha UnArmed (Cewebrity Profile)

Daniel reviews viewers' 'brotography'; and wrestles with his sexuality. Also: a Web Redemption for an armless girl.

S4 E25
★ 7.3

Male Cheerleader

Daniel sleeping; a chance to ask him anything; an extremely cocky cheerleader gets a Web redemption.

S5 E1
★ 7.6

Angry Ginger Kid

Daniel and his staff do various sports challenges; Daniel sends a suggestive picture to a stranger; Michael, a kid who gets picked on for being a redhead, gets a Web redemption.

S5 E2
★ 7.4

Black Superhero

Daniel celebrates Valentine's Day by letting viewers vent about how much they hate their significant other; the world's only black superhero gets a Web redemption.

S5 E3
★ 7.5

The Oscars Spoiler Alerts

Daniel gets bedroom workout tips; Daniel does a spoiler alert for all of the Academy Awards Best Picture nominees.

S5 E4
★ 7.3

Courtroom Cock Guy

Daniel starts a focus group to address racism. Also: a legendary comedian's Web Redemption.

S5 E5
★ 7.1

The Ventriloquist

Daniel refuses to make a Harlem Shake video; Candice, the ventriloquist who walked off stage, gets a Web redemption.

S5 E6
★ 7.3

Fat Bottle Ninja

Daniel learns how to relax; why going on vacation with your girlfriend is a terrible idea; Brian, the fat ninja, gets a Web redemption.

S5 E7
★ 6.9

The Illusion

Daniel explains why imitation is the stupidest form of flattery; The Illusion gets a web redemption.

S5 E8
★ 6.7

LP Theories

Daniel debuts his extremely feminine fragrance; spends some quality time with his favorite comedian named after a root vegetable; some insensitive college girls get a Web redemption.

S5 E9
★ 7.2

Big "Everything"

Daniel introduces the wacky neighbor to the north; Daniel fixes everything that's wrong with America; a model with a big heart (and a big everything else) gets a Web redemption.

S5 E10
★ 6.9

BK Chicken Fries

Daniel finds out which of his privates are flammable and gives away free stuff, plus a passionate man with a childish palate gets a web redemption.

S5 E11
★ 6.9

Hey Baby Girl

Daniel helps Bill Gates make a product that people enjoy using; Georgia gets up to speed on civil rights; a shirtless boy gets a Web redemption.

S5 E12
★ 7.2

Too-Hot Woman

Daniel puts the sex back in sexual harassment; Daniel tries to make people more paranoid about staying in hotels; a tribute to trees in time for Arbor Day and 420; a woman who was fired for being too hot gets a Web redemption.

S5 E13
★ 7.2

Pussy Power

Daniel talks with a child who is covered in hickeys; Daniel sends a lot of money to a stranger on the Internet; Daniel does a CeWEBrity Profile.

S5 E14
★ 6.8

Psychotic Performer Tonetta

Daniel gets invited to the prom; a spoiler alert for summer movies; the prolific and psychotic performer, Tonetta, gets a Web redemption.

S5 E15
★ 6.8

Nerf Dunker

Daniel desensitizes his African successor; Daniel contemplates suicide; the world's greatest Nerf dunker gets a Web redemption.

S5 E16
★ 6.6

Furries Kid

Daniel reveals his boldest wardrobe choice yet; an animal rescue from a kill shelter; dirty prancing.

S5 E17
★ 7.0

USA Chant Fail

Daniel discusses the most embarrassing thing to happen in New York since the Jets drafted "The Sanchize"; Daniel fixes everything that's wrong with America's youth.

S5 E18
★ 6.7

Lohanthony (CeWEBrity Profile)

Daniel meets a princess; and shows off an item that comes back after it's thrown. Also: Internet sensation Lohanthony gets a Web Redemption.

S5 E19
★ 6.9

A DJ Web Redemption

Daniel plays an uncomfortable game of "Is It Racist?"; raising a daughter; a DJ gets a web redemption.

S5 E20
★ 6.9

Carnival Life Savings

Daniel shows us why gravy should be the official beverage of autumn, and a guy who traded his life savings for a banana with dreadlocks gets a web redemption.

S5 E21
★ 6.5

Force Field Master

Daniel examines the crappiest school in America, and a guy who can create force fields gets a web redemption.

S5 E22
★ 6.6

Competitive Sushi Eater

Daniel chews the fat with a competitive eater, takes an empowering look at female musicians, and learns about the facts of life.

S5 E23
★ 6.4

Redemption Reunion Spectacular: Where Are They Now?

Daniel checks in with some of his favorite web redemption alums, shows his early commercial work, and finds out what young boys do when they're alone.

S5 E24
★ 7.0

Headbanger Workout

Daniel shows us that nothing good can happen when you mix alcohol and electricity, and the show has its sexiest web redemption ever.

S5 E25
★ 7.1

How to Teach Kid

Daniel endorses the first female presidential candidate; Yelp reviewers tell Comedy Central what they're doing wrong; a pothead pupil gets a Web redemption.

S6 E1
★ 6.6

We Buy Golf

Daniel brings back Sports or Consequences; clears up the mystery of who his father is; the sexiest Web redemption ever.

S6 E2
★ 6.4

Ice JJ Fish

Daniel takes girl out on a date; Daniel gives his car away; singer Ice JJ Fish gets a Web redemption.

S6 E3
★ 6.5

Take No Orders

Daniel attempts to turn every home in America into a public restroom; plays a game the censors will hate; a guy who doesn't take direction from women gets a Web redemption.

S6 E4
★ 6.4

Ben's Video Resume

Daniel speaks to Congress and has lunch with a homeless man; a child forced to enter the workforce gets a Web redemption.

S6 E5
★ 6.4

Boomer the Dog

Daniel hires the web's most offensive attorney, plays the most disturbing game of pin the tail on the donkey ever seen, and dog trapped in man's body gets a web redemption.

S6 E6
★ 7.4

Model Teacher

Daniel makes the audience drink something he made from a toilet; overpriced headphones; a teacher gets a Web redemption.

S6 E7
★ 6.6

Prancing Elites

Daniel rids the world of homophobia with the Prancing Elites; turns your horrific tweets into a book for children; touches one lucky fan emotionally.

S6 E8
★ 7.1

Comedian Daniel Songer

Daniel shows why you should never take your girlfriend to a ball game; a 49-year-old up-and-coming comic gets a Web redemption.

S6 E9
★ 6.8

Missed Every Layup

Daniel sees how much citrus the human eye can withstand; a man is taught how to play basketball.

S6 E10
★ 6.9

Roof Jump

Daniel makes the hashtag game more interesting; chats with the happiest and creepiest guy in Los Angeles; a girl who wants the internet to pay for her injuries gets a Web redemption.

S6 E11
★ 6.4

Spoken Word Fail

Daniel helps a religious rapper reclaim his throne; Daniel explains why there's no such thing as stupid questions (just stupid girls); smokes pot.

S6 E12
★ 6.5

Banned From Walmart

Daniel throws shoes at women; Daniel's intimate conversations get leaked to the press; the cheapest man in America gets a Web redemption.

S6 E13
★ 7.0

Nana Nana Subaru Winner

Daniel reveals who will get his old Subaru; shows why it's never safe to pass out at his home.

S6 E14
★ 7.2

Space Shuttle Launch

Daniel buries shovel girl; fans dispense "Twisdom" to the class of 2014; a guy who lost the space race gets a web redemption.

S6 E15
★ 7.2

Perfect Game Bowler

Daniel webchats with a goat, and a bowler who got screwed out of a perfect game gets a web redemption.

S6 E16
★ 7.3

Summertime is Great

Daniel celebrates the end of vacation by redeeming an embarrassing family; Daniel goes all out on some bail jumpers; Daniel reveals his most erotic wardrobe to date.

S6 E17
★ 7.2

Lingerie Football Coach

Daniel meets the only man in the world who cares about women's sports; a cutter in the office; a celebration of the return of Is It Racist?

S6 E18
★ 7.1

Bryan Silva (GRATATA)

A couple gets handsy at their local McDonald's, Daniel hangs out with Bryan Silva on his yachtata, and Tosh.0's male fans send in nude photos of themselves.

S6 E19
★ 7.4

Dog Trainer

Brooklyn's baddest dog expert gets a Web Redemption; Daniel offers up some life hacks; "Tosh.0" enjoys the last barbecue of the summer.

S6 E20
★ 7.3

Dumped by Sweetheart

A heartbroken teenager gets a Web Redemption; a master of seduction gives advice on how to have a threesome; Daniel pulls spills the secret on his pre-show ritual.

S6 E21
★ 7.3


The world’s worst weightlifters get a Web Redemption, Daniel plays a round of Is It Racist?, and Tosh.0 fans destroy their property.

S6 E22
★ 7.6

The Family Friendly Episode

Daniel becomes a big brother for a day and invites kids to ask him questions. A rocking horse bucks its rider, and a little girl proves to have a very strong grip.

S6 E23
★ 7.1

Redneck Rappers

Two barely literate rappers try to rhyme; football coach Lane Kiffin fails again; Daniel explores the sensual side of escalators.

S6 E24
★ 7.1

Where Are They Now (Again)?

From the absolutely absurd to the incredibly ingenious, the series features viral clips, sketches, and "Web Redemptions" which give subjects of infamous viral videos a second chance to redeem themselves from the embarrassment with which they've become synonymous.

S6 E25
★ 6.8


Andy Kindler rants about fall TV, a redhead loses control of his kayak, and Daniel's fans try to scare him on Twitter.

S7 E1
★ 6.7

Puke Drummer

A Lifetime special takes a hard look at food fighting, a drummer with a weak stomach gets a Web Redemption, and Daniel unloads on the New England Patriots.

S7 E2
★ 6.5

Buckcherry Wedding

A man receives treatment for a giant blister, a couple plays Buckcherry during their wedding processional, and Daniel engages in S&M play with his staff.

S7 E3
★ 6.8

Monster Energy

A woman throws bacon at police officers, a Christian activist accuses Monster Energy of being in league with the devil, and Daniel offers up unclaimed domain names.

S7 E4
★ 7.3


Daniel appears on "Maury," a beleaguered YouTube star eats the inedible for some quick cash, and a film critic commits to a very awkward joke.

S7 E5
★ 7.0

Jackie B.

A Russian man jumps off a roof while on fire, a rapper takes her love of big penises to the next level, and Daniel highlights potentially dangerous Internet users.

S7 E6
★ 7.0

Sting Wrestling Fan

Daniel redeems wrestling's number one fanboy, gets roasted by the least famous people in the world and makes the streets safe for fashion.

S7 E7
★ 6.8

Atheist in a Foxhole

Daniel talks religion with one of the Internet's most outspoken nonbelievers.

S7 E8
★ 6.9

RC Car

Redemption of an RC car get a bit too fast and too furious; people food is eaten by the Tosh.0 staff; Daniel converts to the official religion of celebrities... Scientology.

S7 E9
★ 7.0

Sign Spinner

Daniel sits down with a minimum wage majorette; a salute to the brave men and women in fake uniforms; some much-needed moisture is brought to California.

S7 E10
★ 6.9

Girl Dunks

Daniel redeems a Juwanna Mann wannabe; a homophobic hate speech is turned into high-quality products; an unusual encounter with a baby.

S7 E11
★ 6.9

Microwave Glow Stick

A child who is not microwave-safe is redeemed; games rather than humor; making grieving for loved ones fun.

S7 E12
★ 7.1

Fedora Hero Saves Eggs

Daniel pays homage to a humblebragging hero; a talk with Daniel's teenage self; unusual people find love.

S7 E13
★ 7.5

High School Football Fan

A unique high school football fan; Daniel upholds his record of being better than everyone else; dangerous leaf blowers.

S7 E14
★ 7.2

How to Give a BJ

S7 E15
★ 7.5

Where Are They Now? Pt.3

Daniel checks in with legends, confronts his most annoying fans and makes an announcement that will rock the movie industry to its very core.

S7 E16
★ 6.9

Angelo Garcia, He-Man

A woman gives birth in a car, a former member of Menudo gets a CeWEBrity Profile, and Daniel reviews a new book about football coach Nick Saban.

S7 E17
★ 7.2

Welven Da Great

Daniel breaks down a martial arts demonstration gone wrong, creates his own relaxation recording, and he demonstrates how to switch bikes mid-ride in the segment of I'm Better Than You, Na Na Na Boo Boo, Stick Your Head In Doo Doo. Welven Da Great talks about being the face of Deez Nuts, and Subway meets with a new potential spokesperson.

S7 E18
★ 7.3

Car Jump Kid

Web Redemption for the Car Jump Kid. Daniel demonstrates why the Dutch earned the right to their own jump-roping technique, and he spends some quality time with his many children by challenging each of them to a wholesome beatboxing contest.

S7 E19
★ 7.2

Annie, Don't Fall

Daniel has a maritime affair with a girl who once suffered a nasty fall aboard a cruise ship. A skateboarding accident brings some unexpected sexual subtext to light, a young monk struggles to stay awake, and Daniel makes a few improvements to his church pew. Daniel also shows a dancer the right way to wear an elephant G-string, and he turns the camera on the studio audience, inspired by an online interview show that puts its guests on the spot.

S7 E20
★ 7.1

Vegan Guy

CeWEBrity Profile for the Vegan Guy. Daniel challenges the producers of erectile dysfunction meds to get with the times, and moralizes about a tonsil stone removal video and receives a stinky, new-agey treatment. He also interviews via web chat a guy who wraps tape around everyday objects on YouTube, and then, he goes adhesive-crazy on his staff.

S7 E21
★ 7.1

Rifle Kid

Web Redemption for the Rifle Kid. A naked Spider-Man gets freaky in his hotel room, Daniel looks to hire recent college grads fresh out of sorority life, and he subjects his staff to a wholly unhygienic teamwork exercise.

S7 E22
★ 7.3

Ladies' Night: A Female Empowerment Episode

On the Tosh.0 Ladies Night special episode, Daniel gives a Web Redemption for the Prom Stripper guy. The ocean puts a damper on two couples' marriage proposals, Daniel also celebrates a few celebrity marriages that were thankfully brief, breaks down three cases of people losing control of their emotions, and he sets up the perfect play date for a peanut-butter-covered baby.

S7 E23
★ 7.4

Kitten Play

A man shows off his malleable skull, a young woman who pretends to be a kitten during BDSM play gets a CeWEBrity Profile, and helps Daniel reboot a beloved cartoon. Daniel also presents a selection of videos that could go either way, in the segment called, "Is It Porn?".

S7 E24
★ 7.3

Sword Nose

Daniel performs plastic surgery on a man with a gruesome party injury, who gets a Web Redemption. A nerdy couple holds a "Star Wars"-theme wedding, and Daniel also goes down a YouTube rabbit hole after uncovering a mysterious video plea for help.

S7 E25
★ 7.1

Tosh Memorabilia Auction #2

A young woman gets caught in a surprise mosh pit, doctors remove an eclectic array of objects from within patients' bodies, and Daniel heads to Las Vegas to gamble the proceeds of the Tosh.0 prop auction.

S8 E1
★ 7.1

Pixee Fox

In the Season 8 premiere, Daniel unveils his most masculine wardrobe yet; profiles a plastic dream queen; and swipes material from a famous comedian.

S8 E2
★ 6.7

Fart Porn

A church youth group gets funky, a fart fetishist receives a visit from a genie, and Daniel pitches a terrible business idea on "Shark Tank."

S8 E3
★ 7.3

Tree Fall Kid

A crab gets hold of a knife, two Japanese wrestlers engage in a kissing battle, and Daniel finds a solution to the #OscarsSoWhite controversy.

S8 E4
★ 7.3

Food Reviewer

A jelly bean taste test ends poorly, a fast food critic samples exotic new cuisine, and Daniel endorses a strange and novel method of birth control for men.

S8 E5
★ 7.1

Men's Rights Lawyer

Two lizards get sexy on chaise lounges, a Filipino drag queen flops hard, and a teenager shows off her flatulence.

S8 E6
★ 7.0

Mini Bike Jump

Daniel redeems a biker babe who tried to kiss the sun (and got burned), plays the only game that rids the world of bigotry and hate, and reveals the sexiest thing since sliced bread.

S8 E7
★ 7.4

Rich Piana

A wheelie stunt goes as well as can be expected, Daniel hits the gym with an extreme bodybuilder, and a Maori wedding meets its match.

S8 E8
★ 7.1

Pee Lady

A Brazilian man tries to walk off a broken leg, a woman uses her own urine as a panacea, and Daniel finds a presidential candidate he can believe in.

S8 E9
★ 7.1


A volunteer gets kicked in the head during a karate demo, a man claims he can heal people with the power of his gaze, and Daniel seeks a solution to catcalling.

S8 E10
★ 7.2

Yotta Life

Daniel gets life lessons from a German party animal; delving into the video game industry; saying goodbye to Cabin Couture.

S8 E11
★ 7.1

Hillary in the House

Daniel redeems a very vocal Hillary Clinton supporter; terrorizes Broadway; fans get a chance to sign Daniel's yearbook

S8 E12
★ 7.0

Dr. Pimple Popper

Daniel receives help from Dr. Pimple Popper; he continues his domination of made-up world records.

S8 E13
★ 7.1


Daniel rides with Queenzflip, goes "frolfing" in his "froffice," and meets the man deemed the Vincent van Gogh of vaping.

S8 E14
★ 7.3

Tiamat the Dragon

Daniel enjoys the autumn mist with a magical dragon; revealing the true identity of the Pasadena Piper; saying goodbye to the worst prognosticator in all of sports.

S8 E15
★ 7.0

Bubble Hat

Daniel takes on the concussion controversy; wishing America a belated happy birthday; how to barbecue on a budget.

S8 E16
★ 7.6

Bond Girl

Daniel meets the grandmother of all Bond girls; finds a better use for plastic bottles; the release of the annual Tosh.0 Body issue.

S8 E17
★ 7.2

Three Cheese

Daniel redeems a personal chef; meets a guy with a message that the world needs to hear; stumps for a candidate named Boothead.

S8 E18
★ 7.2

Sex Doll Repairman

The life of a sex-doll repairman; proof that everyone is a critic; the ups and downs of being stuck in an elevator.

S8 E19
★ 7.5

Climate Change Comedian

Daniel tries his best make his staff tougher; Daniel wants to find out whether or not stealing from dead people is actually a crime.

S8 E20
★ 7.5

Where Are They Now? Pt. 4

Daniel tries his best make his staff tougher; Daniel wants to find out whether or not stealing from dead people is actually a crime.

S8 E21
★ 7.2

Anesthesia Girl

Daniel learns why anesthesia and camera phones don't mix; travels to Alabama; shares his DNA with the world.

S8 E22
★ 7.5

Randalin the PAWG

A girl battles a tree, a woman outsmarts a parking clamp, and Daniel gets personal with one of the biggest booties on the internet.

S8 E23
★ 7.3

Free Stud Service

Daniel comments on a pants-dropping dance video, interviews a man offering his sex services on the internet and gives an award to the worst town in the world.

S8 E24
★ 7.0

Super Human Stuntman

Daniel studies the art of toad stacking, interviews a teen stuntman and tries a dangerous new version of ping-pong.

S8 E25
★ 7.3

Food Surgeon

A woman gets too close to the finish line at a race, a stuntman takes on Orange County's swimming pools, and the creepy clown trend meets its match.

S9 E1
★ 7.3

Nut Shot Zach

A man busts his own balls, Tosh.0 fans troll a Comedy Central executive, and Daniel demonstrates what nine years of stealing office supplies can get you.

S9 E2
★ 7.4

Drone Wife Cheat

A dog trots out its prettiest outfit, a man takes the high-tech route while tailing his wife, and Daniel gets in a question at a White House press briefing.

S9 E3
★ 7.7

Blind Film Critic

Dinner theater turns avant-garde, Daniel talks movies with a critic who can't see, and a roof jumper suffers a major setback.

S9 E4
★ 7.7

Spiritual Tasha Mama

A communications director gets a little too handsy, YouTube's most prominent breastfeeder bares her soul, and an Alabama driver goes off-road.

S9 E5
★ 7.0

Mark V

A man gets friendly with a beehive, a music producer with dubious credentials shows off his crib, and Daniel loses to a girl.

S9 E6
★ 7.3

Blix the Merman

A guy who dresses up as a merman fields Daniel’s questions about his long-term plans and the ethics of dating two-leggers.

S9 E7
★ 7.3

Forever Leather

Suburban kids test the limits of a trampoline, a leather salesman speaks his mind, and Daniel takes down some local restaurants.

S9 E8
★ 6.9

Buff Correll

A little girl pisses off the wrong monkey, a gun safety trainer makes a fool of himself, and the rich stick it to the poor.

S9 E9
★ 7.2

Jedi Realist

Daniel discusses "Star Wars" with an intergalactic geek; awards the worst place in the U.S.; and watches animals experiment on each other.

S9 E10
★ 7.1

Football-to-the-Face Girl

Strange sights abound at the Thailand Piercing Festival, a college student takes a football to the face, and Daniel reveals some surprising behind-the-scenes secrets.

S9 E11
★ 6.9

Ricky Berwick

A young man finds a mischievous use for mustard, Daniel guest stars on a wild YouTube star's new TV show, and the Tosh.0 staff takes fidget spinning to the next level.

S9 E12
★ 7.1

Golf Fight

Two golfers get into an embarrassing fight, an army of naked women shows how to stage a protest, and Daniel throws himself a gender reveal party.

S9 E13
★ 7.7

Arrested for Pranks

A prankster gets in trouble with the law, a boy unleashes a blood-curdling battle cry, and Daniel reveals why you shouldn't shoot a refrigerator full of explosives.

S9 E14
★ 7.2

Singing Math Teacher

Daniel unveils some responsible drinking games and reminds us why alligators are dangerous, and a former math teacher channels his inner rock star.

S9 E15
★ 7.4

On Da River

A religious guy explains the mathematical significance of ketchup, a man has a rematch with a rope swing, and Daniel goes angling with the hosts of an unusual fishing show.

S9 E16
★ 7.7

Larry Enticer

Daniel shakes up summer pool parties, turns a sad little girl's frown upside down and welcomes a visit from Denim Danger.

S9 E17
★ 7.1


An extremely curvy man lubes up, a guy draws a penis with his voice, and Daniel sits down with a guru who eats air.

S9 E18
★ 7.2

Long Leg Girl

A dangerous new trend sweeps public golf courses, a raccoon turns out to be less than friendly, and Daniel works out with a woman who may have the longest legs in America.

S9 E19
★ 6.8

UCF Baseball Player

Daniel takes a tone-deaf pitcher out to a ball game, meets the internet's premier animal impressionist and discovers a new method to stop fights in the office.

S9 E20
★ 7.1

Tosh.Oh That's What They're Up To Now, Pt. 5

Coating a man in cinnamon turns out to be a terrible idea, a funeral gets the rave treatment, and Daniel catches up with Web Redemption recipients from years past.

S9 E21
★ 0.0

Zakar Twins

Daniel discusses foot care, sits down with Iraqi twin brothers Michael and Zach Zakar and gets his fashion choices shamed by his audience.

S9 E22
★ 7.4

Chop and Steele

Daniel sits down with a pair of fake fitness experts, puts his rope swing away for the winter and tries to seduce naked tree lovers.

S9 E23
★ 0.0

Tourette's Comedian

Daniel sits down with a comedian who has Tourette's syndrome, discovers a hypnotizing new sport and starts a height war with his fellow celebrities.

S9 E24
★ 0.0


Daniel taps into the psyche of a death-defying urban explorer, attempts a freestyle rap and discovers a new use for drones.

S9 E25
★ 0.0

Nino Brown

Daniel shows he's quicker than a bear, proves ketchup is good on everything and talks to Miami-based rapper and philosopher Nino Brown about women and grapes.

S10 E1
★ 0.0

Lili Hayes

Daniel reboots his show for Season 10 with a little help from Twitter, breaks down an epic butt-paddling video and chats with Instagram-famous grandma Lili Hayes.

S10 E2
★ 0.0

Bear Attack

Daniel tries a leisurely alternative to the Hot Coil Challenge, talks to a bear-attack survivor who went viral and looks at gross celebrity feet.

S10 E3
★ 0.0


Daniel meets a security guard who became an internet legend, reviews a daring convenience store crime and reveals the new sensation sweeping the country.

S10 E4
★ 0.0

Ticket Girl

Daniel delves into all aspects of the Internet, from the ingenious to the medically inadvisable.

S10 E5
★ 0.0

Rhoda on the Scene

Daniel finds out what happens when a girl gets stuck on an uncontrollable pony, profiles an amateur breaking news reporter and imagines himself piloting a damaged aircraft.

S10 E6
★ 0.0

Teenage Bitcoin Millionaire

Daniel looks at an elaborate emergency room proposal, tries to figure out Bitcoin with help from a teenage millionaire and recites all his Twitter followers from memory.

S10 E7
★ 0.0

Cussing Preacher

Daniel takes a gross-out milk prank too far, spreads the gospel of a foul-mouthed preacher and gets into a heated debate about "The Wizard of Oz."

S10 E8
★ 0.0

Knee Shred Girl

Daniel reveals his testicle-based side business, helps an injured cheerleader get redemption and gives himself a new look with the help of a face-changing app.

S10 E9
★ 0.0

Mr. E's Life Hacks

Daniel gives an expert life-hacker a makeover, sings theme songs to popular video games and tries to combat racism by threatening to call the cops on innocuous white people.

S10 E10
★ 0.0

Woah Vicky

Daniel tries to determine the race of a white woman who identifies as black. Also: Big Ass Baby gets in a fight at a baptism; and "Tosh.0" issues a public apology.

S10 E11
★ 0.0

Web Redemption Reunion Spectacular

Daniel catches up with a good Samaritan and "What What (In the Butt)" songwriter Samwell, hires a contemporary dance duo and gets inspired by an animal abuse protestor.

S10 E12
★ 0.0

Mack The Trans Wrestler

Daniel wrestles a trans athlete who was forced to compete outside his gender identity, gets tricked into thinking he's invisible and reveals which celebrities he'd cheat with.

S10 E13
★ 0.0

Paul Flart

Daniel meets a security guard who became an internet legend, reviews a daring convenience store crime and reveals the new sensation sweeping the country.

S10 E14
★ 0.0

Naked Hanging Artist

Daniel delves into all aspects of the Internet, from the ingenious to the medically inadvisable.

S10 E15
★ 0.0

Flat-Earth Rocket Man

Daniel helps an anti-abortion protester with a broken phone, meets a flat-Earther trying to launch himself into space and creates a celebrity messaging app to rival Cameo.

S10 E16
★ 0.0

Crying Mukbanger

Daniel meets an emotional on-camera eater, discovers which skills Iranian soldiers have and listens to complaints from Twitter users about the issues in their cities.

S10 E17
★ 0.0

Deafies in Drag

Daniel meets Deafies in Drag stars Selena Minogue and Casavina, reviews risque Halloween costumes and hosts a spooky seance.

S10 E18
★ 0.0

Adrenaline Junkie Chase

Daniel helps an adrenaline junkie OD; introduces the filthiest perverts on the Internet; and offers live, up-to-the-minute election results you can trust.

S10 E19
★ 0.0

One Hole or Two?

Daniel breaks down a video of a woman getting trapped on a car elevator, hosts a debate between two friends over the number of holes in a straw and endorses some new sports.

S10 E20
★ 0.0

Shot Girl

Daniel looks back at Season 10’s best moments, gives an update on the only college football team that matters and tries cutting through a dirt bike race.

S11 E1
★ 0.0

Hard Rock Nick

In the Season 11 premiere, Hard Rock Nick proves it's possible to hate the player and the game. Also: Daniel pulls a Felicity Huffman and ruins his fans' futures.

S11 E2
★ 0.0

Tirdy Works

Daniel Tosh delves into all aspects of the Internet, from the ingenious to the medically inadvisable.

S11 E3
★ 0.0

Pony Play

Daniel talks to a man who enjoys acting like a horse, makes the case for celebrating all birthdays on the same day and exposes celebrities without their makeup.

S11 E4
★ 0.0

Energy Drink Reviewer

Daniel meets a low-energy energy drink reviewer, explores the fine art of balloon popping and breaks down video of a man getting a "purple shower."

S11 E5
★ 7.0

Vape Bros

Daniel hangs out with a pair of vaping YouTubers; finds the saddest knight in the kingdom; and asks viewers to decide where to stick the knife in.

S11 E6
★ 0.0

Sneeze Guy

Daniel discovers the sexy side of sneezing; installs a state-of-the-art office security system that's 100% impenetrable; and finds out whether British people's road rage is as bad as their comedy.

S11 E7
★ 0.0

Big Arms Guy

Daniel meets a man with extreme extremities; chats with Canada's saltiest chip aficionados; and reveals the show's most questionable segment.

S11 E8
★ 0.0

Mom-Son Sex Podcast

Daniel breaks down a video of a daredevil with bad coordination, meets a mother and son who host a sex podcast, and attempts to set a record with crayons.

S11 E9
★ 0.0

Golf Girl Trick Shots

Daniel breaks down a video of a tipsy umpire, meets a golfer who does incredible tricks and reveals New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft's sex tape.

S11 E10
★ 0.0

ToshCon: Where Are They Now?

Daniel reunites with past guests at the inaugural ToshCon, interviews BYU's first openly gay valedictorian for a job and gives a special thank you to his fans.

S11 E11
★ 0.0


Daniel examines a swinging tattoo convention, tests social media star SteveWillDoIt's limits, talks sports in Around the Horn.0 and unveils the Aussie Viddie of the Weekie.

S11 E12
★ 0.0

Brother K

Daniel meets with "intactivist" Brother K, teams up with Dom Irrera to quiz a focus group about racist terms and examines a video of a dog dancing to an accordion.

S11 E13
★ 0.0

"I Eat Ass" Free Speech Defender

Daniel gets his staff fired up for tape day, interviews an ass-eating First Amendment protector, and is unnerved by videos of a man who pies himself in the face.

S11 E14
★ 0.0


Daniel reviews a college student's shocking night, meets a 12-year-old with a love for songs about video games, and reveals what it's really like to attend a live taping.

S11 E15
★ 0.0

Barsoap Guy

Daniel welcomes his best-smelling guest ever and wealth-shames young people on TikTok.

S11 E16
★ 0.0

Burping Girl

Daniel takes inspiration from a woman who sprayed milk from her breasts at a music festival, is taught how to slackline at the office and meets with a renowned burp fetishist.

S11 E17
★ 7.0

Super Bitch

Daniel looks at a gross way to maximize soup intake, meets a viral superhero with an anti-bullying message and watches parents traumatize their kids for Halloween.

S11 E18
★ 7.2

Pot Brothers at Law

Daniel breaks down a video of a father-son napping duo, meets two brothers who practice law and have a penchant for pot, and helps Todd Glass tame his prank show.

S11 E19
★ 7.6

Dumped Wife's Revenge

Daniel suffers an unfortunate pool-ball injury, sits down with a divorcee-turned-Instagram influencer and starts a podcast dedicated to trashing an old foe.

S11 E20
★ 0.0

2019 Year in Review

Daniel continues to carry the weight of the entire network, looks back at the most memorable moments of 2019 and helps the Hallmark Channel diversify.

S12 E1
★ 0.0

RIP Castro

Daniel explains ballistic trajectory, gives a heartfelt tribute to his departed dog, breaks down a zero gravity upchuck and has a virtual reality reunion with a deceased loved one.

S12 E2
★ 6.3

Rebecca Black

Daniel gets handsy during his COVID-19 test, sits down for a Tiny Desk concert with Web Legend Rebecca Black and tries to discern if items around the Tosh.0 office are actually cake.

S12 E3
★ 6.5

Trap Gardener

Daniel reacts to a painful horse run-in, gets unconventional gardening tips from viral plant enthusiast Freedella De Vil and takes inspiration from a Turkish chef's no-look cooking approach.

S12 E4
★ 0.0

Cat Food Reviewer

Daniel breaks down a video of a water buffalo rampage, interviews a YouTube cat food reviewer who doesn't own a cat and uses the power of energy healing to harass his staff.

S12 E5
★ 0.0

Bodybuilder Vs.

Daniel has unanswered questions about a flooded motel, interviews a man who's built up his body only so he can destroy it, and pitches a product to help public poopers.

S12 E6
★ 5.9

Popstar Nima

Daniel receives high tech communion, has coffee with an overtly sexual pop singer, and goes toe-to-toe with a viral painting star.

S12 E7
★ 0.0

Rax Roast Beef Guy

Daniel calls 911 regarding a superhero being "attacked" at a barbecue, meets a man obsessed with seasonal Halloween stores and reveals unexpected objects extracted from peoples' bodies.

S12 E8
★ 0.0

Nill the Cat

Daniel ensures proper COVID protocols are followed at a school dance, learns Siri's kinks, talks to a tech-savvy man who dresses like a cat and analyzes the 2020 U.S. presidential election.

S12 E9
★ 0.0

Ruairi Rap Reviews

Daniel cleans up the mess left by a viral pee video, introduces a 13-year-old rap critic to some classic tracks and shines a light on some celebrities' side gigs.

S12 E10
★ 0.0

The Masked CeWEBrity Singer

Daniel checks in with some musically challenged former guests to see how far they've fallen since being on the show, and he reminisces about 2020.

Season Average Rating Episodes Best Episode Worst Episode Rating Range
2 ★ 7.5 25
★ 7.7 David After Dentist
★ 6.7 Season 2 Web Reflections
1 ★ 7.4 16
★ 7.7 Billoon45
★ 7.1 Worst Best Man Speech
3 ★ 7.3 25
★ 7.7 Crying Wrestling Fan
★ 6.8 Brian Atene
4 ★ 7.3 25
★ 7.7 Spelling Bee Kid
★ 6.9 Worst Sketch Troupe (Sketchdemption)
9 ★ 7.3 21
★ 7.7 Blind Film Critic
★ 6.8 UCF Baseball Player
8 ★ 7.2 25
★ 7.6 Bond Girl
★ 6.7 Fart Porn
11 ★ 7.2 4
★ 7.6 Dumped Wife's Revenge
★ 7.0 Vape Bros
7 ★ 7.1 25
★ 7.5 High School Football Fan
★ 6.5 Buckcherry Wedding
5 ★ 7.0 25
★ 7.6 Angry Ginger Kid
★ 6.4 Redemption Reunion Spectacular: Where Are They Now?
6 ★ 6.9 25
★ 7.6 The Family Friendly Episode
★ 6.4 Ice JJ Fish
12 ★ 6.2 3
★ 6.5 Trap Gardener
★ 5.9 Popstar Nima